150819 Barlaston Parish Council Environmental Committee

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Meeting will start at 7 pm at the Methodist Church, Park Drive, Barlaston

1 Apologies

2 Declarations of Interest

3 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

4 Co-option of new members

5 To update progress of agreed works:

Car Park Resurfacing update

  • Replace 2 damaged panels @ £47 – Update
  • Lighting of Car Park – update

Ground Works – Flatten out ground works following tree removal update

Replanting of species – Proposal to reserve wild pear trees / damsons etc

Canal works

  • Schedule maintenance
  • Trimming back of branches / repair to hedge following removal of ivy

Maintenance of Assets / Replace Planters / Repair Benches etc.

Winter programme of Ivy Removal off Trees

Children’s Play Area

  • Volunteer works (pre installation for play area)
  • Revised proposal for play area

Footpath clearance around Barlaston

  • Roles & Responsibilities

Installation of ‘Idle Free Zone’ poster – update

Installation of H&S notification MUGA – update

Date of Next Meetings – To be confirmed