12 November 2024 – Barlaston Parish Council Minutes

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Cllr S Tudor (Chair)                                Cllr D Borasinski

Cllr C Hurst                                            Cllr J Dando

Cllr J Mirceta                                          Cllr S Oakden

Cllr G Lloyd                                            Cllr L Pickering

Cllr E Philpott                                         Cllr G Jones

Cllr P Fisher

Also in attendance: 

Parish Clerk: Ms Vivien O’Dunne

Borough Councillor: Alec Sandiford

2 members of the public

Open Forum: 

A representative from the not-for-profit Village Market was in attendance to share their plans to organise an arts trail around the village alongside the bi-monthly village market on the 26th July 2025. It is hoped that this free event will benefit local businesses and be well attended by residents.


Borough Cllr Alec Sandiford was also in attendance to inform the Parish Council that Homes Plus are keen to offload some of their allotment sites and this could include the Meadow Road allotment site. Cllr Sandiford would be happy to assist in the process, having just been through it in another parish.

  1. Apologies: No apologies were received as all Cllrs were in attendance.
  2. Declarations of Interest: Cllr Hurst declared an interest in item 202: application for a grant from the Barlaston Wassail group as he is a committee member.
  3. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011: There were no written applications for dispensation.
  4. To approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 08 October 2024: These were accepted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.
  5. Matters arising from the meeting of 08 October 2024 and not otherwise on the agenda. There were no matters arising.
  6. Clerk’s Report: See Appendix A
  7. To receive update from County Councillor Ian Parry: Cllr Parry sent his apologies.
  8. Working groups:
  • Sustainability committee: The Clerk has started to update the list of assets and street furniture around the village. Once complete The Clerk will begin to cost any repairs/replacement items to be included in the 25/26 budget.
  • HR committee: see item 198
  • Finance committee: no meeting
  • Community/Patients group: Cllr Pickering raised some issues around provision of care for Barlaston and gave specific examples. Cllr Tudor hadn’t been able to attend the most resent PPG meeting but would feedback to the surgery at the next meeting.
  • Communications group: The group will try to convene before the next Parish Council meeting.
  1. To note training courses and protocols to enable Cllrs to undertake their roles – The Clerk reminded Cllrs Tudor and Borasinski that the Explore Chairmanship course date has changed from the 3rd to the 4th

The Clerk, along with Cllrs Philpott & Jones attended the First Aid training course put on by Barlaston Community Group in October. Thanks were extended to BCG for an excellent course.

Places are available for a NALC (National Association of Local Councils) online course: “Empowering the young councillors of tomorrow” at a cost of £30. It was resolved that Cllr Lloyd would attend this.

  1. Financial matters and audit recommendations:

i) The bank reconciliation reports were accepted and signed.

ii) The schedule of payments report for October 2024 was accepted.

iii) Parish Council website migration: The Clerk had informed the current webmaster of the planned changes. The Clerk is booked on a course to assist with the process.

iv) ICO Model Publication Scheme: It was resolved to adopt the ICO Model Publication Scheme. The Clerk will add it to the website.

v) Risk Register: The updated risk register was circulated prior to the meeting and it was resolved to approve the changes.

vi) Expenditure for 2025/2026: The Clerk will collate a list of suggested items to include: an earmarked reserve for asset replacement, website development costs, earmarked reserve increase for the playpark fund.

October Expenditure – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
Pozitive Energy – Village Hall Electricity: 26181620246587546 117.18 5.58 111.60 DD
Viking: Inv  4871320: Stationary, Shredder, Postage stamps 256.67 39.38 217.29 BACS
Buxus Green: October Grounds Maintenance 1081.50 0 1081.50 SO
AED Donate: Inv 5000 – replacement pads and rescue ready kit 81.92 13.65 68.27 BACS
Royal British Legion: Inv 87 – Remembrance Wreath. Cheque 002866 20.00 0 20.00 CHQ
Stone Community First Responders: Grant 500.00 0 500.00 BACS
Royal British Legion Donation – S137 chq 002867 300.00 0 300.00 CHQ
Tesco Mobile: Inv 134221940326 15.10 0 15.10 DD
BT – Broadband and phone: Inv M061 XP 39.30 6.55 32.75 DD
Viking – Toner Inv 4843387 177.54 29.59 147.95 BACS
Viv O’Dunne – Expenses: Mileage 2.75 0.00 2.75 BACS
Viv O’Dunne – Salary 00.00 00.00 00.00 BACS
J Poultney – Winter Planting Inv 163 chq 002865 225.00 0.00 225.00 CHQ
St Johns Church – ½ cost of Remembrance Sunday Orders of Service 66.25 0.00 66.25 BACS
Income – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
Business A/c Interest 91.82 0.00 91.82 BACS
Precept (payment 2/2) 57,931.00 0.00 57,931.00 BACS
Wayleave Invoice 649 25.00 0.00 25.00 BACS
Tinsdills (Bench Maintenance Fee: re Lindsay Anne Willis) 200.00 0.00 200.00 CHQ


