L01-20 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020
All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Annual General Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church, Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on 3 May at 7:15 pm. An agenda for the meeting is set out below.
Mrs K St Leger 20 April 2022
1 Welcome and introductions
The retiring Chairman to welcome those present
2 Barlaston Parish Council/Declaration of Office
Councillors to declare any interests in accordance with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 in relation to this meeting.
3 Apologies
4 Election of Chair
- To elect the Chairman for the forthcoming year
- The Chairman to sign the Declaration of Office form
5 Election of Vice Chair
6 Formation of working groups
- Finance Committee
- Chairman
- Committee Members
- Planning Committee
- Chairman
- Committee Members
- Environmental Committee
- Chairman
- Committee Members
- HR Committee
- Chairman
- Committee Members
- Sole Trustee Barlaston Village Hall
- Chairman – Shall be the Chairman of the Parish Council
- Parish Council representatives on the Village Hall Committee (to be determined by the Sole Trustee)
- Committee Members (Sole Trustee) shall be the Parish Council
- Joint Playing Fields Committee
- Representative on the School of Governors
7 Banking arrangements
To agree the ‘banking arrangements’ for the year and to agree any changes to the nominated signatures
8 Risk Register
To approve the Risk Register dated 31 March 2022
9 To determine date for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the Year ending 31 March 2022
10 Budget Details for Financial Year 2021/2022
11 To determine adoption of the Asset Register dated 31 March 2022
12 To resolve / amend / adopt Parish Council governing documents:
- Standing Orders
- Financial Regulations
- General Data Protection Regulation Policy
- Equality Policy
- Document Retention Schedule
- Risk Management Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Code of Conduct for Members
13 Conclusion of Meeting