Cllr P Fisher (Vice Chairman), Cllr I Moran, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr I Macmillan, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr D Bentley, Cllr D Norman, Cllr S Tudor, Cllr S Hall
In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)
7:15 – 7:30 Public Open Forum
48 Apologies Cllrs Jones and Philpot sent their apologies, it was resolved to accept these.
49 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest
50 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 There were no written applications for dispensation.
51 Approve minutes of the full Council Meeting of 4 June 2019 It was resolved to accept these as a true record.
52 Matters arising from the meeting of 4 June 2019 and not otherwise on the agenda
Key themes 2018
574 Neighbourhood Plan update – Training was undertaken by Urban Vision on 10 June 2019 and attended by multiple Parish and Town Councils. We are still awaiting training notes and slides which will be distributed upon receipt. It was interested to note if there is an LPA change the Neighbourhood Plan will need to change, the Local Plan changes will trigger this process. A budget will need to be set aside to address this issue in future.
We are also awaiting final confirmation from Stafford Borough Council with regards to the formal adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan following the successful referendum result.
256 Environmental Strategy for Phase II update
Environmental Project Phase I
Project Title Re-planting of species
Approved Budget £750.00
Net Balance £580.00
Project Title Replace 2 damage panels
Approved Budget £47.00
Net Balance £47.00
Project Title Staffordshire Wildlife Trust – Wildlife Planting
Approved Budget £200.00
Net Balance £200.00
Project Title Lighting of Car Park
Approved Budget £1500.00
Net Balance £1500.00
Environmental Project Phase II
Project Title Play equipment
Approved Budget £4000.00
Net Balance £4000.00
Rights of Way / Footpath adoptions – Upper house gate to be addressed by SCC.
One or two outstanding items are due to be completed, delays have been caused by wet weather. A tree at the top of the green has come down and needs tidying up. Seeding of the wet patch in the corner is due to be undertaken.
Hedge and pear tree planting will start in October in line with a seasonal planting. The plants have been reserved. A call for volunteers will be made when we are ready to plant and clear the areas.
A couple of bags containing wood cuttings etc have been moved to the old toilet block area out of the way, removal is scheduled. A chipper is required to dispose of the branches.
CCTV update on the car park – SBC are awaiting confirmation of the exact location of the fly tipping prior to installing the cameras, this is in hand. The Clerk has requested SBC go ahead with the installation of the new light; an update is required.
Footpath update – The Community Group have undertaken works on one of the footpaths and have asked about future footpath clearance. It was noted a Lengthsman budget is available and will be added to the Environmental Committee agenda. It was also noted that not all the footpaths come under the remit of the Parish Council, some are owned by Staffordshire County Council and Stafford & Rural Homes.
A report highlighting works required is to be communicated with the Clerk who will raise an order. It was resolved to accept this methodology.
Nursery Gardens – Although the hedge has been cut along the footpath, it has missed the bottom of the hedge due to the tractor flail head used. Arrangements need to be made to cut the hedge taking into account nesting birds.
Planters – A meeting to be scheduled to obtain the 3 self-watering planters.
Campaigns 2018
9 Speed Watch campaign update – There has been no update from the Police Coordinators; the monitoring was affected by bad weather over the last 4 weeks, things are now back on track with sessions being undertaken.
There are still frustrations with the installation of the 3 posts, Highways provided a permit to dig but didn’t provide the service plan data required by the contractor. They have now requested more accurate data for the siting of the posts. This data will be provided and forwarded to SCC in the next few days. The only benefit coming out of the delay is the supplier has confirmed the equipment cost has now been reduced, delivery will not take place until end of September due to oversees holiday schedules.
182 MUGA update – There has been no movement – we are awaiting for a quotation on weld works. The H&S signs are completed and need to be installed.
193 Joint Playing Field Committee update – A meeting was held on 15 June, the full details of the meeting to be deferred until the Parish Council meeting in September. It was noted the Cricket Club have agreed to pay Dicksons Solicitors the £400 plus VAT to complete the grant renewal as required.
It was noted the Cricket Club will be submitting an increased grant application for the fireworks event due to its size and popularity in the village, it was agreed the Parish Council would support the Cricket Club as this is a popular event for residents. Parking was a concern following last year’s event, it was proposed the Church be approached to see if this could be used, Clerk to investigate.
It was noted people were using the dog bag dispenser however they were leaving the used bags behind, possibly thinking they would collect later for disposal. Residents had commented positively on the availability of the bags around the village. It was noted the bags were biodegradable.
