Cllr S Tudor (Chair) Cllr J Dando
Cllr G Lloyd Cllr L Pickering
Cllr E Philpott Cllr P Fisher
Cllr C Hurst Cllr S Oakden
Cllr D Borasinski
Also in attendance:
Parish Clerk: Ms Vivien O’Dunne
- Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Jones ; it was resolved to accept these.
- Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest.
- Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011: There were no written declarations for dispensation.
- Approval of the minutes 14 January 2025: It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting and these were duly signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.
- Ownership of the building: The Clerk reported on her visit to Wooliscrofts Solicitors with Cllr Fisher. Michelle Reynolds from ACRE has since advised the Clerk to obtain a copy of the Vesting Order issued by the Secretary of State for Education and Science on 3rd August 1966. This document contains key details necessary for the first registration with the Land Registry, and the Clerk will proceed with the request. Michelle further advised that the priority should be to complete the land registration before addressing the insurance matters and governance structure.
- Maintenance works: Cllr Borasinski reported that he is in the process of obtaining three quotations for the works. A newly appointed Village Hall Committee member has expressed interest in submitting a quote. The Clerk will investigate whether this is permissible and ensure the process remains transparent and compliant.
- Outstanding invoice: The Trustees discussed the implications of pursuing the debt through the Small Claims Court. It was resolved that this would not be in the best interests of the charity, and the debt will be written off. However, no further bookings will be accepted from the club. The Clerk will write to the Village Hall Committee to inform them of this decision.
- Insurance renewal quotation: The Trustees reviewed the insurance schedule and were satisfied that it meets the needs of the Village Hall. It was noted that the renewal offer is for three years; however, the Trustees only require a one-year policy until the land registration process is complete. The Clerk will contact the insurers to arrange a one-year renewal. Additionally, the Trustees decided not to use the insurance company’s rebuild valuation. Instead, Cllr Borasinski will carry out the valuation free of charge.
- Minutes of the Village Hall Committee meeting on January 20 2025: The minutes were received. It was noted that multiple references had been made to the Parish Council. Going forward, all references should be updated to reflect the Parish Council’s role as the Sole Trustee.
The Clerk will remind the Village Hall Committee of this and will also request the access codes for the new keylock.
- Date of next meeting: Tuesday March 11th 2025