6 July 2021 – Barlaston Parish Council Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr D Bentley (Vice Chairman), Cllr E Philpott, Cllr G Jones, Cllr A Hemming, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr S Tudor, Cllr J Dando, Cllr E Adams-Elsmore, Cllr C Hurst 

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

7:15 – 7:30    Public Open Forum

A member of the public was in attendance.  Questions regarding the wildflower planting on the green was raised and whether there were any benefits.  The item will be added to the September meeting.

47        Apologies – Cllr David Borasinski sent his apologies, it was resolved to accept these.

48        Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

49        Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.

50        Meeting of the Parish Council 1 June 2021 – it was resolved to accept these as a true record.

51        Matters arising from the meeting of 1 June 2021 and not otherwise on the agenda

            22        Neighbourhood Watch schemes update (deferred). It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

            175      Drainage works on the Village Green update – Works will be undertaken in August 2021 by the stepping logs on the wild play area and by the wicket gate on Vicarage Lane.  Works are required to locate the drain by the football pitch, if there are any.  Cllr Hurst was in receipt of a 120 year history of the green from local historian Mr Tim Cockin and read out a historical minute from 1922 where there was a request for the drainage pit to be re-opened and for the rushes on the green to be cut back.  There was also a record of parking issues around the Green.  The Clerk to publish the full article – Appendix F

52        Meeting dates for the following committees:

  • Environmental Committee
    • Sub-committee for the Play Area Meadow Road – This is on hold subject to the land being made available from the Borough Council. It was resolved to add Cllr Adams-Elsmore to the Sub-committee.
  • Joint Playing Fields Committee – The Clerk is still awaiting a date from the Cricket Club

53        Recommendation following the Finance Meeting

  • Financial Information for publication on the website – The Clerk presented a financial breakdown Information sheet; it was resolved that these are to be published on the website. Appendix A
  • Financial Information for publication in the Annual Parish Booklet – The Clerk presented a summary document; it was resolved to publish these on the annual booklet. Appendix B

54        HR Committee update including scope

Cllr Fisher proposed the HR Committee to be made up as follows:

Cllr P Fisher (Chair)

Cllr V O’Dunne

Cllr J Dando

Cllr S Tudor

The scope to undertake an annual review and make any recommendations for submission to the Parish Council.  It was resolved to accept these recommendations.

55        The Clerk submitted her report – Appendix C

175       Crossing Patrol device / Update following Village Green Visit

It was noted barriers put up to deter parents accessing the school via the gate were being systematically removed.  Cllr Hurst will look at a more suitable barrier.  The Parish Council were sympathetic with regards to the issues this causes, however the liability risk highlighted by the Insurance Company meant that this was the only course of action available.

Issues raised by residents along the lane off Longton Road were discussed, these to be raised with the County Council.

The walking bus was the best option available whereby parents could drop children off by the Church, or other designated areas around the village, reducing the requirement for parking.  Cllr Adams-Elsmore advised she had managed a walking bus scheme at her previous school, it was resolved to submit the information to the school.

It was noted the Parish Council had offered to supply the school children with hi-viz vests as part of the walking bus scheme. This offer was still available.

17         Lakewood Drive

Cllr Dando asked what has been done to resolve the issue of potholes along Lakewood Drive.  Cllr Bentley confirmed he has been working with the landowner who had asked for copies of deeds, all the information requested has been submitted.  It was noted the Parish Council had no jurisdiction in this matter as the land is private.

56       Planning application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road.  Cllr Jones had been in contact with members of the SBC Planning Department including Ed Handley, Richard Wood and John Holmes. He has also raised the matter with the Cabinet Member, Frances Beatty. He is still awaiting a response regarding a decision.

The Clerk noted there was a notification from Staffordshire County Council (SCC) raising concerns with regards to flooding in the area:

“Staffordshire County Council (as the Lead Water Authority) have submitted a recommendation for the developer to submit a flood risk whereby they undertake a local quantitative assessment using topographic, watercourse cross section survey and hydrological data. An assessment should incorporate peak river flows for 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood event, inclusive of climate change. The ongoing maintenance schedules are to be determined with SCC”.

57        Planning application Planning Application Reference 21/33908/REM at Plot to Rear 75 Longton Road Barlaston described as Change of Use – Application has been withdrawn. The Clerk submitted a letter detailing the rationale behind the decision.  Appendix D

58        Parish Council ‘Thank You’ event update

Due to the Thank You event being cancelled, the Clerk has tentatively booked 4 June 2022 to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee event as the new date, this includes an additional bank holiday on Friday 3 June 2022.  The marquee will be delivered Thursday 2 June and collected Monday 6 June 2022.

1 x 120ft x 40ft Marquee / matted floor / 12 trestle tables @ £2112 + VAT (25% deposit required @ £633.60

Stage @ £450 + Vat

Punch & Judy @ £250

PA & Band possibly booked – awaiting confirmation

It was resolved to accept the new date and associated costings.  A road closure notice was requested, the Clerk to approach Highways accordingly.

It was noted beacons are to be lighted across the UK, the Clerk to find out if a beacon will be lit on the Downs.

59        Distribution of the ‘Welcome Back Fund’ by Stafford Borough Council – Cllr Jones advised the funds were to be split between Stone, Eccleshall and Stafford Town Centre, Cllr Fisher was disappointing as the Secretary of State recommended these funds to be distributed to Parish and Town Councils.

60        Annual Parish Booklet

A number of adverts had been received from businesses in the village, these are to be included free of charge.

Statements had been received from the majority of Cllrs, along with articles from Speed Watch, Womblers, Community Group, Village Hall Committee, Buxus Green.

Clerk is in the process of collating the data.

It was noted the Borough Council had not responded with a list of addresses, Clerk to chase.

