07 February 2023 – Barlaston Parish Council Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr C Hurst, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr D Borasinski, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Dando

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

One member of the Public was in attendance.

Public Open Forum

7:15 – 7:30     Public Open Forum – no members of the public were in attendance.

  1. Apologies – Cllrs Bentley, Tudor, Philpott and Hemmings sent their apologies, it was resolved to accept these.
  2. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.
  4. Parish Council Meeting 10 January 2023 – The minutes were accepted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.
  5. Matters arising from the meeting of 10 January 2023 and not otherwise on the agenda

The Clerk issued a report covering the following. It was resolved to accept the report and recommendations (appendix A)

92         Highway meeting

95        Parish Strategy

160       Planting of trees in Barlaston initiative / Installation of hedge Downs Car Park

161       Wedgwood Memorial College

195       Lease of Meadow Road land

214       Renewal of the Cricket Club Lease

221       Neighbourhood Plan review grant

80        Installation of power at Orchard Place

101       Installation of the CCTV camera at the Downs Car Park

103       Hedge cutting on the Village Green

119       Replacement noticeboard on Barlaston Park

134       Bus stop shelter outside Orchard Place

135       Drainage issues on the green (below the war memorial)

136       Purchase of Tommy Figures / Poppies for next year’s Remembrance Service

151       Request for 101 bus to continue to Meaford Road

Reports from Councillors:

120       Damaged caused by fallen tree by the Downs Car Park – There is still no update with regards to the provision of a replacement tree. Cllr Hurst to chase.

133       Implementation of electric charge points in the village – It was resolved for the Clerk to liaise with the Upper House regarding the provision of their charges. It was also noted a charger had been installed in the car park at the Windmill at Rough Close, Cllr Borasinski will investigate.

150       Lampposts Old Road – It was resolved for the Clerk to liaise with the County Council to determine why the two posts were removed previously, and see if these could be reinstated. 

  1. Committees updates:
  • Environmental Committee

a. willow structure (deferred)

b. Signage for the Wild Green following installation of new items (deferred)

c. Staffordshire County Council have offered to fund a further grass cut before end March 2023 if acceptable by the Parish Council. Buxus Green can accommodate this. It was resolved to accept this recommendation.

  • Finance Committee

The Clerk to liaise with the Finance Committee to set a date for budget setting for 2023/24. 

  • HR Committee 
  • Entertainment Committee

Cllr Jones expressed concerns that any funding from the Village Show Committee should not be passed to the Parish Council as it was a separate entity, and should the Show Committee be resurrected the funding should be retained to fund this.  It was resolved for him to liaise with the Committee to determine what happens to these funds and the Committee moving forwards. It was also noted the trophies presented at the last Village Show event had not been returned. The Clerk noted she was in receipt of all the paperwork relating to this Committee and would like to hand this over to ensure the Parish Council were not in breach of GDPR guidelines.

  1. To note financial matters:

            (a) Bank reconciliation reports  – these were accepted as a true record.

            (b) Schedule of payments report January 2023 – these were approved and accepted as a true record. 

Expenditure – Standard NET VAT Payment
K St Leger – Salary / Expenses 1,229.89 0.00 BACS
Staffordshire County Pension 436.24 0.00 BACS
Buxus Green – Inv 202314 – January Grass Cutting / Planting works 1400.00 0.00 BACS
Zoom– Video Conferencing INV186015469 11.99 2.40 DD
BT – Inv– Broadband Inv M041 NM 28.98 5.79 DD
Pozitive Energy Gas inv 26181820232729735 547.62 109.52 DD
Pozitive Energy Electricity Inv 26181620232684447 174.55 8.73 DD
TonerGiant Inv TJRJXA – Toner Cartridge 62.99 12.60 BACS
Noticeboards Online – Double door post mounted noticeboard Wedgwood 2495.00 499.00 BACS
Boultons Inv 008420 – Bedding plants Wild Play / Downs Car Park 231.00 46.20 BACS
Canprint – Inv 32921 – 200 A5 flyers – parking at Orchard Place 25.00 0.00 BACS
Graham Burdett – Inv 100123 – Repair foot bridge Wild Play Area 55.00 0.00 BACS
CPRE – Grant s137 50.00 0.00 PAYPAL
Community Transport – Inv 7635 – December Coffee Morning 153.00 0.00 BACS
CanPrint Inv 32963 – Village Hall Printing (to be recharged) 105.00 21.00 BACS
CanPrint Inv 32995 – CCTV Boards Downs Car Park 145.00 29.00 BACS
Kings Wood Tree Care – cherry picker re CCTV camera inv. KWTC0011 300.00 0.00 BACS
Income – Standard NET VAT Payment
Village Hall – Inv 620 – Gas / Electricity re-charge 1,343.23 0.00 BACS
  1. Grounds Maintenance / Lengthsman Tender – The documents have been issued to five companies who expressed an interest in tendering. The Closing date is 3pm on Wednesday 22 February 2023.  Hedge cutting on the main green and grass cutting on Meadow Road have been included.
  2. Tree at Orchard Place – It was resolved to defer this item.
  3. Noticeboard for Barlaston Park – It was determined the board be painted green. It was noted Fiskars had not come back to confirm details with regards to planning permission.
  4. Parking of the Library Bus on Station Road – The bus now parks by the bus stop on Station Road and is working well.
  5. Adoption of the following Policies / notices / Forms
    • CCTV Policy
    • Subject Access Request Form
    • Freedom of Information and the Model Publication Scheme
    • Retention and Disposal Policy
    • Information & Data Protection Policy
    • Privacy Notice

