Cllr G Jones (Chair), Cllr P Fisher (Vice Chairman), Cllr I Moran, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr I Macmillan, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr S Hall, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr D Bentley
In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)
7:15 – 7:30 Public Open Forum
A resident from Nursery Gardens raised the following issues;
- The pavement from Nursery Gardens towards Orchard Place is uneven;
- The grass is encroaching onto the path and is unkept
- The bramble protruding from hedge needs cutting back
- Tractors are bringing spoil onto the road from the field opposite
- A triangular piece of land at the rear of Nursery Gardens is being cultivated including the flattening of trees.
Petition from Barlaston Park West
- The petition expressed discontent with the parking arrangements opposite the Plume of Feathers whereby people are parking on the road and on the green. The Chair advised a meeting had been held in the Plume regarding the parking situation with regards to parking issues pending celebrations for the forthcoming annual party. The point was made that residents were concerned; the assistant manager advised she would forward the details to the manager and would get back to us. To date no response was received.
- The Clerk had already raised the issue with County Councillor Ian Parry expressing the concerns of the residents, he advised he would respond directly to the residents.
1 Welcome and introductions – The retiring Chairman welcomed those present and introduced Cllr Bentley to the Committee.
2 Barlaston Parish Council
- a) Councillors signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms
- b) Councillors were issued with Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests form
3 Election of Chair
- Cllr Jones was re-elected as Chairman for the forthcoming year
- The Chairman signed the Declaration of Office acceptance form
4 Election of Vice Chair Cllr Fisher was re-elected Vice Chair
5 Apologies Cllrs Norman and Tudor sent their apologies, it was resolved to accept these.
6 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.
7 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 There were no written declarations of interest.
8 Working groups were determined as follows:
Finance Committee
Cllr D Norman (Chairman) Cllr G Jones Cllr P Fisher Cllr S Hall Cllr V O’Dunne Cllr S Tudor Cllr I Macmillan |
Environmental Committee
Cllr C Hurst (Chairman) Cllr I Moran Cllr E Philpott Cllr S Tudor Cllr P Fisher Cllr S Hall Cllr D Bentley |
Planning Committee
Cllr P Fisher (Chairman) Cllr E Philpott Cllr S Tudor Cllr I Macmillan Cllr S Hall |
Joint Playing Fields Committee
Cllr P Fisher (Chairman) Cllr I Moran Cllr D Norman Cllr I Macmillan Cllr G Jones (Borough Council Rep) |
Sole trustee Representative(s) on Village Hall Committee
Cllr G Jones (Chairman) Cllr P Fisher – Consultant |
9 Banking arrangements – It was resolved to add Cllr Fisher on the list of signatories.
10 Asset Register – Cllrs approved the Asset Register, Clerk to publish on the website.
11 Risk Register – Cllrs approved the Risk Register, Clerk to publish on the website.
12 Standing Orders & Financial Regulations – Cllrs approved the documents, Clerk to publish on the website.
13 Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the Year ending 31 March 2019
- a) The Cllrs noted the Annual Internal Audit Report. The Clerk opted out of taking a pension. A review meeting of the Finance Committee will be held to reinvestigate pension arrangements.
- b) The Cllrs approved Section 1 (Annual Governance Statement 2018/2019) of the Annual Return. The Chairman signed the return.
- c) The Cllrs approved Section 2 (Accounting Statements 2018/2019) of the Annual Return. The Chairman signed the return.
14 The Budget Details for Financial Year 2018/2019 were noted. The detailed budget for 2019/2020 were issued and accepted.
15 The minutes of the full Council Meeting of 2 April 2019 These were accepted as a true record.
16 Matters arising from the meeting of 2 April 2019 and not otherwise on the agenda
Key themes 2018
574 Neighbourhood Plan update There was a strong response from residents in support of the Referendum. It was resolved to celebrate the adoption of the Plan and thank the residents who participated in the process. To encourage residents to attend, a leaflet to be produced and distributed. The Facebook page to be updated to advertise the event. It was resolved to pay for the printing of the flyer and distribution costs.
256 Phase I conclusion of the Village – Works are underway to remove the raked vegetation off the wildlife green. The drainage works are scheduled for the top of the green. Initial plants are now on order. Two fence panels will be installed at the bin area, all the new bins are now in situ. Stafford Borough Council have commenced monitoring of car park with regards to littering; they will also be working with PCSO’s to address the unsavoury nocturnal activity.