61        Update on Highways Issues including Speed Watch

Latest data attached for our 3 Devices. The “majority” figures show an improvement during the period May to June but the “minority” are sadly getting worse in terms of high-speed examples – 2 cases of 106 mph on Meaford Road!!  Appendix E

The Clerk is waiting for a date Mr David Norman, Cllrs Jones and Parry are free to host the Highways update meeting.

62        To note financial matters:

            (a) the bank reconciliation report, it was resolved to accept these

            (b) schedule of payments report June 2021, it was resolved to accept these. It was noted income had been added as per the request of the auditor.  A cheque for £1040 had been received from the Allotment Association.

Expenditure NET VAT Cheque
Longcliffe – Aggregate for Canal & River Trust works £940.00 £188.00 BACS
Milton Garden Products – Topsoil for Canal & River Trust works £170.83 £34.17 BACS
St John’s Church – 50% contribution to graveyard maintenance (replacement cheque to The Parochial Church Council for Barlaston) £1320.00 £0.00 002737
K St Leger Salary & Expenses £936.60 £0.00 002738
Staffordshire County Pension Scheme £315.53 £0.00 002739
HMRC NI/PAYE £185.28 £0.00 002740
Buxus Green – Grounds Maintenance £993.83 £0.00 002741
AEDdonate – Inv 1382 Replace pads / battery on device on Beechfields £187.50 £37.50 002742
New Hall Property Ltd – Inv SI-1592 – Village Hall Floor Works £257.50 £51.50 002743
Toplis Associates Ltd – Inv 1,184 – Internal Audit Fees 192.60 38.52 002744
Joe Poultney – Inv 145 – Planter maintenance around the village £325.00 £0.00 002745
Timpsons – Plaque for Patrick Linehan £81.00 £0.00 002746
Staffordshire County Council – Allotment Inv 2020/2021 1024244 £1040.00 £0.00 002747
IG Stage Hire – Inv 1239 – Village Fete Event £450.00 £90.00 002748
HMRC Tax Reclaim £1,360.57
Staffordshire County Council – Additional Grass Cut Contribution 2020/2021 £1,043.00
Allotment Association £1,040.00

63        Introduction of a Youth Council, the Clerk to start looking at the scope and process involved.

64        Reduce the speeding motorbike issues around Barlaston – It was noted initial concerns raised had now reduced somewhat.  It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

65        Reduction in parking at the entrance to Park Drive – It was resolved the Clerk would raise the issue at the Highways meeting.

66        Village Strategy format and scope – Cllr Hemming will assist the Clerk with the format.  Cllrs to look at long term strategy issues including:

Village Hall Works

Meadow Road Play Area

Improvements to Wild Play Area

Climate Change

Works required on Barlaston Park

Cllrs to submit their ideas to the Clerk for possible inclusion in the strategy.

67        Recycling scheme update – Cllr Tudor undertook investigative works on a scheme which has been implemented UK wide, however the solution was labour intensive; all items put in a designated bin would need to be sorted and cleaned prior to its return to the manufacturer.  The scheme would need to register with every manufacturer of items put in the bin before recycling could commence.  It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

68        Risk Assessment update and determine actions

  • Defibrillator device at Beechfields – The house is now empty and there is no direct power supply. A new battery and pads have been installed so the device is still fully operational, however a possible new location may be required.  To upgrade the battery incurred a cost of £187.50, it was resolved to accept this cost.
  • Defibrillator device at the Upper House – The device was surplus to requirements; the Upper House had been offered the device however they advised they would use the one at the Village Hall. The Clerk asked if the device could be donated to Staffordshire DocBike, it was resolved to approve this recommendation.
  • Pandemic sign at the MUGA – The Clerk had ordered a replacement board, which is ready for collection.

It was noted an area of mesh on the MUGA keeps popping out of its housing, it was resolved for the Clerk to investigate and propose a solution.

  • Fires around the Meadow Road area following introduction of brown bin charges – It was noted there had been an increase of fires around Barlaston following the implementation of the brown bin charge by the Borough. It was resolved for the Clerk to publish the guidelines from the Borough on the website, Facebook page and include it in the annual magazine.
  • Parking on Meadow Road and Brookhouse Drive – A request has been received to turn verges into tarmacked parking areas, also green area around Meadow Road where residents are parking on the grass. The Clerk advised SARH have previously granted permission for residents to turn the grass area on Meadow Road into a car park, however they would need to fund the works and lease the land, at which point no further enquiries were received.

The Clerk would raise the issue at the Highways meeting as there were concerns emergency vehicles had difficulty accessing the area due to vehicles parking on both sides of the road.

  • Dead tree on Lie Grove – The Clerk has reported this to SARH and is being dealt with by their housing officer.
  • Fly Tipping in the alleyway at Lime Grove – It was noted fly tipping had occurred on the alleyway at Lime Grove, the Clerk to investigate and take the appropriate action.

