04 July 2022 – Barlaston Parish Council Meeting

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L01-20 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Parish Council Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church. Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on Tuesday 5 July 2022.  Meeting to commence at 7:30pm. An agenda for the meeting is set out below.Signed

Mrs K St Leger

27 June 2022

7:15 – 7:30     Public Open Forum (by prior appointment). Please contact the Clerk if you wish to participate in the Public element of the meeting. If no requests are received, the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7:15 pm

56        Apologies

57        Declarations of Interest

58        Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

59         To approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 14 June 2022

60        Matters arising from the meeting of 14 June and not otherwise on the agenda

            95        To receive update on Parish Council Strategy

            118       To receive update on Lakewood Drive

131       To receive update on planning application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road

134       To receive update on Twinning with Fiskars, Finland

          160       To determine course of action regarding planting of trees in Barlaston

            161       To receive update regarding Wedgwood Memorial College Arboretum

180       To receive suggestions regarding a Community led shop on Barlaston Park (deferred – subject to commencement of planning application 18/18215/FUL)

195       To receive update regarding the land at Meadow Road (deferred awaiting report following July Cabinet meeting)

213       To receive update on Parish Council representation as a School of Governors

214       To receive update regarding the Joint Playing Field Committee actions

            221       To receive update on Planning Training

  • To receive update on the Jubilee Bench

23         To determine actions regarding seating for the Village Green

            47         To receive update regarding access issues from Canal Side onto Station Road

            48         To receive update regarding the failure of the railway barriers

49    To receive update regarding HGVs coming through Old Road / Meaford Road from Strongford Site

            50    To receive update regarding Orchard Place

            51    To receive update on Allotment Lease renewal

            52    To determine how the Parish Council can assist the Guides in formulating a PR campaign to keep the unit going and receive update on Barlaston Brownies / Guides

61         To receive updates and determine actions regarding the following Committees:

  1. Environmental Committee –
    1. To receive update on play equipment for wild green
    2. To determine actions regarding quotation for wicket gate / willow items
    3. To determine procurement of 35 barriers @ £175
    4. Signage for the Wild Green following installation of new items
  2. Finance Committee
  3. HR Committee
  4. Entertainment Committee – to receive update following Jubilee Event 

62         To receive update on Highways Issues including:

  • Speed Watch
  • Speeding on Station Road / Old Road / Meaford Road / Longton Road
  • 20’s Plenty for Staffordshire

63        To note financial matters:

            (a) to approve bank reconciliation reports

            (b) to receive schedule of payments report July payments 2022

Expenditure – Jubilee Event NET VAT Payment
Community Transport – Inv 7561 – Jubilee transport for Jubilee Event 164.00 32.80 002841
Expenditure – Standard NET VAT Payment
D Norman – Batteries for SID Device 8.99 0.00 BACS
Collecteco Charity – Barriers 175.00 35.00 BACS
Hosting Systems – Inv 69086 – Voice over IP 10.00 2.00 DD
Stafford Borough Council – Inv 7070290406 – Bin emptying April – June 2022 329.00 65.80 002842
HMRC – PAYE / NI 528.68 0.00 002843
K St Leger – Salary & Expenses inc. Jubilee Management 1,554.65 0.00 BACS
Smiths of Leek inv 999 – Trophies for scarecrow comp. 69.00 0.00
Argos – Lighting for toilets 42.00 0.00
Stafford Borough Council – TENS Licence 21.00 0.00
Booker Ltd – Inv 0167038 – Refreshments / Tablecloths / bin bags Jubilee 106.04 21.21
Staffordshire County Pension Fund 571.54 0.00 002844
Zoom – video conferencing Inv INV154806129 11.99 2.40 DD
BT – Broadband Inv GB22301935 M034 US 26.66 5.33 DD
Buxus Green – Grounds Maintenance – Inv 202207 995.83 0.00 002845
Buxus Green – Moss clearance Barlaston Park – Inv 202207/2 300.00 0.00 002846
Income NET VAT Cheque
Grant Donation by A Gardiner – Refreshments for Jubilee Event 36.03 0.00 BACS

64         To receive Risk Assessment updates and determine actions

  • Pavement on the green adjacent to the War Memorial
  • Rialtas Cloud
  • Parish Council Data / document retention policy

 65         To receive updates on and determine grant application(s)

  • DocBike Staffordshire
  • Barlaston Voluntary Car Scheme
  • Request for funding for Barlaston Resident attending Royal Ballet School

66         To note Planning issue(s) and outcomes following Planning Meeting

  • Planning Application Ref: 22/35919/HOU at 14 Diamond Ridge described as Single-storey side/rear extension
  • Planning Application Ref: 21/35155/FUL at Coton Rise House, Coton Rise, Barlaston described as Timber field stable.
  • Planning Application Ref: 21/35155/FUL at Daisy Bank, Blurton Road, Barlaston described as removal of condition 10 and 11 on 06/06732/FUL
  • Planning Application Ref: 22/35698/HOU at The Cottage, The Green, Barlaston described as 2 storey side extension

67        To note departure of Crossing Patrol Officer

68        To receive items for inclusion in next agenda

69        Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 6 September 2022
