10 September 2024 – Draft Minutes of the Parish Council

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Cllr S Tudor (Chairman)                                   Cllr C Hurst

Cllr J Dando                                                     Cllr P Fisher

Cllr S Oakden                                                  Cllr L Pickering

Cllr D Borasinski                                              Cllr G Lloyd

Also in attendance: 

Parish Clerk: Ms Vivien O’Dunne

There were no members of the public in attendance

    1. Apologies: were received from Cllrs Jones, Philpott and Mirceta. It was resolved to accept these.
    2. Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest.
    3. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011: There were no written applications for dispensation.
    4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 9 July 2024 and 13 August 2024: These were accepted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.
    5. Matters arising from the meeting of 9 July 2024 and not otherwise on the agenda: there were no matters arising.
    6. Clerk’s Report: See Appendix A

Councillor Ian Parry asked that the meeting be updated on ongoing highways issues:

Cllr Parry advised that he has been looking into safety issues with regard to the access to/from Canalside at its junction with Station Road. He will report further at the next meeting.

No response has been received from the owners of Wedgwood Memorial College in response to Cllr Parry’s request for a meeting.

Cllr Parry advised that planned highway works were due to take place on Ivyhouse Drive, Beechcroft, Barlaston Road and Woodpark Lane.

Cllrs Dando and Fisher left the meeting at this point.

    1. Barlaston Village Strategy: The Barlaston Village Strategy was devised by a former Cllr and progressing it had been put on hold since their resignation. It was noted that the Parish Council’s existing committee structures already incorporate the strategy’s themes of focus: Environment, Community, Children & Families, Aesthetics & Sympathetic Development.

It was resolved not to implement the new village strategy in its current format. It was agreed that the proposals were incompatible with the powers and budget of the Parish Council. The strategy would also have implications on the workload of the Clerk.

    1. Training courses and protocols to enable Cllrs to undertake their roles: SPCA advised that they can facilitate an Essentials Cllr training @ £60.00 for two Cllrs delivered by Zoom. The Explore Chairmanship course dates had also been released at a cost of £35 per person.

It was resolved that the Clerk would book Cllrs Tudor and Borasinski onto the course on the 3rd December (19:00 – 21:30) and would liaise with Cllrs Mirceta and Oakden regarding a suitable date for their essentials training.

The Clerk recommended that Cllr Fundamental training be mandatory for new Cllrs and annual Planning Training for those Cllrs who make recommendations on planning issues; a change be made to Standing Orders to reflect this.  It was resolved to accept this recommendation.

    1. Financial matters:

            (a) The bank reconciliation reports were accepted

            (b) The schedule of payment reports for July and August 2024 were accepted

            (c) Conclusion of audit 2024 – The audit came back clear with minor scope for improvement:

            – to quantify explanations on variances

            – the use of gov.uk domain names for websites and email addresses. It was resolved that the Clerk will provide gov.uk email addresses for all Cllrs and will assist with their implementation.  To comply with GDPR regulations these email addresses must only be used for official council business and be implemented no later than 31 March 2025; as this is a statutory requirement failure to implement this will see the Parish Council fail the audit in 2024/2025. The Clerk to investigate the change of domain name for the Parish Council website.


July Expenditure – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
K St Leger – Salary / Expenses June 361.07 0.00 361.07 BACS
Buxus Green – July Grass Cutting 1,081.50 0.00 1081.50 SO
Tesco mobile – Inv 134212420093 15.10 0.00 15.10 DD
BT Broadband and Phone – Bill ref M058 JC 39.30 6.55 32.75 DD
SLCC Annual membership MEM249395-1 75.00 0.00 75.00 BACS
ICO (Information Commissioner) Annual Fee Ref ZA191703 35.00 0.00 35.00 DD
Pozitive Energy Gas inv 26181820246055274 94.12 4.48 89.64 DD
Pozitive Energy Electricity Inv 26181620246129791 108.55 5.17 103.38 DD
Income – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
Staffordshire County Council – Grass cutting 4,515.00 0.00 4,515.00 BACS
Gate licence Invoice 640 25.00 0.00 25.00 BACS
Lloyds Business Bank – Interest 126.72 0.00 126.72


