02 March 2021 – Minutes of the Barlaston Parish Council Planning Committee

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Cllr P Fisher (Chair)
Cllr S Tudor
Cllr E Philpott
Cllr D Bentley
Cllr C Hurst 

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)
3 members of the public

1  Apologies – No apologies were received.

2  Declarations of Interest – Cllr Fisher declared an interest in Planning Application 21/33736/FUL at Middleton Livery Yard.  Cllr Philpott to Chair the meeting for this application.

3  Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – there were no written applications for dispensation.

4  Minutes from 23 February 2021 were accepted as a true record.

5  Planning Application Reference 21/33736/FUL at Middleton Livery Yard and Riding Tuition Old Road Barlaston described as Erection of equine workers dwelling. Concerns were raised that:

(a) this development is in the green belt.

(b) if approved it could encourage ribbon development.

(c) no reference had been made to the Barlaston Neighbourhood Plan, which should be considered in line with the Stafford Plan parts 1 & 2.

(d) the documents were difficult to interpret online.

A Cllr noted under the NPPF guidelines, special circumstances may be considered under the essential need for a rural worker.

It was resolved to defer this application for further consideration.

6  Planning Application Reference 20/33547/HOU at 22 Flaxman Close Barlaston Stoke on Trent described as Proposed replacement garage with office space over. It was resolved to approve this application, however a clause to be added to the application to restrict any further development / conversion of the garage in the future.

7  Planning Application 21/33753/HOU at Woodstock 106A Longton Road Barlaston described as proposed balcony.  It was resolved to approve this planning application.

8  Stafford Borough Council Planning Application Validation Criteria – Consultation. The Clerk submitted a recommendation, it was resolved for the Clerk to submit this on behalf of Barlaston Parish Council.

Cllr Jones joined the meeting.

9  Date of next Meeting 13 April 2021