69        To determine grant application(s) – None had been received.

70        Planning Committee Recommendations

71        Items for inclusion in next month’s agenda – Wildflower planting analysis

72        Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 7 September 2021 

Appendix A

Financial Information for publication on the website

Receipts 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
101 Income 75423 74467 74631 74782
102 Non parish Income 6771 0 0 0
103 Village Hall Income 708 2236 11403 1500
999 VAT on receipts 1173 0 8714 375
84075 76703 94748 76657
101 Administration
4000 Wages & Salaries 11507 12295 10229 12000
4001 PAYE/NI 1309 1264 691 750
4002 Pension 0 0 6342 4000
4005 Training Staff 1140 1317 704 1000
4006 Training Members 200 1812 150 300
4007 Expenses / Allowances 1293 1020 51 150
4009 Chairman’s Allowance 250 250 250 250
4010 Consultancy 982 1114 1187 1200
4011 Audit 480 485 171 400
4015 Insurance 980 1905 980 1100
4016 Grounds Maintenance 5496 7247 4953 14000
4017 Repairs & Maintenance 3020 4873 791 10000
4018 Subscriptions 626 840 1271 1300
4019 Other Office Costs 2439 4158 2941 3000
4034 Election 0 0 286 0
4035 Capital Projects / New Assets 18081 14650 5000
29722 56661 45645 54450
102 Non Parish Administration
4000 Lengthsman 794 2373 8048 1350
4017 Repairs & Maintenance 211 6370 675 0
4018 Grants & Donations 3052 1050 3400 6000
4021 Leases 3120 0 0 1050
4022 Civic Amenity Visits 325 447 0 900
4023 Neighbourhood Plan 0 0 0 1500
4031 Electricity 738 0 0 0
8240 10239 12123 10800
103 Village Hall
4000 Wages 55 362 0 0
4011 Audit 137 142 146 150
4017 Repairs & Maintenance 0 2299 26053 0
4030 Gas 695 1139 615 168
4031 Electricity 250 883 473 500
4033 Telephone / Broadband 390 166 360 400
1527 4991 27647 1218
999 VAT Data
515 VAT on Payments 1410 -507 9171 375
Total Payments 40898 71384 94586 66843
Total Receipts 84075 76703 94748 76657
Total Payments 40898 71384 94586 66843
Gen Reserve 43176 5319 161 9814


Appendix B

Financial Information for publication in the Annual Parish Booklet

Appendix C 

Clerks Report

35/36    Village Drainage Strategy 

Information has been provided by Mr John Russell and has been uploaded on the Parish Council Website.  The Clerk will continue to add content as and when it is received.

64        Former Wedgwood Memorial College – Despite the owners advising they will contact the Parish Council to start the formal communication, nothing to date has been received.

138      Highways and Speed Watch update – Information has been circulated; the Clerk has requested an update from Cllr Ian Parry with regards to drainage works on Station Road and the installation of Solar School Crossing Patrol lighting.

140      Poor condition of the towpath

The volunteer coordinator has advised the funding which was due to be available in 2021 has been deferred to 2022. The grant funding available from the Parish Council would therefore be used for aggregate (the volunteers would provide the manpower and the Canal & River Trust will provide the equipment). A date for the works to commence is to be confirmed.  To maximise the budget it would be prudent to pay the builders merchants directly to enable the Parish Council to claim back the VAT.  The coordinator will undertake the research and report back to the Parish Council for the next meeting.

The proposed date for works is w/c 12 July 2021.  Aggregate to be delivered Monday ready for works to commence on Tuesday – Thursday. The more volunteers the quicker the works will be undertaken. Stoke City have advised they could provide volunteers, however volunteers from Barlaston would be preferable.

They are also looking to trial a group of Canal & River Trust volunteers to be the first point of contact if issues are raised in the village. This is still in the early planning stages.

160      Parking issues on Broughton Crescent

The Clerk has liaised with the County Council on the provision of training for the walking bus scheme. The ideal location for drop off / pick up would be St John’s Church.

SCC have been liaising directly with the School and are awaiting their response.

175       Crossing Patrol device / Update following Village Green Visit

The Clerk has approached Cllr Ian Parry to see if they are still willing to fund the School Crossing Patrol devices, she is awaiting confirmation.  She has also asked whether advanced drainage works will be undertaken on Station Road and traffic calming on Longton Road.

The School advised they have not opened the gate at the back of the Village Hall, they were unaware parents were using this access.  Item to be forwarded to the Village Hall Committee for clarification.

The Village Hall Committee asked for the works to the front of the building to be deferred as this would delay opening.

Some hedge works have been undertaken to give a better view along Longton Road. Further works are required. To be added to the agenda for Highways.

Complaints are still being received with regards to parents using the old post office lane to access the school.  The School are sympathetic but cannot do anything as this area is not covered by their remit.  Parents are still parking on the Village Hall, predominantly on the hatched yellow lines / disabled parking bays to the front.  This will be problematic now the hall is back in use.

Cllr Hurst to report back on drainage issues on the green by the walled tree, the wild Play Area and exploratory works on the green.

The Environmental Committee to look at possible projects to address climate change.

17        Lakewood Drive

The Clerk has written to the owner of JCB to see if they would look at undertaking works using their new pothole repair device.

Appendix D

Planning application Planning Application Reference 21/33908/REM at Plot to Rear 75 Longton Road Barlaston described as Change of Use

Dear Barlaston Parish Council,

It was with great regret that we had to withdraw the planning application for our children home last week.

We did not take this decision lightly as it has cost us a great deal both emotionally and financially.

In short, we felt that a significant number of the residents held extensive and evident hostility towards the home and its young residents, with few exceptions who bravely and genuinely voiced their independent support – and we thank them for that.

We believed, and still do, that our young people deserve to live, grow, heal and regain their trust in the adult world, in an area that offers a strong and peaceful community. That these children are removed from the dark city corners and the proximity to negative influences that have often blighted the lives of their birth families. With this notion, we sought a property such as the delightful home in Longton Road. How naïve were we?

We have had to endure having people contact our accountant’s office leaving false names and contact numbers, being stared at over fences, pointed at, being defamed when being called money-grabbing scammers on social media and even accused of being part of some strange financial pyramid scheme owned by a large company.

The level of hostility felt was quite disturbing. Points made on public forums were not factual. Defamation is a serious matter.

In reality, we are a small company. The accusation that we, as directors of the company, had no experience in the sector was also levelled at us when in fact, one of us has been in the residential care sector for 19 years having worked geographically everywhere from Liverpool to Stafford including successfully leading an Ofsted inspection and the other, a secondary school Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead in a range of schools from those in socially deprived areas to selective grammar schools for 27 years. More than enough relevant experience as far as our regulating authority, Ofsted are concerned, but not it appears for some members of the Barlaston community.

