5 August 2020 Planning Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Chair)
Cllr G Jones
Cllr C Hurst
Cllr S Hall
Cllr D Bentley
Cllr I Moran
Cllr E Philpott
Cllr S Tudor 

In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

  1. Apologies – no apologies were received
  2. Declarations of interest – there were no declarations of interest
  3. Written Applications for dispensation – there were no written applications for dispensation
  4. Minutes – Minutes of 21 July 2020 were accepted as a true record. It was noted there was no quorum, we set the protocols based on the Neighbourhood Plan for the submission to the Borough Council.
  5. Planning Application 20/32674/OUT at Pine Lea. The Green Barlaston described as Erection of new detached bungalow with new detached garage (layout) and erection of new detached garage to existing house.

It was noted there was a covenant on this land, it was noted this was a legal issue and not a planning consideration.

Cllr Jones advised he had called this in based on the issue of flooding and proximity to the houses below.

The Parish Council resolved to object to this Planning Application based on the following:

The outline planning application fails to respond to the requirements of the Barlaston Neighbourhood Plan.

Policy D1: Design of New Development

The Design and Access Statement submitted with planning applications for new development must show how the design of the proposed development responds to each of the principles set out in Policy D1.

New development in Barlaston must deliver good quality, sustainable design.  In order to achieve this all new development must:

  1. Respond to the existing build form in terms of enclosure and definition of streets and spaces, including degree of set-back; 
  2. Be of an appropriate height, scale and density to complement its setting;
  3. Provide convenient access to community services and facilities;
  4. Take advantage of the local landscape and landscape features, including water, trees, plants, wildlife habitats, site orientation and microclimate;
  5. Create a place with a locally inspired and distinctive character, based on analysis of the site and context;
  6. Provide buildings, landscaping and planting to create well defines streets and attractive green spaces;
  7. Provide convenient, well-screened storage space for bins, recycling and bicycles;
  8. Include high quality boundary treatments to reflect the rural character;
  9. Where applicable, provide attractive frontages facing the waterway. 

Under 12 of their Submission. Trees and Hedges, they have noted No to the question “are there trees or hedges on land adjacent to the proposed development site that could influence the development or might be important as part of the local landscape character”.   This fails to meet the requirements under Policy LNE1

Policy LNE1 specifies: Natural Environment Development will be supported, subject to other planning policies and material considerations, where its impact on the natural environment is assessed and addressed; particular attention should be afforded to providing additional hedgerows and trees wherever possible and those already established should be retained but where necessarily removed they must be replaced within the site; all new planting should be of an equivalent to the species and type in the locality unless otherwise agreed .

Concerns have been raised with Staffordshire County Council, as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), under the Flood & Water Management Act (FWMA). They have acknowledged there is an issue in this area and have instructed their Highways Department to investigate.  A significant increase in flooding is occurring since the building of Oak Barton; Green Cottage (which has been omitted from the plan), has been affected, along with other properties along Vicarage Lane.  Further building in this area will exacerbate the surface water issue.

  1. Planning Application 20/32700/HOU at Treetops Thirty-Seven Holding Cocknage Road Rough Close. Described as two storey side extensions and associated development.

The Parish Council resolved to object to the planning application as it is disproportionate and inappropriate development in the green belt and is contrary to the policies in the Barlaston Neighbourhood Plan.

  1. Planning Application 20/32662/HOU at Red Roof 4 Old Road. Described as rear single storey kitchen extension and first floor extension over previous rear extensions.  The Parish Council have no objections to this planning application.