• Barlaston Parish Council
    Barlaston Parish Council

    Barlaston is an ancient parish and large village of Stafford overlooking the Trent valley

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/2024 Unaudited

Each year, the Parish Council’s Accounts for the previous year are subject to internal and then external audit.

The Parish Council is required to submit various documents to the external auditor for the accounts to be considered.

The Parish Council is required to make some documents available for inspection by the community and to publish the rights available to members of the community to inspect the accounts.

All of these documents can be accessed from the links below.

Audit documents 2023/2024

a) Annual Governance and Accountability Report

b) Explanation of Significant Variances

c) Bank Reconciliation

d) Audit Report

e) Asset Register March 2024

f) Draft Minutes 14 May 2024

Accessibility Regulations – The National Audit Office are aware the published scanned data is not compliant with current accessibility regulations

About Barlaston

Barlaston is an ancient parish and large village of Stafford overlooking the Trent valley.  The name is of Anglo Saxon origin and is derived from Beornwulfs town or estate.  Barlaston is the gateway to the Downs Banks – owned by the National Trust and offering approximately 160 acres of bracken-covered moorland forming an idyllic backdrop to Barlaston village.

Barlaston Parish Council is made up of eleven elected members who serve the community for a period of four years.  Meetings are held every month, with the exception of August, usually on the second Tuesday, in the Methodist Church.  The Chairman of the Parish Council is Paul Fisher and Vice-Chairman is Sue Tudor.

The agenda is published one week before the date of the meeting and is posted on notice boards around the village.  Residents are welcome to attend meetings and have a chance to speak at the Open Forum which is at the start of each meeting.  The minutes of the meeting are available on this website.

The Parish Council also employs a Clerk who attends all council meetings, takes minutes and deals with the day to day administration.

Staffordshire County Council acknowledges that town and parish councils are the level of local government closest to the people.  The Local Council Charter sets out the County Council’s aims to work in partnership with local communities.

Read Memories of my life 1920 – 46 Barlaston School and Village by Ernest J Hawkins by Ernest J. Hawkins

Read More Memories of  Barlaston by Ernest  J Hawkins by Ernest J. Hawkins

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