2 March 2021 – Barlaston Parish Council Agenda

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L01-20 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the online Zoom Parish Council Meeting on 2 March 2021 at 7:15 pm.  An agenda for the meeting is set out below (this is an abridged agenda, items not included will be addressed following the removal of the lock down criteria)


Mrs K St Leger

24 February 2021


7:15 – 7:30    Public Open Forum (by prior appointment). Please contact the Clerk if you wish to participate in the Public element of the meeting. If no requests are received, the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7:15 pm

4/133    To determine vacancy for Barlaston Park and Barlaston West Wards

170      Apologies

171      Declarations of Interest

172      Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

173       To approve minutes of the full Council Meeting of 2 February 2021

174       Matters arising from the meeting of 2 February 2021 and not otherwise on the agenda

117      To receive update on (a) the swing gate installation Barlaston Village Hall; (b) the payment of the outstanding Wayleave           

7          To receive update on Covid-19 in Barlaston and determine actions: (a) Wedgwood Memorial Bowl Dedication; (b) Dedication of the Clock Tower           

22        To receive update on Neighbourhood Watch schemes

35/36    To receive update on Village Drainage Strategy 

    • Clearance of the culvert from Old Road to 11a Meadow Road
    • Flooding on Hartwell Lane – Ref 4226075
    • Flooding on Meaford Road – Ref 4227504
    • Flooding on Station Road – Ref 4227506
    • Culvert clearance around The Lea
    • Grid flooding issue on the village green
    • To determine drainage works on the Village Green

63       To determine location for the memorial bench for Mr Stan Phillips           

64        To receive update on the Former Wedgwood Memorial College

95        To determine actions to address Climate Change           

97        To receive update on fly tipping issues around Barlaston and determine actions

98        To receive update on play area design visit (deferred)           

121       To receive update on Public Right of Way issues on Footpath No. 9

138       To receive report following Highways meeting including Speed Watch            1

140      To receive update regarding poor condition of the towpath and removal of protective barriers on the bridge by the Plume of Feathers

153      To determine follow on actions regarding the Census

160      To receive update on parking issues on Broughton Crescent and application for a Parish Council representative on sit on the School of Governors

162      To determine footpath clearance in front of the cottages Longton Road           

165       To receive update on AEDdonate works and additional costings

175       To note sewage issues around Flaxman Close

176       To discuss residents concerns regarding Blue Iris

177      To discuss reports of Wildlife injuries following attacks from 3 youths and determine any follow on actions

178       To determine actions regarding nomination of a Superhero

179       To note the removal of the marquee by the Plume of Feathers

180       To receive update on Lengthsman’s schedule of works and determine new works

  • Repair tire track marks on the village green

181       To note financial matters:

            (a) to receive financial report and determine meeting date for 2021/2022 budget setting

            (b) to approve bank reconciliation reports

            (c) to receive schedule of payments report February 2021

  NET VAT Cheque
SPCA procurement training course – Inv SI-21 30 0.00 002698
David Ogilvie – Stan’s Memorial Bench – Inv 186168 1016.00 203.20 002699
Urban Vision Training/planning rep 21/33687/FUL-  Inv UVE786-21 787.50 157.50 002700
Nigel Ferguson Annual Maintenance Web Site – Inv 0343 415.00 0.00 002701
K St Leger Salary & Expenses     002702
Staffordshire Pension Fund     002703
Sutton Engineering – Swing Gates Village Hall 1600.00 0.00 002704

182      To receive Risk Assessment update and determine actions

  • Removal of tree lights on the Christmas tree
  • Policy regarding hedges covering pavements
  • Procurement rec

183      To determine grant application(s)

184      To note Planning Committee Recommendations

  • Planning Application Reference 21/33687/FUL at Land Between Trent Canal and Old Road Barlaston described as Rural Exception Housing Development for the erection of 42 affordable dwellings including access onto Old Road, a SUDS attenuation basin and equipped children’s play area.
  • Planning Application Reference 21/33661/FUL at Treetops Thirty Seven Holding Cocknage Road Rough Close described as Removal of Condition 7 on Application 10/14212/FUL
  • Planning Application Reference 21/33708/HOU at Daisy Bank Blurton Road Barlaston described as Detached single storey garden gazebo
  • Proposed Upgrade on the existing base station at Stoke on Trent RFC, Hartwell Lane, Stone, Staffordshire ST3 7NG (NGR:391217,338707)
  • Planning Application Reference 20/33547/HOU at 22 Flaxman Close Barlaston Stoke on Trent described as Proposed replacement garage with office space over
  • Planning Application Reference 21/33736/FUL at Middleton Livery Yard and Riding Tuition Old Road Barlaston
  • Planning Application 21/33753/HOU at Woodstock 106A Longton Road Barlaston described as Proposed balcony
  • Stafford Borough Council Planning Application Validation Criteria – Consultation

185      To receive items for inclusion in next month’s agenda

186      To note date of next meeting – 13 April 2021


Karen St Leger, Barlaston Parish Clerk – email: barlastonparishclerk@gmail.com

Karen St Leger is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Parish Council Meeting

Time: Mar 2, 2021 19:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 895 0916 7722

Passcode: 907407