13 August 2024 -Minutes Barlaston Parish Council

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Cllr S Tudor, Cllr J Mirceta, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr G Lloyd, Cllr L Pickering

Also In attendance:

Parish Clerk: Ms Vivien O’Dunne

1    Apologies – Cllr Borasinski sent his apologies; it was resolved to accept these.

2    Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

3    Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.

4    Planning Application Reference 24/39041/FUL at Old Road Garage, Old Road, Barlaston described as Hybrid application seeking outline approval for erection of dwellings and detailed approval for formation of improved driveway to existing house and erection of a garage.

It was resolved to reject this planning application on the grounds of NPP and NPPF December 2023 para 154. In reaching their decision the Parish Council also considered the following:

Map 3 (page 19 of the Barlaston Neighbourhood Plan) clearly indicates that all of the land sits outside the development site allocation and settlement boundary and is contrary to Policy H1 and H2 and Spatial Principle 7 (SP7) – supporting the location of new development.

The Parish Council does not support any site allocation which is outside the settlement boundary.  Given the location of the proposed development, encroachment onto the green belt risks neighbouring towns merging into one another; there is a real risk of unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas; encroachment into the countryside and risks spoiling the special character of Barlaston, all of which is contrary to NPPF 13:124.

The Barlaston Housing Needs Assessment (HNA), published in June 2024, recommends an overall HNR of 30 (rounded) dwellings for Barlaston from 2024 to 2031. This recommendation has been allocated, in the Neighbourhood Plan, within the settlement boundary. The Council resolved that there was no requirement for additional development within the Green Belt. The development of this site would exceed the recommended requirement and this further supports the principle that this development is contrary to our Neighbourhood Plan policy.

6 Formal appointment of the Clerk and determination of relevant terms of engagement:

Exclusion of the press and public under S2 and S3 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 during consideration of item 6 below because of the confidential nature of the items for discussion.

It was formally approved to appoint Ms Vivien O’Dunne as Parish Clerk under paid employment from 1 August 2024 following a period of voluntary working. Contract to be the standard NALC model including payment of a Local Government Pension. The Clerk to publish her core working hours on the website.

7    Date of next Meeting – Tuesday 10 September at 19:00 at the Methodist Church Hall, Park Drive.