020419 Barlaston Parish Council Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Vice Chairman), Cllr I Moran, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr I Macmillan, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr S Hall, Cllr D Norman, Cllr V O’Dunne 

In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

7:15 – 7:30       Public Open Forum

500       Apologies – Cllrs Jones, Tudor and O’Dunne sent their apologies. It was resolved to accept these.

501       Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.

502       Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 There were no written applications for dispensation.

503       Minutes of full Council meeting of 5 March 2019. An amendment was requested with regards to item 256. It was resolved to accept this amendment.

504       Matters arising from the meeting of 5 March 2019 and not otherwise on the agenda

Barlaston Volunteers Car Scheme – 295 journeys have been undertaken this year compared to 237 last year.  There was a requirement to raise £100 to cover the Liability Insurance. A grant form will be submitted at the next Parish Council meeting.

Key themes 2018

574       Draft Neighbourhood Plan update

The Plan has been approved by Stafford Borough Council and has been submitted for referendum on 2 May 2019. It was noted that due to Purdah that the Parish Council may not be in a position to promote the plan. Clerk to check with the Monitoring Officer.

If successful, the Annual Parish Meeting on 23 May would be a good opportunity to celebrate.

256       Progress on projects and future works

A vote of thanks was given to Cllr Hurst for all his hard work on the car park. It was noted in the Autumn a bund will be required to stop people driving through the car park and into the ditch, this will be planted with a hedge.

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust are scheduled to undertake wildlife planting on Friday 5 April.

Tree Removal works are complete. It is anticipated a contribution will be made by the Upper House and the resident adjacent to the car park.

Planting to be scheduled

Damp patch investigative works have been undertaken. A drainage system is required to address the issue.

A meeting is scheduled with the Canal & River Trust on 4 April to discuss the resurfacing works.

Panels will be undertaken when all bins are in receipt. Clerk has asked Borough to change the bins and tidy these up. Need a plastic bin.

Ground works are being undertaken on 3 April

Asbestos removal has been completed.

Lighting of the carpark. We are still awaiting Stafford Borough to confirm when E-on will undertake the replacement of the light.

Street Scene are looking at adding CCTV cameras to address the littering.

It was proposed the dog bag dispenser, which was due to be installed along the canal be installed by the car park. It was resolved to accept this recommendation. A dispenser for the canal will be reconsidered once the resurfacing works has been undertaken.

Project Title Approved Budget Balance
Environmental Project
*Car Park Resurfacing £3350.00 £3350.00
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Works £250.00 £0.00
**Tree removal works £250.00 £0.00
Re-planting of species £750.00 £750.00
Village Green damp patch investigations £120.00 £0.00
Canal Resurfacing works N/A N/A
Replace 2 damaged panels £47.00 £47.00
Undertake ground works pre-car park £300.00 £300.00
Asbestos Removal £2100.00 £0.00
Tree Works / Removal – Village Green £856.00 £0.00
Drainage on upper village green £280.00 £280.00
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust – Wildlife Planting £200.00 £200.00
Removal of Ivy from trees N/A N/A
Lighting of Car Park N/A N/A
Rights of Way / Footpath adoptions – Upper house gate to be addressed by SCC.

Campaigns 2018

9           Speed Watch campaign update

14 sessions have been undertaken in 2019 up to 19 March. 192 vehicles recorded as speeding @ 35mph or above, that’s almost 7% of the total vehicles. Disappointingly, an increase on 5% figure in Q4 last year and last year’s overall average 6%. Probably linked to removal of temporary A-Frames now that we have permanent signs. Hopefully, position will improve again during the year. In the meantime, 40 recorded @ 40mph+ and 4 @ 50mph+. Interestingly, 27 vehicles (14% of those recorded) were from outside Staffs area.

Speed Watch Volunteers remain fully committed (thankfully) but it would be good to get some new people involved too.

Local PCSO (and possibly a Special too) will be joining us for a session on 12 April.

Police have been requested to undertake Speed Data Survey in 60mph zone of Wedgwood Drive. This follows a resident letter of concern. The aim is to get 30mph zone extended to at least encompass junction with Bell Lane. This has been highlighted by a serious accident in this area. This will not be a quick fix.