287 County Council member update
2. Stafford & Rural Homes Planning Application Barlaston Park
Due to the closure of the shop, a resident has reported difficulties obtaining the basic food items and is struggling. It was suggested the Parish Council could look to supplement a car via the Voluntary Transport Scheme one morning a week to take vulnerable older residents from Barlaston Park to the One Stop, Chemist or Premier. The cost would be in the region of £1.35 per journey and would only run while the shop remains closed. This would not be a door to door service but collecting residents from a designated location. It was noted the Voluntary Transport Scheme was short of drivers and needed more volunteers. We will need to ascertain the number of people affected; it was resolved to include the question in the questionnaire for Barlaston Park. Under GDPR personal details cannot be included. It was noted people in other areas in the village have access to the shops.
The other option was to see if the existing shops in the village could provide a mobile service to Barlaston Park. This was outside the remit of the Parish Council.
(Item 216) Library update – no update available.
351 Wayleave Agreement Upper House – no meeting has taken place.
357 Orchard Place / promotion of Station Car Park update – The printing is ready for collection; these will be distributed to the shops upon receipt.
There are a number of maintenance issues which need reporting to SARH to deal with including further damage to bollards, blocked drains and weeds. Clerk to action.
There is water ingress in the message board and damage to the planter. Clerk to investigate.
It was noted there had been a slight improvement in the parking since the signs were erected. There are a number of visitors attending the dentist across the road using the shops, the dentist needs to be informed and encourage their clients to use their car park.
436 HS2’s consultation update – A memory stick has been received containing the full consultation documentation. They attended Stone handing out maps showing local information.
455 Canal bridges 99, 100 and 101 reported issues – Clerk to chase with The Canal & River Trust for an update.
456 Brinsley Avenue Practice Patient Group update – Information was published in the Parish News. A meeting was held on 15 July, we have got 5 representatives from Barlaston on the Group. The Clerk and Cllr Moran are due to attend the Health & Care conference in Stoke.
473 Barlaston Park questionnaire update
Clerk submitted a draft questionnaire. Some of the items needed to be reviewed with regards to transport. It was resolved Cllrs Hall and Bentley would amend the questionnaire to be more relevant to the area.
507 Vehicle pollution initiative by Station Road crossing – The Clerk has ordered Idle Free Zone boards in hard plastic, these should be delivered imminently and installed.
8. Borough Council Planning Committee representative – Representative who sits on the Borough needs to liaise with the SLA on our behalf.
18 Office Accommodation – The Church have issued a formal offer letter, we are still awaiting receipt.
19 Fiskars contribution on the village green update – The Gardens from Chelsea and Chatsworth have been returned to Wedgwood. Although previous discussions with Fiskars were positive towards a contribution of plants to the village green, we did not receive anything and no response chasing updates were received which was disappointing.
34 (a) Cllr attendance at the monthly coffee mornings – Cllr Jones will be in attendance early; Cllrs Moran and Tudor will also be in attendance. This is the ideal opportunity for Cllrs to be visible in the village, ideally with a table stating Parish Council to ensure they are easily identifiable.
34 (b) Grounds Maintenance works update – Perennial Landscapes were contacted following complaints received at the Annual Parish Meeting, they did visit the village on the following Sunday and cut the grass around the village free of charge. They were aware some areas had been missed due to a shortage of manpower; this would not be repeated. They have since received a letter thanking them for the works undertaken.
It was again noted they had missed off the verge by Nursery Gardens.
There is an area opposite Meadow Road which has not been mowed for months. This is a SARH issue, the Clerk to add this on to the maintenance list for SARH to address.
34 (c) Staffordshire County Council on the junction between Longton Road and Station Road update – Reduce the number of signs to be limited, there are too many signs which is distracting. There is little money available for Highways Maintenance.
37 Nursery Gardens update – The grass issue is documented above. The poor condition of the footpath has been reported to SCC on a number of occasions, however on checking nothing appears to have been recorded. Clerk to look at addressing these issues.
There has been another incident of water theft in the village, this time from travellers. Severn Trent Water advised locals will be provided with brown water until the issue was resolved. There was also a water lorry seen in the area which appears to be an official water lorry but is possibly the same one responsible for previous water thefts. Clerk will post the information on the Parish Council Facebook Page.
38 Plume of Feathers annual party update – Parking on the grass was problematic, other parking issues encountered were vehicles parking on the bridge which meant road users were inadvertently backing up onto the level crossing.
53 Financial matters:
Audit – We have commenced the external audit; notification was posted on the PC website on Friday 28 June, the period of audit commenced on 1 July with the documents being couriered to Mazars today to meet their deadline of 5 July.
Budget – recommendation to realign the budget following the overspend at the end of the financial year. It was resolved to accept this recommendation.
Investment – The Clerk presented the latest figures from the CCLA fund.