Further misinformation that was deliberately spread in coordinated neighbourhood meetings about this part of social care, was that homes such as ours have Police in attendance all the time, have youths roaming the neighbourhood unsupervised causing trouble when in reality the young people are supervised 24 hours a day and have a dedicated and personalised programme of activities at all times. These misconceptions we were happy to discuss in an informal meeting arranged by a local councillor, but a coordinated boycott meant this was not to be. Our young people could not live somewhere that would stigmatise them.

We felt that this hostility would cause our young people to feel much less that welcome in the community, and that would just not fair on them. We would personally have wished to address each and every objection on principle, but we have to put the welfare of our young people first. We don’t seek to vilified the community of Barlaston in the way that significant individuals have vilified us, but again, our young people cannot live in a community where they weren’t made to feel welcome.

For this reason, we felt we had little choice but to withdraw the application.

We would like to thank those community members who took the time to express their support for our young people and those living their lives through no fault of their own, in the care sector.

Envisage Children’s Care Ltd.

Appendix E

Speed Watch Summary June / July 2021

Appendix F


1895 Proposed that notice boards be erected on the Green in seven days and a price named. Also suggested that at the Annual meeting steps be taken to make the Wakes use the Green, properly. At Sept meeting 1 shilling paid for cleaning the Green after the Wakes (March PC meeting).
1896 The RDC’s attention is brought to the nuisance caused by depositing ashes, garden refuse etc on the Green. Complaints are made about damage done to the Green by the frequent driving over by cattle over it, especially by a Mr Gilbert.
1897 John Kent paid £1.4.11 for work done improving and filling up piping ditch on the Green nr the school.
1898 The ‘Pond on the Green’ needs cleansing and Mr Owen appointed to take charge. Mr Buxton snr warned of the damage done to the Green surface by his cattle being driven over it (March PC meeting). It was resolved that the drain & open ditch on the Green near to the Vicarage Croft be piped with suitable pipes and levelled up with refuge from the pond and that the carrying out of same be left in the hands of Mr Owen (Oct. PC meeting).
A precept on the overseers of one penny in the pound issued on the overseers.
1899 Piping ditch on Green is in hand; overflow from the ‘Pond on the Green” to be utilised for flushing the said ditch. Piping and filling up the ditch etc on the Green now completed. More complains about the Green’s condition caused by Mr Buxton’s cattle constantly driving over it to use the Pond; he’s requested to desist, otherwise proceedings will be taken against him to compel him to restrain from exceeding his common rights (March PC meeting).
1901 It’s proposed a notice board be placed on the Green, by the bottom of the footpath warning people against driving across the Green and that the board now erected nr the school be placed at the top end of the footpath and that a post be fixed in the centre of the footpath by the school to prevent people driving up the path. The Clerk is instructed to have a road cut across the Green from the main road to the tree by the school for the convenience of carting etc (April PC meeting).
1902 Sports on the Green for Edward VII’s coronation, Coronation day June 26.
Rev AC Oliver proposed and Mr Turner seconded that a committee be appointed to carry out the necessary arrangements to include the members of the PC with seven other gentlemen with power to add to their members.
1903 Mr Andrews is blamed for not removing a load of coal, left overnight on the Green, causing an accident to Mr Silvester (March PC meeting). Mr James Buxton is told off for driving his cattle to drink at the Pond and causing damage to the Green’s surface; he’s asked to desist (April meeting).
1904 Clerk instructed to employ a man (for not more than 3 weeks) to make good the footpath from Mr Waltho’s cottage to the road and to clear up the Green (April PC meeting). Clerk presents Harvey’s acct. of £1.17.6 for labour on the Green (May PC meeting).
1905 Decided to engage a man to clear-up the Green after Easter (April PC meeting). Clerk instructed to have the cess-pool on the Green by Mr Andrew’s cottage, examined and cleaned out, if necessary (May PC meeting).
1906 New posts at the top end of the Green to be re-instated by Mr Waltho’s and that three oak posts be erected (March PC meeting). James Snape paid for ‘Labour on Green’ 0.4.6 (Dec PC meeting).
1907 “Barlaston Wakes” stalls/shows can be set up on the Green between July 1-4. and no stall/show can be set down within 30 feet of the centre of the road, and that all music cease at 12pm (June PC meeting).
1908 Footpath near Mr Adams’ house, on the Green, needs repair (Jan PC meeting). The PC want the Local Gov. Board to clarify whether they can charge a toll on shows and stall holders for policing the Wakes on the Green (Aug PC meeting).
1909 From July the parish council get control over the Green (from the Lord of the Manor – HJ Broughton Adderley Esq), to make byelaws with respect thereto, under section 8 (1)(a) of the Local Gov. Act 1894. Having earlier in the year stated their position to the Local Gov. Board: “No evidence can be adduced to show that the Green fully satisfies the requirements of the statute your quote – Barlaston Green is an open space about 2 acres in extent, in the centre of the village. I can find no extracts from any Enclosure awards, nor any evidence that the churchwardens and overseers or the vestry ever exercised any control over the green, or expended any money over it. // The Green is in fact a Village Green, that is to say, land on which the inhabitants of the village or parish have from time immemorial been accustomed to play games. My Council are desirous of protecting the Green against trespass from foreign shows and showmen and disfigurement, and I have no doubt the written consent of the Lord of the Manor can be obtained, and my council will be glad if your board will furnish them wit the draft of simple bye-laws, they are prepared to sanction. Also please state whether in your opinion my council are justified in paying for Special Police on the occasion of the annual Wakes which takes place on St John Baptist Festival” (Feb & March PC meetings).
1910 Byelaws for Village Green draft is approved by the Local Gov. Board (Feb & April PC meetings).
1911 Sports held on the Green for coronation of George V (Feb PC meeting).
1912 Complaints of horses straying on the roads at night, when left grazing on the Green. Clerk to write to the Highway Surveyor… also to note the horse owners that are turned out on the Green, …. “that no horses are allowed on the green, unless they are tethered, or someone in charge of them, and in no case are horses allowed to be left on the green all night.” (May PC meeting).
1914 Clerk authorised to engage a man for a fortnight to clear out the weeds from the pit on the Green; and to get the Green notice boards re-lettered (Oct PC meeting).
1915 Horses are still being let loose & causing damage by stamping on the Green. A letter be sent to the owners of the horses, notifiying them, that unless they tethered their horses, proceedings will be taken (March PC special meeting).
1916 Enoch Buxton attends before the Council and complains that his field by the ?School is being damaged by an overflow of surface water from the road and Green. It is decided to defer to the RDC (March PC meeting). It is proposed that the Green notice boards are re-lettered (April PC meeting). The PC give notice no cattle are allowed on the Green, unless properly tended, or tethered after 9am (July PC meeting). PC receive a further complaint about Mr J Buxton’s cattle being on the Green; he’s given notice legal proceedings will be taken against him if he persists (Oct PC meeting).
1918 Complaints received of the bad condition of the footpath on the Green; clerk instructed to obtain material to have the work done. Mr Foster? or Taster (Hartwell) is to be written to to ask him to desist from carting across the Green, as considerable damage is being done by his constantly driving over it (Jan PC meeting).

