14 November 2023 – Planning Committee Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr S Tudor, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr J Dando, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr Borasinski, Cllr A Hemming 

Also In attendance:

Ms V O’Dunne (Clerk), Cllr G Jones

Two members of the public were in attendance.

1        Apologies

2        Declarations of Interest – Cllr Hemming declared an interest in item 5 and Cllrs Philpott and Borasinski declared an interest in item 6.

3        Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – there were no written applications for dispensation.

4        Approve Minutes of meeting dated 10 October 2023, these were accepted as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Chairman.

5        Planning Application update 23/37418/HOU at The Cottage, The Green, Barlaston – described as 2 storey side extension. The previous Clerk was tasked with approaching the Chief Executive of the Borough Council for an update, no response has been received to date. The Chair of the Planning Committee will write to the Chief Executive to escalate the query.

6        Planning Application Reference 23/38322/FUL at Plume of Feathers Station Road Barlaston described as replacement tensile fabric structure to south forecourt, following temporary permitted development rights under Covid Restrictions.

The Parish Council objected to this application on the basis of the restricted visibility caused by the temporary structure at the front of the Plume of Feathers. Councillor Jones will call this in.

7        Date of next Meeting – to be determined subject to receiving planning application(s)