August Expenditure – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
Tesco mobile – 134215487006 15.10 0.00 15.10 DD
Can Print – 34826 – HNA Printing 150.00 0.00 150.00 BACS
Joe Poultney – Inv 159 – Summer planting 475.00 0.00 475.00 BACS
Sue Tudor – Chairman’s Allowance 2024/2025 300.00 0.00 300.00 BACS
Viv O’Dunne – expenses (Tea/coffee/milk/biscuits – Cllr Training) 8.58 0.00 8.58 BACS
Viv O’Dunne – expenses – mileage/postage (April 2024) 3.54 0.00 3.54 BACS
SLCC – ILCA Course Fee – QL205715-1 144.00 24.00 120.00 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Lease of land (MUGA)- 7070295019 10.00 0.00 10.00 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Litterbin emptying (Apr-Jun) 7070294872 447.31 74.55 372.76 BACS
Toplis Associates – Independent examination V Hall – 1320 220.74 36.79 183.95 BACS
SPCA – Cllr Training Course 420.00 70.00 350.00 BACS
Viking – Batteries & stationary – 4375298 23.06 3.84 19.22 BACS
Woolliscrofts Solicitors – Cricket Club lease – 115195 549.00 90.00 459.00 BACS
BT – Phone and broadband – M059 NZ 39.30 6.55 32.75 BACS
One Way Group Ltd – Electrical works at the VH – 22409 628.96 104.83 524.13 BACS
Karen St Leger (July Salary and expenses) 401.31 0.00 401.31 BACS
Pozitive Energy (Electricity – VH) 26181620246286922 119.73 5.70 114.03 DD
Buxus Green – Monthly Grounds Maintenance – 202417 1,081.50 0.00 1,081.50 SO
Viking – Hard Drive – Inv 4599098 64.67 10.78 53.89 BACS
Viking – Office Fan – Inv 4576716 28.79 4.80 23.99 BACS
Viking – Stationary – Inv 4570875 43.99 7.33 36.66 BACS
N&J Tree Services – V Hall survey – 17479 240.00 40.00 200.00 BACS
Viv O’Dunne – August Salary & expenses
Playsafety Limted – ROSPA Inspections 187.20 31.20 156.00 BACS
Income – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
Lloyds Business Bank – Interest 121.47 0.00 121.47


    1. Production of a Heron – The Clerk sought clarification regarding the production of a Heron. It was resolved that the Clerk would liaise with Canon Rev Jones regarding a possible joint publication to be delivered to all homes biannually. The Clerk to report back to the next meeting.
    2. Ongoing support by the Assistant Clerk: It was resolved that the Assistant Clerk would remain on a zero hours contract to provide ad hoc support to the new Clerk until the conclusion of the Neighbourhood Plan and where further assistance is required on historical matters. It was resolved that the Assistant Clerk would record hours worked on the Neighbourhood Plan separately from those assisting the Clerk.
    3. Procurement of additional remembrance figures: It was resolved to purchase two pairs of Tommy Figures for £690 plus shipping from Royal British Legion Industries. The Clerk recommended the use of the £1,000 legacy from Margaret Eleanor Irene Robinson to fund the figures as a fitting tribute (see item 129).

One pair to bear the logo “Lest We Forget” and the other “We Remember” with approval also to add on a personal note acknowledging the bequest (an additional total cost of £40).