1919 Granite and limestone chippings laid or to be laid on footpath on the Green (April PC meeting). On June 13th there’s a Special Meeting to consider a War Memorial for the Green. Sports on the Green for WW1 Peace Day (July 19) at 2pm. An estimate for chippings for the footpath repairs is received (Oct PC meeting).

HISTORY OF 1920-1929

1920 Instead of Mr Hele’s tarmac, the footpath is to be laid with limestone chippings – 4 tons needed to cover a 6 foot wide stretch. New posts to the Green are to be fixed by W Till at 17 shillings and 4d (March PC meeting).
1921 The Clerk to engage someone to clean up the Green periodically (Feb PC meeting). There is road water nuisance on the Green – caused by a pipe of/ and deferred to the RDC. Messrs Oram have a wagon on the Green, against Byelaws (Sept PC meeting).
1922 Three baskets to be bought and placed at convenient places on the Green; the Clerk should also employ someone to keep the Green cleared up periodically if possible (April PC meeting), and engage someone to open the drains from the Green pit and cut down the rushes on the Green (Sept PC meeting).
1923 Mr H Winfield is interviewed regarding Green cleaning, draining of the pit, and cutting rushes on the Green, and explained that the £3 charged on his acct is for cleaning up waste paper on the Green and emptying of the wire receptacles as agreed. Mr Winfield receives 10 shillings per annum for cutting rushes on the Green (April PC meeting).
1924 Mr Winfield ‘Greensman’ resigns and hands over the waste paper receptacle lock keys. At the suggestion of the overseers he approaches Messrs Dipledge, and H Lowe on the matter – but only Henry Lowe applies for the post. Work includes – cleaning up the Green, mowing down the rushes, and leveling the ashes and soil tipped into the pool for £4 for the year. Henry Lowe appointed for a year (April PC meeting).
1925 The condition of the footpaths at the top of the Green, and through the Bedcroft were discussed, and need gravel (April PC meeting). ‘The Green Walk’ footpath requires lining out to 4 feet wide; pipes to carry water clear off the path, and gravel; the post in the centre of the path at the Telephone Exchange is considered dangerous and needs to be removed (May PC meeting). On 30th Sept the War Memorial site is discussed at a Parish Meeting.
1926 Hon Judge Burgis and Mr Paddock write about the filling up of the Pit on the Green, including a petition by ratepayers that the Pit be re-opened in a modified form. Mr Sherwin the architect had stopped putting soil into the Pit owing to the presentation of the petition, and gossip, and before putting soil in the Pit again requested that a letter be sent to him. PC to ask Mr Sherwin to continue depositing soil in the Pit as the PC desire the Pit to be filled up as soon as possible. Mr Bullock promises to get up to £10 towards the cost of draining the lower Green (March PC meeting). The Pit is to be leveled for £2.10.0. Paper and orange peel is littering the Green by parties visiting the village. A notice board is to be fixed at the Lower end of the Green as follows “Visitors are requested not to litter the Green with paper, orange peel etc, but deposit them in the Baskets provided for the purpose.” Mr H Lowe be re-engaged for the year at the same terms viz £4 as Greensman (April PC meeting). The Green notice boards need repainting. Those who’ve helped with the unveiling of the War Memorial (on April 23rd) and leveling of the Pit on the Green should have a vote of thanks (July PC meeting). The Greensman Mr Lowe has been ill; is now unable to down the rushes and socks; the work is to be given to someone else (Sept PC meeting).
1927 The footpath at the top of the Green; is reported to be bad. The Green to get 1 load of gravel; the Walk Meadow to get 1 load of rough gravel (March PC meeting). Mr Lowe resigns as Greensman on acct. of his health. John Upton is his successor. Possibility of the developers of School Meadow for building plots to encroach on the Green; PC wish to see the plans (April PC meeting).
1928 Rev JH Peate complains about the condition which the contractor for laying the underground cable from the telephone exchange to the end of the Green, and that he had written to the PO Sectional Engineer. Since then the footpath had been broken up again. To avoid this there may be a need for inspection chambers to the joints. However, it was a straight run with split joints; the automatic telephone scheme wouldn’t need breaking down to the cable for at least 10 years unless anything unforeseen happened. The fence at the top of the Green had broken down through decay of the posts (Feb meeting 1928). Drains on the Green are absolutely blocked (March PC meeting). John Upton is re-engaged as greensman at £4pa. Drains on the Green are found to be of an inadequate size (April PC meeting). More storm water nuisance on the Green, necessitating a new storm drain to take water from the road lower down than the existing drain (June PC meeting). Motorists are damaging the Green by turning at the corners of the road; the PC to look into the advisability of taking a little off the Green to make the roadway wider at these points.
Also motorists are leaving cars on the road unattended, considered dangerous to other road users. Also visitors are using the base of the War Memorial as seats; the PC to write to the Chief Constable to ask for the Policeman to be allowed to be on duty the greater part of the time (July PC meeting). Mr A Robinson wishes to make a footpath – 2 feet wide – from his bungalow entrance wicket across the Green to the existing footpath; the PC have no objection but don’t have the power to grant permission. – granted on condition Mr Robinson pay an acknowledgement rent of 1 shilling pa for the privilege. Major Wedgwood wishes to plant 5 or 6 trees on the Green, provided by him. – granted at following meeting (they’re to be 12 or 15 yards from the roadway) (Nov PC Meeting).

