10 December 2024 – Minutes of Barlaston Parish Council

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Minutes of the Meeting of Barlaston Parish Council

Held on Tuesday 10 December 2024 at the Methodist Church Hall at 19:15


Cllr S Tudor (Chair)                                 Cllr D Borasinski

Cllr C Hurst                                             Cllr J Dando

Cllr G Jones                                           Cllr P Fisher

Cllr G Lloyd                                            Cllr L Pickering

Cllr E Philpott

Also in attendance: 

Parish Clerk: Ms Vivien O’Dunne

Open Forum: No members of the public were in attendance.

    1. Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Oakden: it was resolved to accept these. Apologies were also received from County Councillor, Cllr I Parry.
    2. Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest.
    3. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011: There were no written applications for dispensation.
    4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 12 November 2024: These were accepted as a true record and signed by the chairman.
    5. Matters arising from the meeting of 12 November 2024 and not otherwise on the agenda: There were no matters arising.
    6. Clerk’s Report: See Appendix A
    7. Update from County Councillor Ian Parry: Cllr Parry was not in attendance but had sent an update via the Clerk:
    • Cllr Parry has received an unacceptable response to his concerns regarding the school crossing and is following up on this.
    • Cllr Parry has not had a response to his correspondence regarding Lakewood Drive
    • Cllr Parry is in the process of chasing up progress with investigations into the water on Station Bank
    • At a previous meeting, Cllr Parry suggested that H-bars could help deter inconsiderate and dangerous parking during peak times on Broughton Crescent. To move this forward, liaison with residents is necessary to build a case for Cllr Parry to progress.
    1. Working groups update:
    • Community/Patients group: Cllr Tudor provided a brief update on her recent meeting with the Patient Participation Group (PPG). She shared that the practice currently lacks the necessary funding to address the issue of the overgrown hedge. Additionally, she noted that a new doctor has recently joined the practice.
    • Communications group: The Clerk hasn’t had time to convene a meeting this month. We will progress this in the new year.
    • Sustainability: It was noted that the Parish assets on Barlaston Park haven’t been inspected. The Clerk will advice Cllr Dando of the remaining assets to be inspected.
    1. Training courses: The Chair and Vice Chair had attended the Explore Chairmanship course.

The Clerk had attended a webinar hosted by the Parish Domains Helper Service outlining the options available and support on offer regarding the migration of the Parish Council website to a gov.uk domain.

    1. Financial matters and audit recommendations:

i. The bank reconciliation reports were accepted and signed.

ii. The schedule of payments report for November 2024 was accepted.

iii. The income and expenditure report for the current year-to-date and likely year end position was circulated.

iv. It was resolved that the Finance Committee would meet to review the 2025/2026 budget prior to the next Parish Council meeting. The meeting will take place on Tuesday 7th January at 7pm.

v. Migration of the Parish Council website: The Clerk reported that an approved registrar must be used for the setup. Estimated costs for the initial setup range from £200 to £500, with annual hosting fees between £100 and £300. The Clerk will continue to progress this.

vi. Membership of Support Staffordshire: It was resolved to join Support Staffordshire at a cost of £25 per year.

vii. Pension scheme management: It was resolved that Bradleys Accountancy and Taxation Services would administer the pension scheme on behalf of the council for a reduced rate of £50 p.a.


November Expenditure – Standard





Tesco: mobile phone 134224773715





Barlaston Cricket Club – Grant (Fireworks)





