2 June 2020 Sole Trustee Meeting Minutes

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Cllr G Jones, Cllr P Fisher, Cllr I Moran, Cllr S Tudor, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr D Bentley, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr S Hall, Cllr I Macmillan, Cllr E Philpott 

In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk) 

1          Apologies – No apologies were received.

2          Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

3          Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no applications for dispensation.

4          Village Hall Schedule

  • It is anticipated the clock tower will be delivered w/e 12 June 2020. Upon arrival the roofer Ian Johnson will schedule the installation (date to be confirmed).  The clock will need a power source.
  • Replacement of Village Hall Garages
    1. Before the garage removal can be scheduled the Ivy and shrubs covering the Village Hall shed will be removed. The Parish Council resolved to approve the expenditure of £500 + VAT to get the works done.
    2. Due to the Wildlife & Countryside Act, works cannot take place to remove the shrubs from between 1 March – 31 August 2020. It was resolved to defer the works until early September.
    3. Clerk to liaise with the suppliers to see if they can commence the replacement of the Proscenium Players shed first, however this may incur additional costs.
    4. Works will be required to install aco drainage to address the flooding in the corner of the Proscenium shed, this will be scheduled in Phase II of the works.
  • Trenton Phase I – replacement of flat rooves etc.
    1. Cllr Fisher has been liaising with Trenton to push for the works to take place as a matter of urgency. Delays have occurred due to the storms which took place earlier in the year, then the pandemic lockdown (the roofing Company furloughed their staff).  They are now back at work and have confirmed they will arrange for a survey of the works to take place. A schedule will then be provided to the VHC.
    2. As part of the works, the Air Conditioning Unit will be removed; once the flat roof has been replaced, this will be reinstated. The cost is within the Trenton tender price.
    3. It was noted the air conditioning unit is still required; this is to minimise the condensation caused during the exercise classes. The Clerk to liaise with Heat 4 to see if this can now be linked to the heat management system and controlled remotely.
    4. Once the works are complete, the suspended ceiling can be replaced. This will be scheduled by the Village Hall Committee.
  • Trenton Phase II – drainage works
    1. Cllr Fisher to look at the drainage issues including the works required by the Proscenium shed.
    2. The collapsed drain by the tree to be repaired.
    3. These works, once complete will enable the Village Hall Committee to start looking at the internal floor repair works.

It was noted a schedule of works to be published to update members of the public

Date of Next meeting: 7 July 2020