Frustratingly no real progress has been made with the Speed Indication Devices (SID’s) as Staffordshire County Council are not being as supportive as we’d envisaged. We have the grant; the Contractor has been assigned and the three sites approved. SCC has advised us the Contractors have to pay a fee of £350 per site to install the posts, however following a visit to Swinnerton Parish Council they were not requested to pay these fees. Clerk will liaise with Cllr Ian Parry to address this issue.

A question was asked whether 40mph and 60mph speed zones could be monitored; only the existing police-approved (30mph) areas can be monitored. Additional areas can be considered subject to further review.

182       MUGA update

The site is being monitored and generally deemed acceptable. The bolts on the fence need some adjustment but the spanners have gone missing. Clerk to address this.

5 Companies have been approached to quote for the works required to meet the ROSPA recommendation. Details awaited.

193       Joint Playing Fields Committee – Due to Purdah, a revised date of 18 May 2019 is recommended as there are financial implications. For information, Dicksons have quoted £400 plus VAT for the lease works, the Cricket Club will contribute £250.

195       WWI Commemorative poppy update – Where feasible these have been issued to the various households. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

287       Update on meeting with the County Council member for the area

2. Stafford & Rural Homes Planning Application Barlaston Park update – no report has been received regarding SRH. It was noted that the shop on Barlaston Park has now closed. It was noted the shop was a designated asset on the Neighbourhood Plan.

6. (Item 216) Library update – The new timetable for the mobile library van has been issued and publicised. No update has been received from the Methodist Church with regards to the use of one of the rooms.

351       Wayleave Agreement Upper House – Dicksons have advised a cost of between £200 – £300 to produce a legally binding document. A copy of the planning application 17/26397/ADV has been submitted to show the location and design of the sign. Due to Purdah it was resolved to postpone this item to the next Parish Council meeting.

357. Orchard Place car park update – SRH have installed a sign on both entrances to the car park. Time will tell whether this will have an impact. The shops are still experiencing walkers parking there. We could look at producing a map showing longer stay car parks. People could start parking on Meaford Road and Long Road.

373       Drainage issues on Old Road – No update has been received.

435       Village Show update – The Community group have arranged to hold a barn dance following the village show on 20 July 2019. The Church are holding their sermon on Sunday 21 July. The marquee is still free on Friday 19 July, the Show Committee have offered the available slot to various local groups in the village for fund raising activities, this has been declined.

436       HS2’s consultation update – No further information has been received.

438       Social Inclusion initiatives progress – It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

455       Canal bridges 99, 100 and 101 reported issues update – The Clerk and Cllr Hurst are scheduled to meet the Canal & River Trust on 4 April, this item will be added to the agenda.

456       Brindsley Avenue Practice Patient Group update – The Practice have been invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting unfortunately they are unavailable; however, a request was made for a statement which could be read out on their behalf.

462       Clothes bins to be sited by the Wildlife car park – These are now in situ. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

473       Barlaston Bus Service update – no response has been received.

484       Lakeside Tavern update – It was noted the Landlord has been successful in evicting the tenant who has now left the premises. His belongings are still on site however he is entitled to return to collect these.

486       To determine request for cabinet in the Ruth Dickson meeting room – this item is to be deferred to the next meeting.

487       30mph Speed Sign Tittensor Road – no update has been received.

490       Wedgwood initiative update – no update received.

497       Mans Shed initiative update – Man shed initiative. Clerk has provided a toilet and sink ready for reinstatement back into the rear of the Village Hall. Removal of the two sheds will cost in the region of £3900 as both are asbestos. Further quotations are required. It is anticipated works undertaken will be to address the maintenance of the assets in the village. The main initiative is to address men’s mental health issues, as such it is anticipated a grant could be obtained to pay towards these. Under the JCA report there was a recommendation to remove these.

