1 June 2021 – Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

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Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr D Bentley (Vice Chairman), Cllr C Hurst, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr J Dando, Cllr S Tudor, Cllr A Hemming, Cllr G Jones 

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

7:15 – 7:30    Public Open Forum

There were no public in attendance.

26        Apologies – Cllr Adams-Elsmore sent her apologies; it was resolved to accept these.

27        Barlaston West Ward Vacancy – Mr David Borasinski made representation to the Parish Council following which he was asked to adjourn whilst the Parish Council reviewed his application. The Parish Council resolved to invite Mr Borasinski to join the Parish Council whereby he subsequently signed the acceptance of office form which was witnessed by the Clerk. The Parish Council are now up to the full complement of 11 councillors.

28        Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

29        Written applications for dispensation under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.

30        Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 11 May 2021 – it was resolved to accept these as a true record.

31        Matters arising from the meeting of 11 May 2021 and not otherwise on the agenda

22        Neighbourhood Watch schemes update (deferred)

175      Village Green drainage works – Cllr Hurst gave an overview of the works required in line with the recent visit to the village green. Drainage issues at the top of the green by the wicket gate was previously approved at £600.  Addressing the outfall by the Lea would be £560. To address the issues around the Wild Play area would be in the region of £1300 which will cover the cost of labour and materials.  With regards to the exploratory works on the green, it is envisaged works would take approximately 5 days @ £150 per day which included the cost of the plant hire and labour, total £750.  Works on the main green to be deferred until after the Thank You event on the green scheduled for 31 July 2021.  Works on the Wild Play area to commence after 1 August 2021.

It was resolved to accept the estimates, however the works undertaken to be defined.

It was noted Severn Trent had installed a new manhole cover on the green by the Vicarage. The pipe goes up Longton Road and is a foul water sewer, therefore the surface water cannot be diverted into this drain.

It was noted two pipes converged by the tree in front of the Old School House, however, there appears to be no outflow which is exacerbating water flowing onto the green and Station Road.

The Clerk to find out from Highways when works are due to take place to flush out the gullies under Station Road.

32        Approved dates for the committee meetings:

  • The Finance Committee – Cllr O’Dunne will come back to the Parish Council with dates.
  • The Environmental Committee – It was resolved to hold a meeting before the ‘Thank You’ event 0n 31 July 2021.
  • It was recommended to have a separate sub-committee to address the Play Area at the back of Meadow Road. The Clerk advised she had approached the Borough Council to see if the land was still available, however she has not received a reply to date. The Chairman asked Cllr Jones to approach the Borough Council to see if he can find out the current situation.
  • Joint Playing Field Committee – The Clerk to liaise with the Cricket Club to determine a date.

33        HR Committee – The Chairman recommended the formation of a HR Committee following National Association of Local Council’s and the Society of Local Council Clerks advice, to be made up of approximately 3 Councillors.  Cllr Tudor expressed an interest; the Chairman advised he would form part of the Committee and asked Cllr O’Dunne if she would also be on the Committee having worked on the appraisal of the Clerk, she was happy to take part. The Chairman would review the structure and scope and come back to the Parish Council for approval.

34        The Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the Year Ending 31 March 2021

The Clerk forwarded the Annual Internal Audit Report 2020/2021 along with their recommendations. It is noted the action points raised had already been addressed i.e., the Parish Council had signed off the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 11 May 2021, along with signing off the new risk register and were on the Parish Council website.

  • Annual Governance Statement Approval – The Parish Council resolved to approve the statement, this was duly signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council and the Clerk.
  • Accounting Statements 2020/21 approval – The Parish Council resolved to approve the Accounting Statement and was duly signed by the Chairman.

It was noted the appointment of date for the exercise of public rights to commence on 14 June 2021 and conclude on 23 July 2021.

35        Clerk’s report – The Clerk issued her report.

36        Nomination for the Barlaston Cemetery Chapel Project – The Clerk advised the Parish Council were not permitted to contribute to the maintenance of a religious building. However, it was felt as this was an open meeting and any member of the Parish Council wishing to attend could do so as a member of the public. The meeting is to take place on Wednesday 30 June 2021 at 7pm at St John’s Church.

37        Planning Application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road update – the Clerk advised the decision by the Local Planning Authority was due to be published on 30 June 2021, however this has been postponed and no new date has been forthcoming.

38        The format date and expenditure for the ‘Thank You’ event.  The Clerk submitted a spreadsheet showing the initial proposal and date for the event.  Due to limited availability of marquees, the only date available between July and August was 31 July 2021, the Clerk had reserved the following pending approval from the Parish Council.

  • Marquee £1200
  • Marquee Floor £816
  • Tables @ £4 each (number to be determined)
  • Generator hire £120 per day
  • Stage Hire £450
  • Punch & Judy £250
  • PA System £75

It was resolved to accept these costs, subject to confirmation that the Parish Council would not incur any costs should the event be cancelled due to further Government restrictions due to COVID-19.