1929 Footpath past the School could be tarmaced (Feb PC meeting). A letter is read out from Messrs Daniel Boulton’s successors (Stuart Roy & Co Ltd) quoting 12”x6” chancel bricks at 9d each or 9”x9” at 10d each. This was considered too expensive to repair & remake the Green footpath – so tar macadam looked into from Barlaston Station. Mr Upton re-appointed Greensman (April PC meeting). Ten tons of tarmac ordered for the footpath alongside the Green. — but this isn’t enough (June PC meeting).

HISTORY OF 1930-1949

1930 Greenman’s salary be paid on April 6 annually (July PC meeting). Stone curb round the tree on the Green near School has been replaced. Request from the Telephone Dept of the P.O. for the erection of a telephone kiosk on the Green, but the Postal authorities decide not to proceed after a letter of disinterest? from the PC (Oct PC meeting).
1931 Car parking on the Green coming to the Gliding Club is approved. It is also decided to have two notice boards placed on the top Green and the one leading to the Downs warning motorists not to park their cars. Also to have existing notice boards repaired and re-lettered (April PC meeting).
1932 Insurance for the Greensman is £0.10.9 (London, Liverpool & Globe Insurance Co.) (Jan PC meeting).
Precept for £40 on Feb 28th.
1933 Pathway leading past the School requires patching and re-newing in places. PC members to report back after an inspection (Jan PC meeting). Mr AH Miles paid 6/3 for repairs to stile in Market Field, and stonework round tree on Green. There’s a discussion about leveling the bottom end of the Green – £3.0.0 granted for this. Rubbish (broken road material) deposited on the Green & needs removing (April PC meeting).
1934 Surface water a nuisance “was running by channels on the Green and causing flooding” is to be brought before the County Surveyor (April & Sept PC meetings).
1935 Monday May 6th George V’s Silver Jubilee Celebrations include sports, dancing (to Deakins’ Band), maypole dancing, and at 10pm a bonfire & fireworks on the Green (Jan PC meeting). W.I. committee write wishing to give an iron seat to the village suitably inscribed to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George and Queen Mary, to be sited near the War Memorial. But the PC wish to decide on its position. A number of workmen from the Stoke on Trent Gas Dept have been seen getting out a trench across the Green, but the PC have given no such sanction. Clerk to write to them and the GPO Engineering Dept requesting them to furnish a lay out plan of their mains and wires which cross the Green and also to inform them that they should pay an annual wayleave; they agree at £1 per annum (July & Oct PC meetings).
1936 GPO Engineering Dept should pay a wayleave for having their lines cross the Green (July PC meeting).
1937 Misses Wedgwood donate trees for the Green, for George VI’s Coronation (Messrs W Hart, W Pointon, Miss Greatorex to form a sub-committee to supervise). They are to be planted by Misses Wedgwood and Miss Bullock; three tree guards are needed for their protection (special meeting March & April PC meeting).
1938 H.R.H. Mary the Queen Mother visits Barlaston (Aug 27th) – the School managers give each child a flag prior to gathering on the Green to welcome the Royal visitor. JR Allott Esq of the Oaklands applies for permission to make a road across the footpath on the Green near Oaklands Cottage to enable him to gain access to a garage proposed to be built to house recently erected near the Green. Solicitor to be consulted bearing in mind these points:- have the PC power under the existing bye laws to grant the application (no & he has to prove he has a right of way to the Green Cottage, and if he can, the PC can’t oppose his application). And do the PC have power to permit horse-drawn and mechanically controlled vehicles to cross the Green (no), & generally to what are their powers (Sept & Oct PC meetings & Jan PC meeting 1939). The Clerk read a letter from the Hon Sec. (Miss M Whitfield) of the Eureka Club enquiring of the PC whether they would be prepared to place three seats on the Green for the comfort of aged visitors; this matter had been discussed a short time ago and rejected (Oct PC meeting).
1939 Legal opinion on path (as it is then across the Green) up to Upper House establishes it as basically a private drive and thus the public are not permitted to park their cars on it. The PC resolve to put a notice to this effect “Private Drive” “No PARKING” on THIS DRIVE.” J Upton is paid £4 for work on the Green (April PC meeting).
1945 John Upton, greensman, is paid £4 pa (Nov PC meeting).
1946 Cllr Edmunds raises the question of parking of motor cars, cycles etc on the Green, often a discussion. Resolved that proceedings be taken against all offenders and that the police be instructed accordingly also that the notice boards be altered giving notice to the public of the PC’s decision on this matter (April PC meeting). The Clerk is instructed to enquire regarding the cost of erecting a drinking fountain on the Green (Aug PC meeting). Postmaster at Stoke-on-Trent writes informing PC he has ordered the Barlaston Sub-post office to comply with the bye-laws forbidding post vans on the Green (Sept PC meeting).
CC write to PC saying they are in receipt of a PC letter regarding the Bus Service through Cocknage. Mrs Warner of ‘The Mount’ complains a motor car driving over the footpath on the Green had narrowly missed her and requests the PC put a stop to the practice of motorists driving across the Green. The PC reply they are taking steps to stop the practice; the Clerk is instructed to have the post replaced at the end of the footpath to prevent motorists driving on to the road (Oct PC meeting).
1947 Greensman to be engaged to look after the Green at an annual salary of £10 per annum. Cllr Edmunds and Aynsley authorised to engage a man to clear away the snow from the above footpath (to the post office on the Green). Stone RDC Surveyor request they repair the drain on the Green near the telephone exchange and charge the expense to this PC (Feb PC meeting). Mr Edmunds suggests three posts be erected on the South, East and West sides of the Green together with 15 feet of fence to prevent the damage being done to the Green – this is done in April (March & April PC meetings). NEWSPRINT ECONOMY Share Your “Staffs. Advertiser’ , Readers are probably aware that further drastic cuts in newsprint supplies have this week been imposed by the Government on the newspaper industry The cuts, which have been accepted only under strong protest, mean that all newspapers are down to the size in force during the war Naturally enough, a large section ol the public is puzzled as to what newsprint actually is. and the lull significance of the crippling cuts now imposed will, perhaps be belter appreciated if ft explained that newsprint is merely the paper used in the publication newspapers. There are tw o ways in which the economies demanded can be effected—a reduction in pages or sales. For a considerable period the paging ot the Staffordshire Advertiser” has been reduced by 33 13 per cent,, compared with the pre-war size, and further economies have now to be considered. The cuts have been described as ? temporary.” but in all probability they will remain in operation for least six months. So long the lamme continues, therefore, it is hoped that readers who are fortunate enough to obtain the Advertiser” regularly each week will pass their copies on to their neighbours and friends. In spite of the space problem, ye have week week provided for our readers a news service embracing the whole county, and this will continue to our aim. A County Junior Red Cross rally was held on it and in the Parish Room on 19th July. The School managers request the removal of the posts from the Green (Aug PC meeting). The PC resolve that the two posts on the Green opposite to the Tree to be done away with, and that two new concrete posts at each end of the Green be put in place of the wooden posts, the new posts to be 6 foot by 6 inch square (Nov PC meeting).
1948 The PC resolve that the Resolution passed at the last previous meeting not to place posts on the central path of the smaller village Green be rescinded and that Posts be placed at the end of this path where it abuts on the main road. The PC to have 50 copies of the Bye Laws printed/ circulated to PC & other persons and to have three of them fixed to the notice posts already on the Green. Fred Buxton is appointed Attendant on the Green, or Green Attendant; he wanted a salary of £12 pa, but the PC maintained £10 pa pointing out to him he would be at the same time improving the grazing for his own cattle on the Green; the PC to set out the terms and duties expected (Feb PC meeting). The Road Safety Campaign is discussed at the April PC meeting and there is to be a lecture about it on the Green on Thurs April 29 from 4-7pm. The Home Office reply to the draft Bye Laws for the Green – “a very lengthy document containing a great number of objections to the old and revised Bye Laws.” (Aug PC meeting).