The works on the canal with the Canal & River Trust have been postponed. They have re-logged the issue with the three bridges from Trentham to Meaford.
Project Title | Approved Budget Net | Balance |
Car Park Resurfacing inc additional aggregate | £3492.00 | £0.00 |
Aggregate | £660 | |
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Works – Complete | £250.00 | £0.00 |
Tree removal works – complete | £250.00 | £0.00 |
Re-planting of species | £750.00 | £580.00 |
Village Green damp patch investigations – Complete | £120.00 | £0.00 |
Canal Resurfacing works (to be re-scheduled) | N/A | N/A |
Replace 2 damaged panels | £47.00 | £47.00 |
Undertake ground works pre-car park – Complete | £300.00 | £0.00 |
Asbestos Removal – Complete | £2100.00 | £0.00 |
Tree Works / Removal – Village Green – Complete | £856.00 | £0.00 |
Drainage on upper village green – Complete | £280.00 | £0.00 |
*Reinstating ditch Lower Village Green – Complete | £360.00 | £0.00 |
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust – Wildlife Planting | £200.00 | £200.00 |
Removal of Ivy from trees | N/A | N/A |
Lighting of Car Park | £1500.00 | N/A |
Rights of Way/Footpath adoptions – Upper House gate to be addressed by SCC |
Phase II – A quotation has been received for play equipment which is in keeping with the green and includes balance beams, stepping logs, archway, play fort built onto the existing foundations comprising of a castle style picket fence and a rope bridge to a raised bridge to a ‘lookout’ platform; a fairy village made from logs and stepping stones. Cost £4,000 plus VAT. It was resolved to accept this. An artist’s impression is required. Both the Upper House and the Community Group have expressed an interest in contributing towards the play equipment and enhancing the area.
It was noted Stone Rotary and the Community Group would like to contribute towards the play area. The Upper House were also interested in contributing.
The quotation has been received from the Borough Council for the changing of the streetlight over the car park, which is coming in at around £1500 and is cost prohibitive for them at the moment. It was noted there is a president set for purchasing lighting and the cost is in keeping with previous prices paid. It was resolved to accept these charges. Eon will undertake the works as they are the supplier to the Borough.
It was also noted the Borough are due to monitor the site for unsavoury behaviour in the car park and will liaise with the PCSO’s. CCTV signs have already been installed. A request was made for local police to start patrolling the area again, Clerk to contact them.
A meeting of the Environmental Committee will be required to determine the planters required and whether the speed gate option would be preferred. It was resolved to invite Joe Poultney and Sara Morris onto the Committee. A meeting will need to be scheduled.
Campaigns 2018
9 Speed Watch campaign update – The latest statistics available up to 18th April – 23 sessions have been undertaken so far this year. 362 vehicles recorded at 35mph or above – just under 6% in total. 79 at 40mpt or above.
It was noted highways approval was granted from Staffordshire County Council and Stafford Borough Council; the Speed Indicator Devices can now be ordered.
Disappointingly Police have still not responded to request for Speed Data Collection at the top end of Wedgwood Drive.
The Parish Council would formally like to show their appreciation of the Speed Watch team and Cllr Norman with regards to their efforts on delivering this campaign.
182 MUGA and review future monitoring Cllr Bentley agreed to start monitoring the MUGA. A hand over meeting will be required. Clerk to schedule.
193 Joint Playing Field Committee meeting – The date provisionally set has had to be deferred due to the Mayoral Inauguration. A new date is required.
287 Update on meeting with the County Council member for the area
- Stafford & Rural Homes Planning Application Barlaston Park updateThe requirement to add chevron parking to Ivyhouse Drive is key. Cllr Parry has advised his previous funding provision has been dramatically cut from last year and is therefore looking to use this to address issues such as gully clearing.
- With regards to this project, he is looking to see if he can use the Highways Initiative Fund (£20k), however there is strict criteria required before funds are allocated. Cllr Parry will keep us updated with progress. Ideally the funding should come from s106 monies and could possibly be something we could push for.
- This planning application was originally called in, not because we didn’t agree with the development, but due to the traffic impact on the park. The application is scheduled to be discussed at the first planning meeting in May, unfortunately Cllr Jones could not represent the Parish at this meeting as he had already served 4 years on the Committee, he can reapply to join the committee in 2020. The Borough asked us to withdraw the call in, however anyone who knows the Park is aware of the issues and additional housing with 2 car parking spaces will only exacerbate the problem. Unless the Borough receive a report from Highways the application will proceed; the Clerk has liaised with Cllr Parry and is awaiting a reply. Cllr Jones will arrange for a Planning Committee member to represent Barlaston, it would be the preferred option to ask for the application to be deferred to ensure the traffic impact is fully understood before a decision is made.
