Cllr P Fisher (Chair)
Cllr D Bentley (Vice Chairman)
Cllr S Tudor
Cllr C Hurst
Cllr V O’DunneCllr J Dando
Cllr DBorasinski
Cllr E Philpott
Cllr A Hemming
Also In attendance:
Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)
Public Open Forum
No members of the public were in attendance.
14 Apologies – Cllr Jones sent his apologies; it was resolved to accept these.
15 Declarations of Interest – Cllrs Dando and Bentley declared an interest in item 118.
16 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.
17 Minutes of the Parish Council 5 April 2022 – It was resolved to accept these as a true record.
18 Matters arising from the meeting of 5 April 2022 and not otherwise on the agenda
95 Parish Council Strategy Update – Cllr Hemming is working on formulating a framework with the option of Cllrs to submit comments.
115 Lighting of a beacon to commemorate the Jubilee update – The beacon has now been ordered and gas bottles arranged. Invitations have gone out for people to attend. The field chosen is higher than the Downs Bank and is easier to access. Parking will be made available along with a refreshment stand. There is a meeting on 10 May to finalise the details.
118 Lakewood Drive update – The Clerk has approached the Head of Law at Staffordshire County Council requesting this be looked at stressing there are only two entrances into the Park and this is also used by public transport. They are now looking at this.
Cllr’s Dando and Bentley advised the aggregate donated by the Parish Council has now been put down and is addressing the issue. The number of volunteers who assisted was disappointing. It took two sessions and 30 bags of aggregate to complete the works. The residents expressed their thanks to the Parish Council.
131 Planning application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road – This item is still not on the Planning Agenda for the Borough. We will continue to monitor their website for details.
134 Twinning with Fiskars, Finland – The item to be tabled at the Annual Parish Meeting.
160. Planting of trees in Barlaston – no further action has been taken.
161 Wedgwood Memorial College Arboretum – No further update has been received.
180 Community led shop on Barlaston Park (deferred – subject to commencement of planning application 18/18215/FUL)
195 Land at Meadow Road (proposed play area) – This item is on the Borough Council agenda for July.
213 Parish Council representation as a School of Governors update – Cllr Adams-Elsmore was not in attendance to give an update.
214 Joint Playing Field Committee date – It was resolved to call the meeting for Saturday 14 May 2022 at 9:30.
221 Planning Training – the 12 July was proposed, the Clerk to liaise with Urban Vision to check availability.
19 To receive updates and determine actions regarding the following Committees:
- Environmental Committee
- Cllr Hurst is liaising with the School to sort out the trees.
- Mr & Mrs Moran have put bunting up around the Play Fort and installed a Fort Barlaston sign which has proved popular.
- Mr Cochin assisted Cllr Hurst with replacing the panels at the Downs Car Park, these were free of charge.
- The Canal & River Trust have installed a number of planters in the shape of bottle kilns along the canal, Mrs Wilshaw has kindly planted these up with edible plants.
- The Parish Council wished to thank Mr & Mrs Moran, Mr Cochin and Mrs Wilshaw for their contributions.
- Entertainment Committee – Platinum Jubilee Event
- The Clerk applied for a National Lottery Grant to cover some of the event costings, we were successful and have been awarded £6,640.00. Part of the successful bid was to support / promote local businesses following COVID-19.
- BHIB will not cover the marquee when it is left unattended, the Clerk approached numerous Companies to quote for security from the hours of 8pm to 8am, however only one Company responded. It was resolved to suspend standing orders and appoint Churchill to undertake the works. Volunteers will be required to keep an eye on the marquee during the day.
- Additional toilet provision is still required – due to the popularity of the dates, the Clerk is struggling to find resources.
- Generators are required (Vicar Stuart Jones has kindly offered access to a power supply and will be recompensed after the event)
- Bouncy Castle / Cart prices are as follows (there has been an increase in costings following the Insurance recommendations that the providers need to man the equipment)
- 1 x Frozen Chill Castle @ £75.00
- 1 x Super Clown Slide @ £170.00
- 1 x Generator & Fuel @ £105
- 2 x staff @ 4 hours @ £216
- Delivery @ £18
- Total £584
- The carts are already booked out, they have offered human tabletop football suitable for adults and children @ £260
- The Guides are hosting the tombola to raise funds for their Kenya trip.
- Various suggestions were submitted regarding who should open the event, it was resolved for Cllr Fisher to approach Mrs Pippa Gee to open the event.
