- Apologies
- Declarations of Interest
- Written Applications for Dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
- To approve Planning Committee minutes of 14 May 2019 meeting
- To approve the following Planning Applications19/30435 at Parkfield Cottage 23 Tittensor Road Barlaston – creation of a field track; new field entrance; repositioning of the ménage location; creation of a stable yard; creation o 3 paddocks enclosing with timber post and rail fencing; planting of tree and hedgerow.
19/30437/FUL at Land Adjacent to Longton Road Barlaston
Proposed development is described as Agricultural working dwelling.19/30459/FUL at Old Road Garage Old Road Barlaston
The proposed development is described as Change of use from Commercial garage into nine new dwellings (class C3) and improvement of vehicular accessDate of next meeting 4 June 2019