13 August 2024 – Emergency Parish Council Meeting

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All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Parish Council Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church. Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on Tuesday 13 August 2024.  Meeting to commence at 6:30pm. An agenda for the meeting is set out below.

07 August 2024 

1        Apologies

2        Declarations of Interest

3        Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

4        To determine Planning Application Reference 24/39041/FUL at Old Road Garage, Old Road, Barlaston described as Hybrid application seeking outline approval for Erection of dwellings and detailed approval for formation of improved driveway to existing house and erection of a garage.

5        Exclusion of the press and public under S2 and S3 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 during consideration of item 6 below because of the confidential nature of the items for discussion.

6        To approve formal appointment of the Clerk and the relevant terms of engagement.

7        Date of next meeting – to be determined subject to receiving planning application(s)