505       Dog Bag Dispenser – It was resolved to place the dispenser by the car park. Once the works have been undertaken on the resurfacing of the car park, this will be re-visited. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

506       Free bus offer – it was resolved to decline the offer due to the maintenance and on-going costs associated. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

507       To determine action required to address vehicle pollution by Station Road crossing – two signs to be erected to turn engines off. The hedge needs planting, it was envisaged funds assigned to the Village Green could be utilised for this.

508       To note financial matters:

Commencement of external audit process – The internal auditor is scheduled to visit the Clerk to review the financial year finances. We are now in receipt of the external audit pack from Mazaar’s. The report and recommendations will be submitted to the Parish Council meeting in May.

Bank reconciliation details – It was resolved to accept these figures. A separate sheet was included detailing the previously approved earmarked reserves.

Cash flow and budget comparison – It was resolved to accept these figures.

Schedule of paymentsMarch 2019

Following the clearing of the shrubs on the car park, the initial delivery of aggregate was not sufficient to complete the works. It was resolved to suspend standing orders to approve the purchase of additional aggregate @ £750. The grounds maintenance contractor has purchased this on our behalf to ensure works are complete on time.

  NET VAT Cheque
Longcliffe Calcium Carbonate – Car park aggregate £660.00 £132.00 002456
Open Gardens – Grant application £500.00 £0.00 002457
SPCA – Audit & Annual Return Course £20.00 £0.00 002458
Mainwaring Roberts – Investigative Drainage work £120.00 £0.00 002459
Mark Maguire Limited – Asbestos Removal £2100.00 £420.00 002560
N&J Tree Services – Tree works Village Green £856.00 £171.20 002561
K St Leger Salary & Expenses £1043.04 £0.00 002562
HMRC PAYE / NI £205.92 £0.00 002563

509       Barlaston Park report – Dog posters were installed however the laminated sheets were not working. A different option is being looked at. As there was no representative from within the Park, it was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

510       Wedgwood report – Nothing to report.

511       Public Forum – No public were in attendance.

512       Borough Council member for the area – The Cllr is not in attendance.

513       County Council member for the area – The Cllr is not in attendance.

514       Planning Committee Recommendations

  • Planning Application 18/287/FUL Highfields Farm. Clerk confirmed a summary of acceptance has been issued to Stafford Borough Council. This has published on their website.
  • Planning Application 19/30020/FUL land rear of 67 Longton Road Barlaston – Erection of outbuilding to form residential annexCllrs would individually visit the site and forward comments to the Clerk.


    • Concerns were raised with regards to over development of the site; it was noted SBC had approved a 5 bed 2000 sq ft detached house on the adjacent land and have therefore set a president. The Parish Council were against garden grabs however this was noted as an annex and will obtain its services from the main dwelling.
  • Planning Application 18/29364/FUL – erection of single detached dwelling and garage at land adjacent to 104 Longton Road. It was noted Stafford Borough Council were undertaking a visit of the site on 26 March. No update has been received.


515       Weekly play equipment report – Replacement locking keys are required for the MUGA. Clerk to address.

516       Risk Assessment actions – Covered under 182

517       Asset List Repairs / Replacement – Floral boxes on the approaches to the village need addressing. A planter is also required for Cocknage. Cllr Fisher to approach the new grounds maintenance Company to see if they would sponsor these.

518       Correspondence and circulars – We received a letter including a £25 donation thanking the Voluntary Transport Scheme for their assistance. The cheque will be banked by the Parish Council and a grant will be issued to the transport scheme.

519       Questions from Councillors for inclusion on next month’s agenda

  • The Grounds Maintenance Contractors have mowed the grass using a new mower, which is a great improvement, however they have still missed areas off including Nursery Gardens, the land in front of the Duke of York and up to the 30mph speed sign past the cemetery. Clerk to report the issues.
  • Hartwell Lane water leak. The Clerk noted she had reported this on numerous occasions to both the County Council and the Water Authority. It was also reported to Stone Rural as the leak falls under their jurisdiction. The water is causing a hazard to motorists and concerns were raised with regards to ice in colder weather. Clerk to continue to chase

520       Dates for Next Meetings:

  • Annual General Meeting 14 May 2019 @ 7:30pm


  • Annual Parish Meeting 23 May 2019 @ 7pm