HISTORY OF 1950-1954
1950 It was also decided that one of the trees be planted on the Green (for Festival of Britain?) – the site to be decided by the chairman and Cllr Wedgwood. The District County Surveyor has agreed to cover in the open ditch by the school, free to the parish. F Buxton is still Greenman at £2.10.0 (Oct PC meeting).
1951 The Ministry of Local Govt. and Planning write to the PC for clarity on behalf of Miss Doris M Millington at the sub post office as to why the (footpath) posts effectively isolate the sub post office and adjoining dwelling houses and the school from the highway except for pedestrian traffic. It is resolved to get Cllr Dickson to draft a reply. thus:- “Madam, I am directed by the Minister of Local Government and Planning to refer to your letter of the 24th February which has been forwarded form the Home Office and to say that the Minister has no power to give authoritative advice on the point you raise. It is however understood that the land to which you refer is the village green, the management and regulation of which is vested in the Parish Council of Barlaston. It is also understood that the means of access you mention are the footpaths which traverse the Green and are not cart ways which any person has the right to use for vehicular traffic although they may at times have been irregularly so used in the past. In the exercise of their powers of management and control the Parish Council made Bye-laws with respect to the Village Green and ever since these were confirmed by the Local Government Branch in 1910 it has been an offense, INTER ALIA, for any person to drive or wheel, or cause or suffer to be wheeled on any part of the Village Green,other than on a road or cart way across it, any cart, barrow, truck or machine, or any vehicle except a vehicle propelled by hand or used solely for the conveyance of a child or invalid. Such Bye-Laws provide that a person offending against them shall be liable for every such offense to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings. I am madam, your most obedient servant. A. J Wilson” (April PC meeting). The ‘greenkeeper’ F Buxton jnr is now working outside the district and the work was being done by his brother Peter Buxton who will work at the same rate. Three Bye-law notices to go up on the Green (July PC 1951).
1952 Upper House sewer drain – the Staffs CC ask the PC for permission to cross the Green with a 6 inch diameter drain to convey sewage from the Upper House to the public sewer situated behind the school. The PC want £1 per annum way leave (July PC meeting). A communication was read from Stone Police in connection with the contravention of the Green; it was agreed that in this instance the offenders be given a warning by the police (Nov PC meeting).
1953 A new greenman is appointed – EJ Riley of 31 Barlaston Old Rd, Trentham, officially appointed at the March 24 1953 meeting at £10 per annum; job includes keeping the village green tidy, removal of papers, rubbish etc and the cutting down of nettles, docks etc and reporting any contravention of the bye-laws. The post office van has contravened the Bye-laws, as reported by PC Bigham. The PC grant proceedings to be taken against the offender by the police. Reference is also made to the disturbance of the footpath adjoining the telephone kiosk. The Clerk is instructed to write to the Post Office Telephone manager (Feb PC meeting). Barlaston Coronation Committee seek permission to plant three trees on the Green to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation. Permission granted on condition – the trees are flowering cherries; they are to be planted in an approved position on the top Green (March PC meeting). Proceedings are to take place against Richard Edwards of 44 Avery St, Hanley, the driver of a postal van, for breach of a Bye-law on 17 Jan by driving the said van over the footpath in front of the Post Office. The Green bye-law notices are varnished (April PC meeting). The breach of the Green Bye-law of a post van will be heard by Stone Magistrates at the Police Court to be held on June 24 (May PC meeting). Richard Edwards of 44 Avery St, Hanley, the post van driver accused of breaching village green bye laws is fined by the magistrates. Another case is afoot – that of a prosecution of Albert Roy Bull of No.3 Amison St, Sandford Hill, Longton the driver of a motor van for same breach of the bye laws on June 19 1953, for driving a motor vehicle in front of the School. – he is fined 10 shillings. The question is again raised of a car park at the western side of the green – after consideration it was resolved to refer the latter to a future meeting (July PC meeting). A bungalow occupied by Mrs Mould (formally Mrs Bowles) since 1944 hasn’t paid wayleave since 1944 – and should it be written off – Mr Bullock (the accountant?) be asked reason why it should be excused. PC to approach the CC to see if they would be prepared to allow part of the access road leading to Upper House for use as a car park (Oct PC meeting). The trees on the lower green have tree guards – recently removed by the greenman (Mr Riley) – and being cleaned down and given a coat of special paint before being assembled round the recently planted cherry trees (Dec PC meeting).

