6 July 2021 – Barlaston Parish Council Agenda

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L01-20 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Parish Council Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church, Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on Tuesday 6 July 2021 at 7:15 pm.  An agenda for the meeting is set out below.


Mrs K St Leger

30 June 2021

7:15 – 7:30    Public Open Forum (by prior appointment). Please contact the Clerk if you wish to participate in the Public element of the meeting. If no requests are received, the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7:15 pm

47        Apologies

48        Declarations of Interest

49        Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

50        To approve minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 1 June 2021

51        Matters arising from the meeting of 1 June 2021 and not otherwise on the agenda

            22        To receive update on Neighbourhood Watch schemes (deferred)

            175       To receive update on drainage works on the Village Green

52        To determine meeting dates for the following committees:

  • Environmental Committee
    • To determine sub-committee for the Play Area Meadow Road
  • Joint Playing Fields Committee

53        To receive recommendation following Finance Meeting

  • Financial Information for publication on the website
  • Financial Information for publication in the Annual Parish Booklet

54        To receive update on formation of HR Committee including scope

55        To receive the Clerk’s Update Report

56        To receive update on planning application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road

57        To receive update on planning application Planning Application Reference 21/33908/REM at Plot to Rear 75 Longton Road Barlaston described as Change of Use

58        To determine date for Parish Council ‘Thank You’ event

59        To receive update on the distribution of the ‘Welcome Back Fund’ by Stafford Borough Council

60        To receive update on the Annual Parish Booklet

61        To receive update on Highways Issues including Speed Watch

62        To note financial matters:

            (a) to approve bank reconciliation reports

            (b) to receive schedule of payments report June 2021

Expenditure NET VAT Cheque
Longcliffe – Aggregate for Canal & River Trust works £940.00 £188.00 BACS
Milton Garden Products – Topsoil for Canal & River Trust works £170.83 £34.17 BACS
St John’s Church – 50% contribution to graveyard maintenance (replacement cheque to The Parochial Church Council for Barlaston) £1320.00 £0.00 002737
K St Leger Salary & Expenses £936.60 £0.00 002738
Staffordshire County Pension Scheme £315.53 £0.00 002739
HMRC NI/PAYE £185.28 £0.00 002740
Buxus Green – Grounds Maintenance £993.83 £0.00 002741
AEDdonate – Inv 1382 Replace pads / battery on device on Beechfields £187.50 £37.50 002742
New Hall Property Ltd – Inv SI-1592 – Village Hall Floor Works £257.50 £51.50 002743
Toplis Associates Ltd – Inv 1,184 – Internal Audit Fees 192.60 38.52 002744
Joe Poultney – Inv 145 – Planter maintenance around the village £325.00 £0.00 002745
Timpsons – Plaque for Patrick Linehan £81.00 £0.00 002746
Staffordshire County Council – Allotment Inv 2020/2021 1024244 £1040.00 £0.00 002747
IG Stage Hire – Inv 1239 – Village Fete Event £450.00 £90.00 002748
HMRC Tax Reclaim £1,360.57
Staffordshire County Council – Additional Grass Cut Contribution 2020/2021 £1,043.00


63        To determine the introduction of a Youth Council

64        To determine what action(s) can be taken to reduce the speeding motorbike issues around Barlaston

65        To determine what action(s) can be taken to reduce parking at the entrance to Park Drive

66        To determine Village Strategy format and scope

67        To receive information on proposed recycling scheme and determine actions

68        To receive Risk Assessment update and determine actions

  • Defibrillator device at Beechfields
  • Pandemic sign at the MUGA
  • Fires around the Meadow Road area following introduction of brown bin charges
  • Parking on Meadow Road and Brookhouse Drive
  • Track along Longton Road accessing the school
    • Parents stopping at top of lane and allowing children to run down lane unsupervised
    • On average 40+ vehicles accessing the lane during school opening / closing times and during the evenings with extra curriculum activities
    • Poor visibility for residents along the lane coming onto Longton Road
    • Issue along Longton Road exacerbated by visitors to the Milk Barn, including increased parking
    • Children not being visible
  • Dead tree on Lime Grove (SARH)
  • MUGA COVID-19 signage

69        To determine grant application(s)

70        To note Planning Committee Recommendations

71        To receive items for inclusion in next month’s agenda

72        Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 7 September 2021