- (Item 216) Library update – Continue to attend the Stone Library meeting, they are struggling with staff. The Library bus is well used, the advertising we did to promote the new date is working. The Methodist Church were still interested in hosting the Library but need to address costs. Keeping the Library separate will enable funding to be sought from Support Staffordshire.
351 Wayleave Agreement Upper House – Dicksons have quoted £200 – £300 for the production of the Wayleave. A meeting is required with the Upper House to discuss the matter.
357 Orchard Place / promotion of Station Car Park – The situation has not improved; it was also noted the Plume of Feathers were also experiencing long term parking which is reducing trade. The Clerk drafted a flyer for the shop owners to try to divert long term parking to alternative sites. A number of amendments were requested following which it was resolved the Clerk would arrange printing and distribution to the shops.
A voluntary permit scheme for residents would prove useful, Clerk to liaise with SRH.
373 Drainage issues on Old Road – It was noted works had been undertaken and appears to have resolved the situation. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
435 Village Show Marquee – The committee advised they had approached voluntary organisations in the village to see if they could make use of the venue on Friday, there was no response. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
436 HS2’s consultation update – Clerk to forward latest correspondence.
455 Canal bridges 99, 100 and 101 – A meeting was held with the Canal & River Trust, they will review the sites. A scheduled meeting to walk along the canal from Trentham to Meaford was postponed. It was noted new legislation means resurfacing works along the canal will prove difficult. We are awaiting a revised meeting date.
456 Brinsley Avenue Practice Patient Group – a request has been made to hold a patients group meeting to address booking concerns raised by residents, a date has not been forthcoming. Further attempts will be made before a formal letter is sent from the Parish Council.
462 Bins situated at car park adjacent to Upper House
The bins from Scope and the Children’s Air Ambulance are now in situ. SBC have removed the old unsightly bins and replaced these with a cardboard and two general recycling bins. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
473 Barlaston Bus Service Update
First Bus were initially contacted on 28 December with the request to divert the No. 23/23a busses into the Barlaston Park Estate. They advised there is no capacity on the timetable for the bus to divert from its current route, it would require an additional bus being added to the schedule, the cost for this is prohibitive. The previous service which came through Barlaston was predominantly used by bus pass holders who do not contribute to the cost of running the service.
They recommend the Parish Council seek funding from Staffordshire County Council or alternatively liaise with The World of Wedgwood as they may be keen to explore public transport options for their visitors. SCC have already advised they have no funding available. The option of Wedgwood will be raised at the next liaison meeting.
It was noted s106 monies have been used previously from other building projects to supplement bus routes, details will be forwarded to the Clerk to review.
It was resolved that Cllr’s Hall and Bentley will produce a survey for distribution on Barlaston Park to understand the requirements for a bus service including: the direction of travel; the approximate age of the user; timings required (if required for work purposes). It was suggested the survey could also encompass the future usage of the MUGA.
484 Lakeside Tavern update – The eviction has now taken place. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
486 Request for a cabinet in the Ruth Dickson meeting room – Details of the type of cabinet required has not been provided. History group to supply details to the Parish Council to enable quotations to be sought.
487 30mph Speed Sign Tittensor Road – SCC have agreed to return to site and take this item away. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
497 Mans Shed initiative – The initial quotation received to remove both sheds is £3,850. It was resolved to encompass these works within the Village Hall building works.
507 Vehicle pollution initiative by Station Road crossing – Signs displaying No Idling Zone to be displayed by the level crossing, it was resolved to include turning headlights off. It was noted shrubs to fill the hole in the hedge have been ordered. Signs on crossing
Environmental issues – it was resolved that the Council will work on an environmental policy.
17 To note financial matters:
Bank reconciliation, cash flow and budget comparison reports were submitted showing end of financial year 2018/2019 and new financial year 2019/2020. It was resolved to accept these.