It was resolved to accept these policies, the Clerk to ensure these are published on the web.

  1. Duke of York as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) and Community Right to Bid – Cllr Hurst has been liaising with the current Landlady of the pub who has advised the brewery have not specified what is happening once they leave, she will keep the Parish Council updated.
  2. Risk Assessment updates and determine actions
  • Pavement on the green adjacent to the War Memorial – details of the work required have been obtained, the Clerk to submit these to local companies for quotations.
  • Rialtas Cloud – Training date to be agreed (deferred)
  • MUGA improvements – still no update has been received.
  • Tree stump on Park Drive – Highways note this is an issue, however it will be added to their forward planning schedule. Ref 4305279 refers.
  1. Grant application(s)
    • Dougie MacMillan @ 500.00
    • Barlaston Guides room hire @ £765.00 (34 – 36 meetings per annum)
    • Wedgwood Cricket Club Juniors – £200 (Support for inter-school cricket tournament)

It was resolved to approve these applications.

  1. Planning issue(s) and outcomes

22/35698/HOU at The Cottage, The Green, Barlaston – The planning application has been rejected by the Local Planning Authority

22/36422/HOU at 1 Meaford Road Barlaston Stoke on Trent – The planning application has been withdrawn

22/36917/FUL at Chelston 19 Old Road Barlaston described as variation of condition 2 (plans) and 4 (balcony) on 20/33005/HOU: Proposed extensions and alterations. The Parish Council have submitted a rejection with regards to the variation to the planning application (based on impact on neighbouring properties)

  1. Items for inclusion in next agenda
    • Grant for Stone Lions prostate campaign scheduled to take place 25 April 2023
    • Lighting at Orchard Place to address safety concerns adjacent to the Chemist
    • Damaged Bollards at Orchard Place
    • Grant application from the Barlaston Bowls Club
  2. Date of next meeting 7 March 2023


Appendix A

Clerk’s Report February 2023

92       Highway Meeting – 23 January 2023

A Teams meeting took place including the Clerk, the Parish Council (PC) Chairman Mr Paul Fisher, County Cllr Ian Parry, The Police & Crime Commissioner Mr Ben Adams and David Williams, Highways representative Staffordshire County Council.

Safety issues were discussed including speeding on Meaford Road, Station Road and Old Road.  Although the figures provided by Speed Watch appeared to highlight excessive speeding, the number of incidents didn’t highlight a specific problem, it was one or two drivers breaching the limits. Now Meaford Road was open, Mr Adams resolved to implement a new trial initiative to try to address these issues. He thanked Mr David Norman for keeping him updated with issues.

With regards to the issues on Station Road, Mr Fisher complained it had been over 3 years since the PC offered to pay for 20MPH flashing signage to highlight there was a school crossing, this issue has been exacerbated due to the fact a replacement crossing patrol officer has not been appointed.  Cllr Parry resolved to pick this up as a matter of urgency.

The signage at the junction of Longton Road / Station Road was deemed to be a safety issue by the PC, but designated safe by the SCC Safety Officer, Cllr Parry resolved to escalate this as it was clearly dangerous.

Discussions took place with regards to implementing chicanes to deter visitors from using Barlaston as a cut through, however Mr Williams advised there was no funding available from SCC to pay for any initiatives.

The meeting concluded with Mr Adams advising the meeting he would liaise with Cllr Parry with regards to updates, who in turn would feed back to the Parish Council.

It was noted the Speed Van was seen on Meaford Road on Sunday 5 February 2023.

95        Parish Strategy update.

Cllr Hemming has been working on the 4 pillars which make up the agreed strategy, he is looking to use the Annual Parish Meeting on 30 May to launch the strategy to the Parish once approved by the PC. Roles / responsibilities to be defined along with aligning the budget.