  1. Buxus Green: Buxus Green submitted their monthly report: grass cutting is up-to-date, all benches have been cleaned and stained, the MUGA has been cleared, alleyways are complete and work on the Downs carpark has started. Buxus Green are behind with hedge cutting but hope to complete it in the next couple of weeks.
  2. Meadow Road Lease: Wooliscrofts have confirmed receipt of the Parish Council responses sent to them on the 25th September and are now awaiting a response to requested amendments from the Stafford Borough Council legal department.
  3. Cricket Club Lease: Wooliscrofts have now confirmed receipt of the Parish Council responses sent to them on the 25th September and are proposing further amendments to the Cricket Club solicitors.
  4. Downs carpark: Cllr Pickering reported on a productive meeting with PCSO Rogers and The Clerk where it was discovered that the Downs car park had been listed on two apps as a suitable spot for campervans and overnight stays.

The Clerk has successfully removed the listing from one site and is working on the second. PCSO Rogers suggested that suitable signage be installed to deter anyone looking for an overnight site.

A small sign would cost around £220 (including a post) It was resolved to buy a larger sign with a maximum budget of £300. PCSO Rogers suggested that any members of the public who observe anti-social or criminal behaviour on the carpark report it to the Police via 101 or call 999 if a crime is in progress.

  1. Bus shelter repair and ongoing issue with overhanging branches: The Clerk wrote to the landowner with a request to cut back the overhanging branches on the 15th Cllr Lloyd reported that the downpipe on the bus stop is blocked. It was resolved that The Clerk would get a price to address this and to install gutter covering.
  2. Speeding issues on Wedgwood Drive: The Clerk had circulated a report on speeding in this area from the Speedwatch Coordinator along with year-to-date statistics from all Speed Indication Device locations prior to the meeting. Cllr Parry is now in receipt of the report and has shared it with Stoke City Council for comment as the problem area is within the boundaries of both Stoke City Council and Staffordshire County Council.
  3. Parking issues:
  • Broughton Crescent: The Clerk reported that she had written to the Head teacher on the 14th October to request that two Parking Buddies be used by the School Crossing Patrol Officer and the remaining two be used in Broughton Crescent. Observations are that this hasn’t happened. It was resolved that The Clerk, along with the Chair, would speak to the Crossing Patrol Officer and make an appointment to discuss the issues with the Headteacher.
  • Malthouse Lane: It was noted that vehicles were still parking in the turning area and this should be reported to Highways via the “Report It” system.
  • Village Green: It was noted that there had been occasional parking on the village green.
  1. Memorial bench: The Clerk had circulated a list of metal benches whose cost was within the allocated budget. It was resolved to purchase the “SB Bench Seat” from David Ogilvie Engineering at a cost of £881 + VAT, plus fixing and delivery costs. The estate of the late Lindsay WIllis have agreed to cover the cost of the plaque separately.
  2. Parking on the pavement on Station Road: Cllr Borasinski reported that he had observed frequent illegal parking on the pavement outside the Plume of Feathers. The vehicles park with all four wheels on the pavement, blocking the pavement and restricting the view for vehicles exiting Canalside and the pub carpark. It was resolved that The Clerk would report this to the Police.
  3. Installation of double yellow lines at the junction of Park Drive and Tittensor Road. The Parish Council resolved to support the implementation of a ‘no waiting at any time’ zone at the junction. The Clerk will respond to the consultation on behalf of the Parish Council.
  4. Consultation response: regarding enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings. This item was deferred to the next meeting.
  5. County Council initiative re road safety for mature road users: The Parish Council have been invited to take part in a pilot scheme delivered by Staffordshire County Council’s Road Safety Officer. “Planning your driving retirement” is a 2-hour workshop, with a 30 minute break, aimed at mature-focussed groups. It was resolved to accept this invitation.
  6. Sakura Cherry Tree project: The Parish Council have been invited to be part of the Sakura Cherry Tree Project; a nationwide project that seeks to strengthen the links between the UK and Japan. The project is offering several free cherry trees for community spaces. It was resolved to request three trees (one of each variety). The location of the trees would be determined at a future date.
  7. Homes Plus allotment site: It was resolved to defer this to the next meeting. The Clerk will bring more information to the next meeting.
  8. Homes Plus demolition site: It was noted that the site is listed as under offer.
  9. To receive Risk Assessment updates and determine actions:
    • Biennial tree survey recommended works / costings: It was noted that Cllr Fisher has scheduled a meeting with N&J Tree Services for the 20th
    • MUGA/Wildplay works: All tasks to address risks highlighted in the RoSPA inspection have been completed at a cost of £440 which includes materials and labour. Work completed:
  • MUGA – replace missing bolts on net and screw to fence
  • Bridge – excavate around supports and paint bitumen.
  • Play Fort – fit hand rail and cladding to both sides of ramp. Also chamfer edge of sleep at the top of the ramp
  • Agility Trail – excavate loose logs and secure
  • Loose Logs – chamfer sharp edges
  • Clatter Brige – fit rope clamps to prevent movement and rubber caps to bolts
  • Edgings – remove trip hazards and dispose of
  • Broken Bench on the Village Green – remove and dispose of
    • Downs Car Park pathway: This was identified as a low risk. The Clerk requested that Cllrs visit the pathway so that they are aware of the issue ahead of discussion at the next meeting.
    • MUGA: The moss and weeds have been removed and the court swept.
    • Speed Indication Devices: The Speedwatch Group have requested a pair of spare SID batteries to use in rotation. It was resolved to buy these at a cost of £129.92 +delivery and VAT.
    • Purchase of office computer: The Clerk has ascertained that the current PC was purchased in 2017 so is nearly 8 years old and has sourced a suitable replacement of the same model for £749. It was resolved to purchase a new office computer
    • Defib location awareness: A map of all the defibrillators in the village has been requested and it was resolved that The Clerk would produce one and circulate it to village groups.
  1. Weekly play reports / recommendations from appointed Cllrs: Cllr Hurst submitted his report. The Clerk will provide both Cllr Hurst and Mirceta with a new batch of blank sheets.
  2. Three month review of activity of the new Clerk: Cllr Pickering reported back on her review of The Clerk’s activities since the 1st It was resolved to pay The Clerk for her training hours.
  3. Correspondence from residents: None received
  4. Grant application(s)
  • Barlaston Village Market The Parish Council resolved to support the Arts Trail event and to cover the cost of printing and promoting the event, direct with suppliers, up to a value of £500.
  • Barlaston Cricket Club – It was resolved to grant £1,000 for the annual fireworks display and event.
  • Barlaston Wassail – It was resolved to grant £100 being half the estimated cost for insurance and health and safety measures.
  • Wedgwood Cricket Club – It was resolved to grant £500 towards the annual cost of provision of recreational sports for men, women and children.
  1. Planning decisions: No planning applications were received.
  2. Items for inclusion in next agenda