- Mr Bond, a local market trader, has approached the Parish Council with a price for bunting, it was resolved for the Clerk to approach him for costings.
- Finance Committee – No meeting has been held.
- HR Committee – No meeting has been held.
20 Highways Issues update including:
- Speed Watch – The up-to-date speed watch figures were distributed. It was noted two speed watch volunteers were assaulted in Cannock which is a worrying sign, there were also signs of aggression in Barlaston on the corner of Brookhouse Drive.
- It was noted 16 – 20 May was Walk to School Week.
- Speeding on Station Road / Old Road / Meaford Road / Longton Road – Again the Clerk has approached Cllr Ian Parry regarding the flashing sign for the Crossing Patrol officer.
- 20’s Plenty for Staffordshire – the next meeting is 7 June.
21 To note financial matters:
(a) bank reconciliation reports – It was noted the reports were not available as the Auditor had not signed off the yearend figures.
(b) Schedule of payments report April 2022 – It was resolved to accept these figures.
Expenditure | NET | VAT | Cheque |
Hosting Systems – Voice over IP | 10.00 | 2.00 | DD |
Zoom Video Conferencing | 11.99 | 2.40 | DD |
BT – Broadband | 26.66 | 5.33 | DD |
K St Leger, Salary & Expenses | 1,021.95 | 0.00 | BACS |
Staffordshire County Pension Fund | 316.17 | 0.00 | 002826 |
Buxus Green – Grounds Maintenance – inv 202203 | 995.83 | 0.00 | 002819 |
Toner Giant – Xerox compatible toner – Inv TMHAFA | 76.39 | 15.28 | 002820 |
St John’s Ambulance – Jubilee Cover | 96.00 | 19.20 | 002821 |
SPCA Annual Subscription / NALC Affiliation – Inv SI-635 | 461.63 | 0.00 | 002822 |
Bradley’s Tax & Accountancy Service – Inv 2022/ 420 | 90.00 | 18.00 | 002823 |
AJM Fire Safety – Inv 13 – Provision of Fire Door Village Hall | 935.00 | 187.00 | BACS |
N&J Tree Services Ltd – Inv 15078 – Tree Survey | 336.00 | 67.20 | 002824 |
N&J Tree Services Ltd – Inv 15211 (Replacement cheque for 002808) | 648.00 | 129.60 | 002825 |
Income | NET | VAT | |
Stafford Borough Council – Precept / CGI | 35,510.50 | 0.00 | |
National Lottery Grant – Queen’s Platinum Jubilee | 6,640.00 | 0.00 | |
HMRC Tax Rebate | 674.07 | 0.00 | |
Barlaston Village Hall – Inv 602 – Provision of Fire Door | 935.00 | 0.00 |
22 Commemorative Jubilee Asset(s)
- Tree Plaques – It was resolved not to purchase tree plaques.
- Bench – Cllr Philpott had submitted an option of a hardwood carved bench which cost in the region of £500. The Clerk advised there were recycled options available between £500 and £1,000, however the Parish Council resolved to purchase the special commemorative bench from David Ogilvie due to the exceptional quality of Stan’s Bench and the WWI bench purchased from them previously. The bench will be situated at Orchard Place, the Clerk to liaise with Staffordshire County Council regarding the S115e licence to plant agreement.
23 Seating provision on the Village Green – The Clerk showed the Parish Council a number of options for seating on the main green and wild green, this would encourage people to use the areas. It was resolved for the Clerk to submit costings / examples to the next Parish Council meeting.
24 Youth Council – The Clerk had submitted recommendations regarding activities which could be hosted on the Village Green for the Youth in Barlaston on Friday 3 November in the Marquee. To date no response has been received.
25 Risk Assessment updates and determine actions
- Pavement on the green adjacent to the War Memorial
- Rialtas Cloud – We are still awaiting a quotation.
- BHIB renewal, included data breach protection @ £50, it was resolved to accept this recommendation. The cover for the MUGA is £70k, BHIB are not convinced this would cover the replacement of the pour crumb matting. They have asked for a financial assessment before they will quote. The Clerk to look at this item.
- he risk of holding funds in one bank account – item to be moved to next agenda.
26 Determine grant application(s) – no applications were received. We received a thank you letter from the guides.
27 Planning issue(s) and determine action(s) – There were no planning applications.
28 Items for inclusion in next month’s agenda
- Finances – The Annual Governance Accountability Return (AGAR).
- Access from Canal Side onto Station Road
- The failure of the railway barriers
29 Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 7 June 2022