3 November 2020 – Minutes of the Barlaston Parish Council Planning Committee

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Cllr P Fisher (Chair)
Cllr G Jones
Cllr S Tudor
Cllr D Bentley
Cllr V O’Dunne
Cllr S Hall
Cllr E Philpott 

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

Two members of the public


1          Apologies – there were no apologies.

2          Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

3          Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.

4          Minutes of 6 October were approved as a true record.

5          Possible development at back of Brookhouse Drive update – The Clerk wrote to the Management Company detailing the protocols within the Neighbourhood Plan under Policy H1: Site Allocation and objecting to the proposed development of this site. To date we have not received a response.

6          Planning application Reference 20/33196/HOU at Craig Lee 384 Old Road Barlaston, described as ‘The works include a two-storey side extension with an additional single storey extension to the rear. The house will also have minor internal works and will be entirely reclad’.

It was noted the development was over 70% of the original build, this is an issue for the Local Planning Authority to action.

The Parish Council have no objections to this Planning Application.

7          Planning application Reference 20/33005/HOU – 19 Old Road, Barlaston Re-consultation. Revised plans submitted.

Concerns were raised with regards to the removal of hedges, under the Neighbourhood Plan policies D1: – 6. Provide buildings, landscaping and planting to create well defined streets and attractive spaces; 7. Provide convenient, well-screened storage space for bins, recycling and bicycles; 8. Include high quality boundary treatments to reflect the rural character.

It was noted there was a small section of hedgerow to right hand side of the property and a hedgerow running across the back covering 2/3 of the length, this was in significant disrepair. The homeowner had discussions with the landowner at the back of the property and it was agreed a boundary fence would be installed.  Prior to the removal of the shrubs a survey was undertaken on the plants and these were considered of low value. A significant landscaping plan is in place whereby an enriched species of pollinating shrubs and flowers would be planted. The fence will be covered by shrubs and new trees. The height of the fence would be 2m, which was a stipulation of the Local Planning Authority.

The roof height was to be 2ft above the existing roof line, this was not a concern of the Planning Committee.

It was resolved to approve the planning application subject to policy D1: 6, 7 and 8 being observed.

8          Planning application Reference 19/31683/FUL appeal at Land at Penfold Farm Trentham Road Stoke on Trent. Planning Inspectorate Ref APP/Y3425/W/20/3258727. Described as new two storey dwelling.

We previously objected to this application and Stafford Borough Council refused planning permission. It came back and again we refused. They have now appealed.

This is the first refusal that we have been involved with and as such the Clerk has been liaising with our Planning Consultant for advice. There are several future developments this information could be used for including the Old Road Garage site; 42 proposed houses at the back of Brookhouse Drive and possibly the land at the back of 19 Old Road owned by Inglewood Investments. It would also give the Neighbourhood Plan more emphasis.  The cost of producing a letter would be £550, it was resolved to accept this recommendation.


The Parish Council are in receipt of planning application 20/32843/OUT – Old Road Garage, Barlaston, a response is required by the LPA by 16 Nov 2020. This now encompasses the bungalow on site. Demolition of the existing buildings is classed as a new development and is therefore contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan.

A question was raised with regards to the blue lines noted on the plan, it was determined this was the extent of their holding. The red line is the proposed development line.

The Parish Council previously approved this application where the existing buildings would be utilised (under NPPF para 146 (b) – the re-use of buildings providing that the buildings are of permanent and substantial construction).

The new development clears the site for redevelopment which is deemed inappropriate development in the Green Belt (NPPF Para 144 – no special circumstances are documented) and is contrary to the Barlaston Neighbourhood Plan Policy H1: Site Allocation.

It was resolved for the Clerk to email the Parish Council with the relevant information to ensure a decision is submitted prior to the closure date of 16 Nov 2020.

Date of next meeting 1 December 2020