Graham Burdett (Creative Landscapes) – RoSPA Remedial Works





Wedgwood Stanfields Cricket Club – Grant





Barlaston Wassail – Grant





Pozitive Energy – Gas – Village Hall – 26181820246756834





Pozitive Energy – Electricity – Village Hall – 26181620246756800





Elan City – Replacement Batteries – SID – SAJ-UK/2024/02136





Buxus Green – November Grounds Maintenance – 202420





Karen St Leger – Backpay – NALC 2024/25 Pay Increase





BT – Phone and Broadband M0620B





National Association of Local Councils – Course Fee 11182903533





Vivien O’Dunne – salary





Vivien O’Dunne – expenses – mileage





Support Staffordshire Annual Membership





Karen St Leger – Microsoft 365 subscription





Staffordshire County Council – Allotment Rent 25/12 – 24/03





Income – Standard





Interest – Business Bank




HMRC VAT reclaim VTRXDV126000106366




    1. Update from Buxus Green: The contractor reported that he had started work on the hedges on the village green but had been hampered by the weather. He will catch up with outstanding tasks in December.
    2. Meadow Road lease: no further correspondence has been received. The lease is with the Borough Council. Cllr Jones will make enquiries at the Borough and report back to the next meeting.
    3. Cricket Club lease: Cllr Fisher reported on his discussion with the solicitor regarding amendments to the lease, specifically concerning insurance for the pavilion. As the freehold owners of the land, the Parish Council is responsible for insuring the pavilion. However, these insurance costs can be reclaimed from Barlaston Cricket Club under the terms of the new lease. The revised lease, reflecting this provision, has now been sent to the Cricket Club’s solicitors. It was resolved that the Clerk would investigate insurance options.
    4. Neighbourhood Plan review: Cllr Borasinski provided an update to the Parish Council on the progress of the revised Neighbourhood Plan. Public consultations have been completed, and the plan is now ready to move to Regulation 14. Cllr Borasinski will contact the assistant Clerk to determine the next steps required to advance the plan to this stage.
    5. Consultation (enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings): The Parish Council formulated their response to the consultation in that they were supportive of remote attendance in exceptional circumstances but were not in favour of proxy voting. It was resolved that the Clerk would respond to the consultation on behalf of the Council.  
    1. Signage for the Downs Carpark: It was reported that inclement weather appeared to have deterred overnight campers. The Clerk will ensure that the signage is purchased before the next meeting.
    2. Bus shelter repair: It was resolved to accept the quote of £50 to unblock the guttering and install coverings to prevent further blockage.
    3. Missing waste bin on Station Bank footpath: It was resolved that the Clerk would inform the Brough Council and request that it be replaced.
    4. Parking issues: 
  • Broughton Crescent/School Crossing: The Clerk had been in contact with the Headmaster. Two buddies are now being used on Station Road and the School have agreed to put the other two out on Broughton Crescent.

The Clerk had been in contact with Becky Lee, Head of Health, Safety, and Wellbeing at the County Council, to inquire whether a risk assessment has been carried out for the School Crossing Patrol post. Ms. Lee responded that there is no mandatory requirement for lighting or signage at crossing points, although they are recommended at all locations. The School Crossing Patrol Service does not have a budget for these items, although they request them wherever possible.

Ms. Lee provided the Clerk with details of a contact at Highways. It was resolved that the Clerk would reach out to inquire about the cost of installing flashing lights.

  • Station Road/Plume of Feathers: The Clerk has reported the regular occurrence of vehicles parking on the pavement outside the Plume of Feathers to the local PCSO, along with photos of the offending vehicles. The Police have assured that they will remain vigilant and place ‘Park It Right’ notices on any vehicles parked this way.
    1. Village Green Christmas lights: The Councillors wanted to express their thanks to the new owners of the Old School House for supplying electricity to the Christmas lights on the Village Green.
    2. Resignation of a Councillor: It was formally noted that Cllr Mirceta resigned from the Parish Council, with effect from 29th November. The Chairman expressed sincere thanks on behalf of the Parish Council for Cllr Mirceta’s valuable contributions to the community during his tenure. The Clerk will send a letter conveying the Council’s best wishes.