    1. Path clearance works on Old Road: works have been completed. Buxus Green have submitted a report on their progress against the agreed schedule of works: Paul Goodall has had a problem with his mower however her reports that the grass cutting is up-to-date, most of the alley’s are clear, the MUGA has been sprayed and that as a free gesture he has removed the branches on Meaford Road.
    2. Meadow Road lease: Wooliscroft’s are seeking permission to approach the Borough Council with their proposed amendments. The Clerk recommends a separate meeting be held to go through the amendments; it was resolved to accept this recommendation.
    3. Cricket Club lease: Wooliscroft’s have requested a copy of the title deeds which will be forwarded accordingly. They have raised a number of concerns regarding the old lease vs the new lease which need to be addressed.  The Clerk recommends a separate meeting be held to go through the issues; it was resolved to accept this recommendation.
    4. Downs carpark: It was noted that there are people camping in their cars overnight on a regular basis. It was resolved that the Clerk would look into the feasibility and cost of ‘No Overnight Camping’ signs and alert the local PCSO to their presence. It was noted that any illegal activity at the Downs carpark should be reported to the Police to ensure it is dealt with immediately. The Clerk can only access CCTV data under strict legal guidelines i.e. a request from the Police to provide evidential footage.
    5. Complaint regarding the noticeboard adjacent to the Plume of Feathers: It is noted the board is situated on the canal towpath and is freely available for any businesses in Barlaston to advertise. To Clerk to respond to the complainant accordingly.
    6. Litter left by boats along the canal tow path: Fly tipping on the canal should be reported to Stafford Borough Council via their report it site and/or the Canal and River Trust. Evidence will be required for a successful prosecution.
    7. Overgrown hedges: The proposed letter regarding the Highways Act 1980 section 154 (1)(2) was circulated for discussion. It was resolved not to use the letter; any enforcement action by the Parish Council would give rise to a risk of double taxation as enforcement of the Highways Act is within the powers of the County Council. The Clerk would continue use the ‘Report It’ tool to advise the County Council of properties where trees and hedges are encroaching onto the pavements and highways.

It was resolved that the Clerk will publicise the Parish Council guidance on the notice boards and on social media.

It was noted that the hedges by the Health Centre are overgrown and trees on the Village Green bordering Station Road may need some attention. The Clerk to investigate and report back at the next meeting.

    1. Flooding issues at Beechcroft: It is noted that Staffordshire County Council are the lead water Authority responsible for surface water issues under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. They should be contacted detailing the issues experienced by the residents as they have the power to force landowners to take relevant action to address issues.
    2. Committee membership of new councillors: Cllr Pickering was added to the HR committee.
    3. Receipt of legacy: The Parish Council have received a cheque for £1,037.49 being a legacy payment of £1,000 plus interest from the estate of the late Margaret Eleanor Irene Robinson. The Clerk has acknowledged receipt and will bank once the new paying-in book arrives from Lloyds.
    4. Portrait of HM King Charles III: The Clerk will shortly be in receipt of a free framed photograph of HM King Charles III from HM Government to commemorate his accession to the throne. The advice is to hang the portrait in a prominent place. It was resolved to display the portrait in the Village Hall.
    5. Signage for the Parish Council at the Methodist Church: There is currently no formal signage at the Methodist Church for the Parish Council. It was resolved not to erect signage at this time.
    6. Wedgwood Bowl: Councillors were asked to gauge opinions in their ward and to bring names to the October meeting for consideration.
    7. Speeding issues on Wedgwood Drive: Cllr Dando had requested this item so it will be deferred until the next meeting.
    8. Risk Assessment updates:
      • Biennial tree survey recommended works / costings (including tree in the grounds of the Village Hall carpark) – N&J have advised they will respond to the Parish Council with revised dates for a meeting with Cllr Fisher. The Clerk will chase them.
      • RoSPA report – The reports covering the MUGA and Wild Play Area have been received.
        • MUGA – It is noted that a number of bolts are missing and needs to be addressed. The Clerk has asked Wicksteed if they can provide these, alternatively a local Company be sourced to replace these.
          • Wild Play Area – The new ramp has passed inspection however it is noted there is a trip hazard leaving the fort; some of the stepping logs are loose and need fixing in place; timbers have started to rot on some of the equipment; a tree log has rough edges; the swinging bridge swings also needs attention.

The Clerk will contact our contractors to get them repaired.