Missing bin on Station Road

The Wassail

Deferred items

  1. Date of next meeting(s) – 10 December 2024



Appendix A – Clerk’s Report October 2024


161      Wedgwood Memorial College – no updates received.

221      Neighbourhood Plan review – The assistant Clerk is in the process of drafting the updated Neighbourhood Plan.

228      Drainage issues on the Village Green (below the War Memorial) –Cllr Hurst to advise on the date drainage works are to commence. The bench ends have been removed. 

282      Risk assessment updates – Tree survey. The Clerk has requested N&J Tree Services Ltd to visit the Village Green to re-quote for the trees which are under the ownership of the Parish Council, this has yet to happen.  Cllr Fisher has agreed to a meeting, date to be confirmed.

63        Planning application validation guidance letter issued to Stafford Borough Council – A formal FOI request has been submitted as the initial response has not been dealt with. This has now been directed to the relevant department and we still await their response.  It is critical that the Borough Council observe the Neighbourhood Plan Protocols alongside the new Housing Needs Assessment and Design Guide document.

99        Relocation of the waste bin adjacent to the bridge on Station Road – The Clerk submitted a request to the Borough Council to have this relocated. Still no response received.

130      Portrait of HM the King – The portrait has been received and passed on to the Village Hall Committee to be hung in the Ruth Dickson meeting room.

151(d)  Banking arrangements: Cllr Lloyd and Cllr Tudor have been added to the bank mandate. The assistant clerk will be removed once Cllrs Lloyd and Tudor confirm that they can access online banking.

151(c)  Gov.uk email addresses – All Cllrs now have .gov.uk email addresses. Any teething problems to be reported to the Clerk.

152      Production of a Heron – Cllrs Dando, Oakden and Pickering will work with the Clerk on content ideas and report back to full council under the working groups item going forward

153      Siting of Remembrance Figures – Permission was granted by Fiskars to site two Tommy figures either side of the Parish Council notice board on Wedgwood Lane. The County Council also granted permission to site two figures either side of the Parish Council Platinum Jubilee bench on the green adjacent to Orchard Place. The Clerk confirmed that the assets are covered by the Parish Council public liability insurance.

154      Remembrance Wreath – The Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council only purchase one wreath. The £20 contingency allocated at the last meeting wasn’t needed.

160      Water on Station Road – removed from the agenda as Cllr Parry to investigate and report back as part of his monthly update.

164      Offer from JN Bentley’s Corporate Social Responsibility Champions – The Clerk has written to accept the offer and has suggested help with fencing and/or bases for play equipment would be our favoured project. The Clerk has explained that plans are in their very early stages and that we will contact them when we require the works completing.