Further costings to be submitted for approval when in receipt.

The Clerk had requested a list of Barlaston addresses through the Borough Council, to date she has not received a response, Cllr Jones agreed to enquire with regards to progress.

The Duke of York expressed an interest in providing drinks for the event, however a request for Pimms / Gin and draught beer was made by the Community Group, Cllr Fisher to ask the Duke of York if this was feasible.

Safety concerns were raised due to the proposed use of the wild green by the Guides which could result in children running across the road.  It was resolved for the Clerk to look at safety netting and signage, and to address the issues under the risk assessment. A frame boards to be put at the entrances to the event to slow traffic down. It was also noted parents should maintain responsibility for their children at all timesj as there was no provision of a crèche.

With regards to financial input, the Clerk advised £1709.50 was available from the Village Show fund. The Clerk had asked the Chief Executive of Stafford Borough Council for their contribution following the award of funds to be allocated to Parish and Town Councils from the Government under the Welcome Back fund, to date he has not replied, Cllr Jones was asked if he could approach the Chief Executive to enquire about the funding. The balance of the funding to come from the Parish Council.

39        Format of the Annual Parish Booklet – To promote the Thank You event it was proposed to issue residents with a flyer detailing the date as a matter of urgency, following which a booklet will be produced to include information which would normally be addressed at the Annual Parish Meeting including:

  • Opening statement from the Chair
  • Introduction of Councillors, contact information and ward details.
  • What the Council is / is not responsible for
  • A financial summary
  • A £5 voucher which can be off set against food provided by the WI in the Village Hall and a BBQ to be held on the Green. Canprint can produce these with the vouchers being sequential to stop duplications.
  • Adverts to promote businesses in Barlaston (these would be included free)
  • Advertise activities in the village
  • The 10-year tenure of Cllr Jones

Additional items for inclusion to be forwarded to the Clerk.

40        Speed Watch / Highways update – The Clerk issued the latest statistics from the Speed Watch Group. It was disappointing that a request for a meeting with Cllr Ian Parry had not been forthcoming. The Clerk to chase.

41        To note financial matters:

            (a) bank reconciliation reports – It was resolved to accept these.

            (b) schedule of payments report March / April 2021 – it was resolved to accept these.

The Clerk noted she had attended a meeting with Cllr Hurst and the Canal & River Trust to determine works to be undertaken on the Canal. Rather than issuing them a grant for £2000, they asked if we could procure the aggregate / materials, which would prove financially beneficial to the Council as the VAT could be reclaimed. It was resolved to accept this proposition. Cllr Hurst would approach a local quarry to obtain quotations for 10mm to dust limestone.  Works to commence week commencing 14 July 2021. They have asked for volunteers to assist.

NET VAT Cheque
Canal & River Trust (to be spent on aggregate) £2000 £0.00
St John’s Church – 50% contribution to grass cutting in graveyard £1320.00 £0.00
Barlaston Village Hall Committee – Grant for Heat 4 / Electric works £600.00 £0.00
Barlaston Womblers – Grant for litter picking equipment £200.00 £0.00
Buxus Green – Grounds Maintenance – Inv 202105 £995.83 £0.00
K St Leger salary & expenses
BHIB insurance renewal £1027.16 £0.00
SLCC Membership £166.00 £0.00
Stafford Borough Council – bin emptying Inv 7070286316 £320.00 £64.00
Chairman’s allowance £250.00 £0.00

42        Risk Assessment update and determine actions – It was noted the Covid signage on the MUGA had been vandalised and needed replacing.

43        Grant application(s) – no applications were received

44        Planning Committee Recommendations –

  • Application Reference 21/34091/HOU at 15 Whitethorn Avenue Barlaston ST12 9EF – Although there are no objections to this planning application on planning grounds, the Parish Council noted that there is a party wall matter which needs to be addressed and the applicant will need to ensure they conform to the Party Wall Act etc 1996.
  • Planning Application Reference 21/33743/FUL at Land At The Hollies 61 Longton Road Barlaston – The Parish Council had no objections to this planning application.
  • Planning Application Reference 21/33908/REM at Plot to Rear 75 Longton Road Barlaston – The Parish Council objected to this planning application based on the garden being outside the settlement boundary and in the green belt.  As such this is classed as inappropriate development in the green belt. The Parish Council have not seen any amendments that would warrant the approval of this application.

45        Items for inclusion in next month’s agenda

  • Cllr Tudor proposed a new recycling scheme, details to be brought to the next Parish Council meeting.
  • There was a proposal for possible mural works to be applied to the Village Hall. It was resolved to raise this with the Village Hall Committee.
  • The Clerk noted there were several urgent items which needed to be addressed by the Parish Council as Sole Trustee to the Village Hall. It was resolved to call a meeting of the Trustee for Tuesday 8 June 2021.

46        Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 6 July 2021