Schedule of payments as follows:
(a) The payment schedule for June 2019 was accepted. Details as follows:
HRMC PAYE/NI NET 356.VAT 19 0.00 CHEQUE 002490
Perennial Landscapes – May Grounds Maintenance – INV-1868 NET 570.00 VAT 114.00 CHEQUE 002491
Perennial Landscapes – June Grounds Maintenance – INV-1950 NET 570.00 VAT 114.00 CHEQUE 002491
Perennial Landscapes – March Grounds Maintenance – INV-1712 NET 180.00 VAT 36.00 CHEQUE 002491
Stafford Borough Council – Inv 7070245068 – emptying of bins along the canal Jan – end June 2019 NET 585.00 VAT 117.00 CHEQUE 002492
Staffordshire Parish Council Association – Cllr Training Inv 19/217 NET 20.00 VAT 0.00 CHEQUE 002493
Society of Local Council Clerks – annual renewal NET 136.00 VAT 0.00 CHEQUE 002494
J Poultney – Renewal of planters inv 134 NET 200.00 VAT 0.00 CHEQUE 002495
K St Leger Salary & Expenses NET 1228.22 VAT 4.00 CHEQUE 002496
Rialtus Annual Software Support – Inv SM20271 NET 121.00 VAT 24.20 CHEQUE 002497
Stone Lions Annual Prostate Cancer Screening Grant NET 60.00 VAT 0.00 CHEQUE 002498
Barlaston Volunteers Car Scheme Grant NET 100.00 VAT 0.00 CHEQUE 002499
Barlaston Brownies Grant for rebranding NET 200.00 VAT 0.00 CHEQUE 002500
1st Barlaston Guides Grant NET 750.00 VAT 0.00 CHEQUE 002501
Barlaston Rainbows Grant for rebranding NET 200.00 VAT 0.00 CHEQUE 002502
The Tasty Pantry Catering (replaces cheque 002487) NET 280.00 VAT 56.00 CHEQUE 002503
BHIB Insurance Policy NET 979.VAT 65 0.00 CHEQUE 002505
(b) Play Equipment proposal, it was resolved that item 256 phase II on the environmental project was accepted following the suspension of standing orders.
The installation must meet relevant H&S guidelines, Clerk to distribute the Wild Play Toolkit detailing the methodology on how you implement a wild play area. A plan is required from the supplier before a purchase order is raised.
Some work is required before we progress the main element of the project, however it is imperative this does not hold things up. The surface of the old toilet block is the main concern and will need to be made safe.
Time frames have moved on, this needs to be done this year and fully installed within the next few months (completed Sept / October). A method statement to be presented to the September meeting. The Environmental Committee to identify works and make relevant recommendations, Cllr Fisher will oversee this element.
Once complete, the play area will be added to the Parish Council’s RoSPA inspection programme.
(c) JCA Financial Report Actions
A tender document will need to be produced detailing the works to be undertaken by the Parish Council, believed to be in the region of £15k. These works need to be undertaken as a matter of urgency and funds coming out of this year’s budget. Internal tenant works to be undertaken by the VHC. It was resolved to accept this proposal. Cllr Fisher to oversee the methodology.
(d) The public and press to be excluded from agenda item 39(d) – the item for discussion is confidential and exempt as defined in Schedule 12 of the Local Gov Act 1972.
The Parish Council resolved to accept the recommendation for the enrolment of Karen St Leger into the LGP scheme from 1 April 2019.
54 Grant application requests – It was resolved to accept the following grant applications:
• Barlaston Volunteers Car Scheme @ £100
• Barlaston Brownies @ £200
• 1st Barlaston Guides @ £750
• Barlaston Rainbows @ £200
55 Borough Council member update – no report received
56 County Council member for the area – no report received
57 Planning Committee Recommendations – There were no planning applications
58 Weekly play equipment report – No problems were reported. Mr Dodd has agreed to meet Cllr Bentley, date to be confirmed.
59 Risk Assessment actions – No risks were identified
60 Correspondence and circulars
(a) The Couple who used the Village Green as part of their wedding celebrations wished to thank the Parish Council.
(b) The Parish Council are holding a Dementia awareness talk Tues 16 July @ 2:30pm Barlaston Village Hall in an attempt to make Barlaston dementia friendly
61 Questions from Councillors for inclusion on next month’s agenda
(a) Cllr Bentley has expressed an interest in attending the Staffordshire Prepared Meeting on 1st September.
(b) Barlaston Park have requested the Civic Amenity visits are increased (Dan Bentley proposed)
(c) The Village Show Committee have requested the Parish Council attend to show the initiatives being worked on e.g., Speed Watch / Health / Voluntary Transport.
(d) Meadow Green Road – Land ownership / grounds maintenance issues need addressing
62 To note date of Next Meeting:
• Parish Council Meeting 3 September