160       Barlaston tree initiative

Unfortunately due to inactivity of the School, the Canal & River Trust have diverted the trees retained for Barlaston to another location.  They will look to reengage with the School once a replacement Head Teacher has been appointed.

In the meantime, the Deputy Head has expressed an interest in working with the PC. A meeting date is to be confirmed. Once the strategy has been agreed we can apply for funding.

CPRE requested details of land which can be used for planting, details of the Upper House land has been submitted.

Further grants are being sought.

Hedge at the Downs Car Park – 400 native species hedge plants have been planted. Works are now complete.

161       Wedgwood Memorial College

We have received a pre-planning consultation document and design plan from Elan Homes Limited. To ensure this meets the details contained within the ‘Lichfield Plan’ which was adopted by the PC as part of the Neighbourhood Plan, the recommendation would be to request our Planning Consultant to review the information and submit a formal response accordingly.

195       Land at Meadow Road lease

a request has been submitted to Stafford Borough Council for an update, no response has been received to date.

214       Cricket Club Lease

Elements of the draft lease document still refer to the old lease.  As it was determined this would be a new lease commencing 1 January 2023 for a 40 year term, the document has been forwarded to Dicksons Solicitors to review and quote with regards to making the necessary amendments. The Cricket Club have been updated accordingly.

221       Neighbourhood Plan review

Due to time constraints with regards to applying for a Neighbourhood Plan grant, the Clerk has approached Urban Vision to ascertain what it would cost for them to undertake the grant application on behalf of the PCl.  We await their response. It may prove more cost / time effective to take this route as applications need to be in before end March 2023.

We need to understand what impact the proposed Wedgwood Memorial College site build will have on the Neighbourhood Plan moving forwards.

80        Installation of power at Orchard Place 

Installation of the brick built cabinet needs installing first. Mr Graham Burdett has conformed he can make the unit which will house the meter, a formal quotation is awaited.

We will need to procure an E4 cabinet from Enviro Engineering @ £559.  I am in communication with National Grid with regards to proceeding with the project.

101       CCTV camera update at the Downs Car Park.

Cllr Hurst installed the relevant CCTV notices; the Borough Council’s electricians connected the camera on Thursday 2 February which have been tested by WCCTV who have confirmed they are now live.  Training has been scheduled for Wednesday 8 February, until which time the Clerk will not be reviewing any data.

To ensure legal compliance, an up-to-date CCTV policy and data protection impact assessment needs to be in place and published on the web prior to the system going live, the Clerk, in conjunction with the Chairman approved Data Protection Enterprise Limited to undertake the works at a cost of £125.00, following Financial Regulations 4.1.

It is noted however that further policies will be required including:

    • Privacy Notices
    • Data Protection Policy
    • Data Retention Policy
    • Freedom of Information Policy
    • FOI Publication Scheme
    • Subject Access Policy and Procedure
    • Information Security Policy
    • Information Sharing Policy

See agenda item 167 to determine further actions.

103       Hedge cutting on the Village Green

This has been included in the Grounds Maintenance / Lengthsman tender.

119       Replacement noticeboard on Barlaston Park 

see item 166 on the agenda.

134       Bus stop shelter outside Orchard Place

The fabricator has recommended the structure to consist of four posts and a Perspex shatterproof roof to ensure it is weather resistant.  As the seating is duel aspect, no sides to be added.  The cost is in the region of £5,680.  However, before works are commissioned, we need to determine if planning permission is required, and approval from the County Council to install this, which may incur a licence to plant fee.

135       Drainage issues on the green (below the war memorial) 

Cllr Hurst and Mr Chris Roberts removed multiple buckets of silt from the drain and rodded it to ensure water was now free flowing.  Mr Roberts recommends the following: to reduce the impact of water overflowing in the future removing earth from the mound and levelled off; area to be seeded; a monthly inspection to be undertaken and where required rodding / clearing to take place, this will determine how often the drain needs to be cleared on an annual basis for budget purposes. The Cost of levelling would be £150 for a day plus the cost of seed.  He would undertake the drain inspections free of charge, if works are required he will update us accordingly.

Mr Roberts has recommended the ditch above the Lea be dug out to a length of approx. 20m and a replacement metal grid be installed.  This will improve the flow of water across Station Road.  A formal quotation will be submitted.

136       Purchase of Tommy Figures / Poppies for next year’s Remembrance Service

The Royal British Legion have issued a pro-forma invoice, procurement can now take place.

151       Request for 101 bus to continue to Meaford Road 

A request has been submitted to the bus Company to divert the bus off the A34 onto Meaford Road.  We are awaiting a response.