1 November 2022 – Sole Trustee Meeting Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr S Tudor, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr A Hemming, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr G Jones, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr Borasinski

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

There were no members of the public in attendance. 

1          Apologies – Cllr’s Bentley and Dando sent their apologies. It was resolved to accept these.

2          Declarations of Interest – Cllr Fisher declared an interest in item 6.

3          Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.

4          Minutes of the Parish Council Sole Trustee Meeting 4 October 2022 – These were accepted as a true record.

5          Matters arising from the meeting of 4 October 2022 and not otherwise on the agenda

6          Tender process for the Design of the Porch and update regarding submission of Planning Application

Byatt Oliver have undertaken the relevant drawings which have now been submitted to the Local Planning Authority for consideration.

7          Appointment of Byatt Oliver Limited – Following a request from Cllr Borasinski, the Clerk submitted a report detailing how Byatt Oliver were appointed as Architects for the Village Hall porch and the dates associated.

Cllr Fisher advised he gave a verbal presentation to the Parish Council with regards to what was included in the quotation from Byatt Oliver which was minuted, this was subsequently approved by the Parish Council.  He advised delays in the process were encountered due to the decision to install modern lighting in the ceiling of the hall which simplified the design and needed to be taken into account, and a request for alternative architects be invited to submit quotations.

It was however resolved that future quotations are received and distributed in a formal written format to ensure there is clarity and a full audit trail.

It was noted that there was no issue with regards to the appointment of Byatt Oliver, however the design submission by ARM Designs clearly highlighted the requirement for planning permission back in November 2021, this was not picked up and addressed by Cllr Fisher until now which has severely affected the timelines and is a frustration to the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee.  Cllr Fisher acknowledged this had been a failing which had now been addressed.

Cllr Fisher advised that at the previous Trustee meeting the Council resolved that Byatt Oliver be appointed to produce the tender documentation as there had been little movement on this, Cllr Fisher having abstained from voting. Cllr Borasinski advised until planning permission was approved, undertaking these works could be a financial risk to the Parish Council.  This was acknowledged.

8          Operational Procedural Changes – it was resolved Cllr Borasinski would meet with the Clerk to go through the current process and look to submit recommendations for amendment.

Cllr Fisher noted the Parish Council and Village Hall operated on a landlord / tenant basis i.e., the Village Hall Committee raised funds to upgrade the internal infrastructure whereby the Parish Council maintain the fabric of the building.

9          Air Conditioning replacement unit (deferred awaiting external works to be completed)

10        Recommendation regarding Roller Shutter Door – Cllr Borasinski forwarded contact details from a number of companies who provide fire retardant roller shutter doors to the Clerk.

However, the Village Hall Committee note that the Fire Officer’s report was to replace the kitchen door with a fire door, which has been resolved.  There was no mention with regards to replacing the roller shutter door.  Cllr Borasinski advised we have a duty of care to note our observations, however as this was a Village Hall there may not be the same requirements as other premises.

11        Electronic release system for the kitchen door – The simple solution would be to prop the door open whilst the kitchen is in use and to close it when leaving, or in case of a fire. The hatch area was deemed too small to pass hot beverages through whilst the kitchen was in operation. To install a fully integrated automatic door closure system was deemed cost prohibitive. It was noted all emergency exit doors were now fitted with a push open bar.

12        Alternative methods of chair storage / chair replacement – To be dealt with by the VHC

13        Installation of a CCTV system – Vision have been out to survey the site and recommended 4 cameras to cover the entrances to the hall, the cost of installation would be £570 plus VAT.

It was noted the Village Hall Committee have expressed concerns that monitoring the system could prove onerous, however the Clerk explained that the data held would only be used to identify if there were issues with the door being left open and any occurrences which could involve the Police e.g., theft or vandalism.  This item to be forwarded to the Village Hall Committee for consideration.

14        New boiler system – Cllr Borasinski will arrange for companies to quote accordingly.

15        Village Hall Committee minutes – The Clerk distributed copies to the Parish Council.  The Clerk updated the meeting as follows:

A request has been received to move the meeting of the Sole Trustee to an earlier time or to another date to enable Village Hall Committee Members to attend.  Item to be added to the next agenda.

Item 3 Treasurers Report.  It was noted that the audit still hadn’t taken place, however the Clerk came in on Thursday 10 October to meet with the Auditor to go through the figures. Everything was signed off as accurate record with the exception of cross referencing the invoices, which were submitted from the previous year’s accounts.  The correct details were subsequently posted to the Auditor to enable him to complete his paperwork.  It was noted it was proving difficult to arrange a convenient date / time for the Audit visits which was convenient with the Village Hall Treasurer, something which needs addressing.

Item 4 Energy Contracts. The Clerk was now in receipt of the gas bill from Positive Energy, which will enable the Parish Council to reconcile the bank statement.  The electricity and gas accounts with British Gas are now closed.

Item 5 Heat 4. The Parish Council had renewed the maintenance agreement with Heat4.

Item 6 Boiler.  British Gas had cancelled the maintenance contract; however they had sent the information to the Clerk’s previous address.  A gas engineer will need to be appointed to undertake annual maintenance.

10 Stage Spotlights. The Clerk had been in contact with the Proscenium Players with regards to the lighting controller for the spotlights, however this was not just a simple switch, it was a full 192 Channel DMX Controller unit, she had provided the details to a member of the Committee for consideration.  The Players had offered to come in before events with enough notice to set this up.

13 Safe Removal.  The Clerk visited the hall over the weekend however there was a Silver Surfers course taking place in the hall.  A further visit will be scheduled.

16        Items to be added to the next agenda

The possibility of arranging an alternative meeting time

17        Date of next meeting – 6 December 2022