The Clerk informed the Council that she had notified Electoral Services, and the deadline for electors to request an election is 23rd December. If no election is called, the Council will be able to advertise the vacancy and proceed with the co-option process

    1. Appointment of Councillor to conduct weekly inspections of the MUGA: Cllr Hurst volunteered to undertake the weekly inspections of the MUGA. It was resolved to accept his offer.
    2. Appointment of key-holder for the Barlaston Park notice board and bag dispenser: Cllr Dando volunteered to be a key holder for the Dog Bins. It was resolved to accept her offer.
    3. Correspondence from the Speedwatch Coordinator regarding speeding issues on Wedgwood Drive: The Council discussed the issue of speeding and noted that Parish Councillors do not have the powers to directly reduce speeding in the area. However, it was agreed that Councillors can assist by helping to recruit more Speedwatch volunteers. The Clerk will offer advertise for additional volunteers on the Parish Council’s Facebook page. It was also noted that some of the residents contributing to the speeding issues live outside the village boundary.
    4. Access to Severn Trent’s Strongford Works: The minutes from a recent meeting of the Trentham South Residents’ Association indicated their intention to lobby the local MP to reroute tankers through Barlaston. However, Severn Trent has confirmed that the current route will remain unchanged, as a route through Barlaston has been deemed unsafe.
    5. Civic Amenity visits for 2025: It was resolved that the Parish Council will request a 2-hour Civic Amenity visit in January, April, July, and October, at a cost of £163 per visit. Once confirmed the Clerk will advertise the dates.
    6. Homes Plus allotment site: A meeting was scheduled for 11th December at the allotment site with Cllr Sandiford, the Clerk, and a representative from Homes Plus. However, it was cancelled and will be rescheduled in the new year
    7. Risk Assessment updates:
      • Biennial tree survey recommended works / costings: Cllr Fisher reported on his meeting with the tree contractors, during which a programme of remedial works was agreed upon. It was resolved to accept the quoted price of £1,680 for the works.
      • Downs Car Park pathway: Cllr Fisher discussed the issue with the tree surgeons, who recommended a course of action that would protect the tree roots while eliminating the trip hazard by creating a ramp. The Clerk will obtain quotes and provide an update.
      • Purchase of office computer: The Clerk has not yet had time to complete this task but will place the order over the Christmas holidays.
      • Defib location awareness: The Clerk has not yet had time to complete this task.
    8. Weekly play reports: Cllr Hurst submitted his report for the Wild Play Area. The Clerk provided blank reporting forms for the MUGA to Cllr Hurst along with a hard copy of the most recent RoSPA inspection report,
    9. Grant applications:
    • Barlaston Cemetery: It was resolved to pay £1,700 to the Barlaston Parochial Church Council, being half of the annual cemetery grounds maintenance fee (including grass and hedge cutting).
    • Douglas Macmillan Hospice: It was resolved to grant £200 to the Douglas Macmillan Hospice in support of their dementia services.
    1. Planning decisions: 24/38966/FUL Barlaston Cricket Club, Amendment to Application. No objections. It was resolved that the Clerk would respond to this application and suggest that consideration is given to neighbours’ concerns regarding the type and position of tree planting.
    2. Items for inclusion in next agenda:

Lack of signage on Hartwell Lane

    1. Date of next meeting(s) – 14 January 2025 



161       Wedgwood Memorial College – no updates received.

221       Neighbourhood Plan review – The assistant Clerk is in the process of drafting the updated Neighbourhood Plan.

228       Drainage issues on the Village Green (below the War Memorial) –Cllr Hurst to advise on the date drainage works are to commence.

63        Planning application validation guidance letter issued to Stafford Borough Council – A formal FOI request has been submitted as the initial response has not been dealt with. This has now been directed to the relevant department and we still await their response.  It is critical that the Borough Council observe the Neighbourhood Plan Protocols alongside the new Housing Needs Assessment and Design Guide document.

151(d)   Banking arrangements: The assistant clerk has been removed from the bank mandate.

181       Training: Cllr Lloyd has been booked on to the “Empowering Young Councilors of Tomorrow” course

190       Memorial bench: This has now been ordered and should be installed w/c 9th December.