14 November 2023 – Planning Committee

posted in: Agendas 2023 | 0

All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Parish Council Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church. Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on Tuesday 14 November 2023.  Meeting to commence at 7:00. An agenda for the meeting is set out below.

8th November 2023 

1          Apologies

2          Declarations of Interest

3          Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

4          Approve Minutes of meeting dated 10 October 2023

5          To receive update on Planning Application 23/37418/HOU at The Cottage, The Green, Barlaston – described as 2 storey side extension.

6          To determine Planning Application Reference 23/38322/FUL at Plume of Feathers Station Road Barlaston described as replacement tensile fabric structure to south forecourt, following temporary permitted development rights under Covid Restrictions.

7          Date of next Meeting – to be determined subject to receiving planning application(s)