Schedule of payments – April 2019
NET | VAT | Cheque | |
*Nigel Ferguson – Replacement cheque (002454) | 415.00 | 0.00 | 002466 |
*Barlaston Church PCC – Replacement cheque (0024677) | 1320.00 | 0.00 | 002467 |
*Mainwaring Roberts – Replacement cheque (002459) | 120.00 | 0.00 | 002468 |
SLCC Training Seminar 10 April 2019 | 80.00 | 16.00 | 002469 |
Barlaston First Responders – Training | 800.00 | 0.00 | 002470 |
SPCA Annual Subscription | 443.00 | 0.00 | 002471 |
Mainwaring Roberts Inv 0395 – Drainage work upper village green | 280.00 | 0.00 | 002472 |
Mainwaring Roberts Inv 0394 – Labour & Materials (aggregate) | 3492.00 | 0.00 | 002473 |
E G Dyke & Son – Remove excess saplings | 300.00 | 0.00 | 002474 |
Mainwaring Roberts Inv 0396 – Cleaning & Reinstating ditch | 360.00 | 0.00 | 002475 |
K St Leger Salary & Expenses | 1358.17 | 20.00 | 002476 |
Stafford Borough Council – Amenity Visit Invoice 7070239553 | 446.67 | 89.33 | 002477 |
Methodist Church Hire Fees – Inv 133 | 120.00 | 0.00 | 002478 |
Voluntary Transport Scheme – Grant | 25.00 | 0.00 | 002479 |
E G Dyke & Son – Additional work clearing brash after tree works | 175.00 | 35.00 | 002480 |
Perennial Landscapes – Grounds Maintenance Works Inv 1785 | 855.00 | 171.00 | 002481 |
Toplis Associates Ltd – Audit & Expenses – Inv 1071 | 185.45 | 37.09 | 002482 |
Office Direct – Stationery – Inv OD04790257 | 43.80 | 8.77 | 002483 |
Boultons Nurseries – Shrubs O/N 009183/0 | 169.20 | 33.84 | 002484 |
18 Parish Council office accommodation in Barlaston
The Methodist Church have submitted a formal offer of £1300 per annum, this is to include open access to the office accommodation and the Parish Council Meetings in the main hall. This excludes the proposed room for the Library. It was resolved to accept these costings. We need to ensure that there is no funding linkage made to an annual review.
Savings will be made with travelling expenses and monthly home allowance.
A lone working risk assessment will be required along with costings for broadband etc. A Wi-Fi camera would prove beneficial.
19 Wedgwood meeting update – Fiskars indicated they are willing to work with the Parish in terms of enhancing the village. They are currently working on their Chelsea garden, if there is no room, and if it is in keeping with the village, this could be installed on the green. If the garden is not suitable, there is the option of moving the wicker displays and relocating these to the green.
It was noted the marina planning application had been passed by Stafford Borough Council. It was noted it was a boat park with limited parking for passing traffic. It was noted the spoil will remain on site.
20 Borough Council member for the area – The makeup of the new Borough Council is different from the old one in so far as there are less Conservatives. There are no Conservatives on Stone Town Council and no Conservative representatives on the Stone Ward of the Borough Council, despite all the works having been undertaken in Stone. This will change the dynamic of the Council considerably; they are unsure how the Independents will behave moving forwards, and little money will be spent there in the future. If we could come up with projects in the future, we may benefit.
21 County Council member for the area – The Councillor was not in attendance.
22 Planning Committee Recommendations – No planning applications were scheduled for consideration.
23 Committee representation from Stafford Borough Council – covered under 287 (2)
24 To receive weekly play equipment report – Nothing to report
25 Risk Assessment actions – Awaiting metal signs for the MUGA
26 Correspondence and circulars
- A complaint was received regarding the land at the rear of Diamond Ridge. This matter has been addressed and no further action is required.
- Water leak on Hartwell Lane – Recent works have been undertaken however this has not resolved the issue. The Clerk has arranged for a Lengthsman from Colwich PC to look at the problem.
- The Womblers have requested permission to install a scarecrow made from rubbish and move this around the village with the sign ‘Take your litter home’. It was resolved to approve this request.
- A request was made for a Cllr to hold a surgery at the monthly coffee mornings held at the Methodist Church on a rotational basis. Cllr Jones advised he attended these and was happy to address any concerns.
- Lengthsman / handyman position – has this been resolved. It was noted funding was available for a Lengthsman to be employed on an ad-hoc basis.
- SBC have submitted the Purchase order for grass cutting @ £3129.60 for 2019/20
27 Questions from Councillors for inclusion on next month’s agenda
The Voluntary Transport Scheme have submitted a grant application form to cover 2019/2020 for £100.
28 To note date of Next Meeting:
- Annual Parish Meeting 30 May 2019 @ 7pm
- Parish Council Meeting 4 June 2019 @ 7:30pm