04 July 2023 – Barlaston Parish Council Meeting

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All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Parish Council Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church. Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on.4 July 2023.  Meeting to commence at 7:15. An agenda for the meeting is set out below.


Mrs K St Leger
28 June 2023


7:15 – 7:30     Public Open Forum (by prior appointment). Please contact the Clerk if you wish to participate in the Public element of the meeting. If no requests are received, the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7:15 pm

  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
  4. To approve minutes of the Annal Parish Council Meeting 6 June 2023
  5. Matters arising from the meeting of 6 June 2023 and not otherwise on the agenda

Updates covered in the Clerk’s Report:

92         Highway matters

161       Wedgwood Memorial College

195       Lease of Meadow Road land

214       Renewal of the Cricket Club Lease

221       Neighbourhood Plan review grant

119       Replacement noticeboard on Barlaston Park

134       Bus stop shelter outside Orchard Place / Barlaston Park

135       Drainage issues on the green (below the war memorial)

7          Banking Arrangements (deferred)

20         Upgrade of SID devices to Solar

21         Flashing Speed Sign / Crossing Patrol Officer

54         To determine actions to reduce dog fouling on the Cricket pitch

59         Use of Personal email addresses

Reports from Councillors:

133       Implementation of electric charge points in the village (deferred) 

  1. To receive updates and determine actions regarding the following Committees:
  • Environmental Committee

Signage for the Wild Green following installation of new items (deferred)

  1. To note financial matters:

            (a) To approve bank reconciliation reports

            (b) To receive schedule of payments report June 2023           

Expenditure – Standard NET VAT Payment
K St Leger – Salary / Expenses 1162.05 0.00 BACS
Staffordshire County Pension 389.21 0.00 BACS
Buxus Green – Inv202306– June Grass Cutting 1,050.00 0.00 BACS
HMRC – NI / PAYE 427.78 0.00 Cheque
Zoom – Video Conferencing Inv 2000162221 12.99 2.60 BACS
Derbyshire Assoc of Local Councils – Tree Training – inv SI-3854 280.00 0.00 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Quarterly bin emptying – Inv 7070292682 361.90 72.38 BACS
Barlaston Cricket Club Grant – Smoking Bin 74.96 0.00 BACS
P Fisher – Chairman’s Allowance 300.00 0.00 BACS
P Fisher – Travelling Expenses 82 miles @ £0.45 mile 36.90 0.00 BACS
Staffordshire County Council – Quarterly Allotment Charge 1000106473 300.00 0.00 BACS
BT – Inv– Broadband Inv MM045 2A 15.18 3.03 DD
J Poultney – Planter refresh 475.00 0.00 Cheque
Pozitive Energy Gas inv 26181820233501147 99.28 4.96 DD
Pozitive Energy Electricity Inv 26181620233502420 117.41 5.87 DD
Income NET VAT Payment
Barlaston Village Hall – Utility Invoice 1906.08 0.00 BACS
Community Link Staffordshire – Return of duplicate payment 153.00 0.00 BACS
Staffordshire County Council – Grass Cutting Grant 3320.00 0.00 BACS
  1. To consider the level of increase in precept for 2024/25 to accommodate known projects / events including:
    • New Assets (bus shelter(s)) etc
    • Barlaston Parish Council 130th Anniversary Event
    • Meadow Road play equipment (subject to successful lease)
    • Neighbourhood Plan Review consultancy fees
  2. To receive update on Village Hall Porch tender
  3. To determine co-option process of Councillor vacancy
  4. To determine process / timetable regarding appointment of replacement Clerk including formation of an interview panel
  5. To determine recipient for the Wedgwood Bowl
  6. To determine inscriptions and costings for the Chairman’s Chain of Office and possible Chain of Office for the Vice Chairman.
  7. To receive Lakewood Drive update.
  8. To note the departure of the Landlord & Landlady of the Duke of York.
  9. To determine if an August meeting is required.
  10. To receive Risk Assessment updates and determine actions:
  • Rialtas Cloud – Training date to be agreed
  • Resilience training to cover office duties
  1. To receive updates on and determine grant application(s)
  • To determine level of financial support for Brinsley Avenue Coffee morning and Monthly Barlaston Methodist Church coffee morning.
  1. To note Planning issue(s) and outcomes
  2. To receive items for inclusion in next agenda
  3. Date of next meeting(s) – 5 September 2023