    • Use of .gov.uk email addresses for Cllrs and a new domain name for the website are required. The Clerk will investigate and report back at the next meeting.
    1. Weekly play reports / recommendations from appointed Cllrs: It was noted that Cllr Mirceta wasn’t present and that Cllr Hurst requires his supply of check sheets replenishing.
    2. To note correspondence from residents: None received.
    3. Grant application updates – no grant applications have been received; however the Parish Council received a thank you email from Wedgwood Cricket Club for support during their 2024 season and an update on the Club’s progress along with an invitation to their end of season party on the 21st
    4. To note Planning decisions:

Planning Application 24/39449/FUL at Bursley, 29 Old Road, Barlaston described as Erection of replacement dwelling, formation of new vehicular access and alterations to existing access. There were no objections to this planning application.

Planning Application 24/39512/HOU at 37 Park Drive Barlaston Stoke on Trent described as proposed two storey extension to side and replacement roof to existing rear flat roof extension. There were no objections to this planning application.

Planning Application 24/39486/HOU at Fir Lea 30 Old Road Barlaston described as single storey side extension and replacement roof to rear. There were no objections to this planning application.

    1. To receive items for inclusion in next agenda
    2. Date of next meeting(s) – 8 October 2024


 Appendix A: Clerk’s Report

 92        Highway updates / Applying the Highways Act 1980 Legislation – The Clerk has sent photographic evidence regarding the branches left on the green at the bottom of Silver Ridge to Cllr Parry along with the ‘Report It’ reference number. Cllr Parry has advised that the County Council have some new community maintenance teams starting shortly and that he has requested the removal of the branches as a priority for our local team.

161      Wedgwood Memorial College – It is noted that the Memorial College site is back up for sale.

221      Neighbourhood Plan review –The assistant Clerk is in the process of drafting the updated Neighbourhood Plan.

  7         Banking Arrangements – The Clerk has completed the paperwork which will add Cllr Tudor to the banking mandate.

21        Crossing Patrol Officer – The Head Teacher didn’t respond to a request regarding an update of the position re the Crossing Patrol Officer vacancy. The Clerk has noted that the vacancy still appears on the County Council website and has shared details on the Parish Council Facebook page.

228      Drainage issues on the Village Green (below the War Memorial) – It is noted the tickertape has been removed, Cllr Hurst is to advise the date works are to commence. It is also noted the bench ends need to be removed.

282      Risk assessment updates – Tree survey. The Clerk has requested N&J Tree Services Ltd to visit the Village Green to re-quote for the trees which are under the ownership of the Parish Council, this has yet to happen.  Cllr Fisher has agreed to a meeting, date to be confirmed.

55        Village Hall Governance – The deeds have been delivered to Wooliscroft’s to enable them to review the legal status with regards to the management of the Village Hall in line with the Charity Commission guidelines. It is noted the solicitor is away until 4 September, no response is expected until his return.

58        Bus Shelter Repairs – Repairs were completed, however it is noted that the close proximity of the tree adjacent to the health centre will continue to cause issues.

59        Barlaston Park Building Works – Correspondence has been received from Homes Plus advising that demolition on the site has now been completed and that they have made the decision not to redevelop the land. They are selling the cleared site and it is currently on the market.

61        Upper House Noticeboard This has been installed.

63        Planning application validation guidance letter issued to Stafford Borough Council – A formal FOI request has been submitted as the initial response has not been dealt with. This has now been directed to the relevant department and we await their response.  It is critical that the Borough Council observe the Neighbourhood Plan Protocols alongside the new Housing Needs Assessment and Design Guide document.

    • Damage to the noticeboard at Orchard Place – Cllr Hurst has repaired the lock, this is now fully working.

73        Installation of a carving on County Council land – The Clerk has been requested to update the residents requesting the carving that this can be located at the Wild Play Area, as we own the land, conforming to RoSPA requirements. This will be completed by the meeting.

    • Entrance to the play fort – Work has now been completed.

99        Relocation of the waste bin adjacent to the bridge on Station Road – The Clerk has submitted a request to the Borough Council to have this relocated.