1954 Posts and wire netting should be erected to protect the 20 cherry trees recently planted on the Green. Non-payment of Wayleave by the bungalow occupier Mrs (Miss?) Mould, daughter of the former occupant Mrs Bowles – with regret the PC can’t excuse the arrears of nine shillings for the period 1944-1953. A report is received concerning flooding of the Green fronting the bungalows occupied by Raybould and Mould – this had been caused by a channel being cut from the roadside verge to the green and thus causing flooding (March PC meeting). Staffordshire Village Dancing Society have permission to use of the Green for Folk dancing on June 19th. The Riding schools agree to warn their riders not to ride on the Green, after complaints made (May & June PC meetings). J Riley, Greenman, wages £2.10.0d (June PC meeting). J Riley, Greenman, is paid £3.14.0d for work on footpath and tarmacing round the tree on the Green. The ‘ashing’ of the footpath from this tree to the ‘telephone exchange’ has been completed (Nov PC meeting).

HISTORY OF 1955-1959
1955 Stone RDC make provision of seven seats for sitting in the parish – three will be outlined for the Green. Cllrs Johnson and Evans of Stone RDC make representation to the PC about the need for a car park at the Green, so as to address the issue of people parking cars on the approach to Upper House/ Blind Holme. A sub-committee (comprising Cllr Cumberlidge, Paddock, Johnson (for Stone RDC), Supt. Hobson (Stone Police), and reps of the CC) is formed to meet reps of the CC and the police to meet on the Green to discuss sites (March PC meeting). Siting of seats – there is to be one by the War Memorial; one on top green near notice board; one on Green opposite the school house. The Post Office is/ will transfer from the Green, and therefore the telephone kiosk will have to move from its present site; it is hoped it will be moved to between the Bungalow occupied by Raybould and the Schoolhouse in the hedge; the wayleave for the transfer is presented for signature (July PC meeting). Several trees on the top green have died. The Stone RDC seats (on the green etc) require litter baskets placed near them. A sub-committee is set up to deal with the siting of litter baskets – comprising Cllrs Johnson, Cumberlidge and Matthews and Clerk (Oct PC meeting).
1956 Mr Boulton of Messrs Boulton Bros of Moddershall advises the PC to drain the area of the green before replanting to replace the dead trees (Jan PC meeting). It is proposed and carried to drain the area on the Green round where the dead trees were, and for them to be replaced by Messrs J Hill & Sons of Spot Acre. The PC refuse to construct a footpath over the Green to give foot access to the Blind Home, as requested by the CC, the PC’s lack of cooperation with this proposed road/ footpath scheme disappoints the CC. Blurton Riding School horses are damaging the turf on the green. The tree on the triangle of land in the green is being used for depositing rubbish (May & Nov PC meetings). The Post Office Telephones seek permission to lay a cable under the Green from a point near Greenways to The Oaklands. They would need to get consent from the Lord of the Manor (ie the Broughton Adderley Est), as had the Upper House on a previous occasion. Otherwise the PC will offer no objection (Nov PC meeting).
1957 Parked cars on the road leading up to Upper House at night cause a hazard to pedestrians. The police should be able to enforce car owners to use their lights. The top green needs a surface drainage system (Feb PC meeting). Messrs Bowers and Sims of 50 Watkin St, Fenton, will drain the upper green, adjoining the Parsonage, comprising 200 feet of 6 inch land drainage, connection to the CC stormwater sewer and including stripping off turf, level and relay turf at the sum of £54.0.0d. It is agreed to put the work in hand at the end of the summer. Estimates for chains and posts around the War Memorial at £62.8.0d have been received. The damage to the War Memorial has now been made good (Oct PC meeting).
1958 The PC will use the RDCs main drainage system to drain of the Green at a reduced cost of £14.12.2d, against the original cost of £54.0.0d then they will (Jan PC meeting).
Cllr Brewer refers to the unsatisfactory condition of the Green regarding grasses and rushes. Mr JE Riley, greenman, is to cut the rushes at a cost not exceeding £5 (June PC meeting). PC wish to terminate horse riding on the footpath to the Downs from the Green (Sept PC meeting). The three trees opposite Greenways need trimming. Riley is unable to put the work in hand – but he later does. PC Derry is to be informed of litter on the Green (Sept PC meeting). Tenders invited to cut the Green annually. There have been complains about the playing of games on the Green on Sundays – Cllr Dickson says the police are not able to take any action. The road surface over the Green to the Upper House is in a very bad condition again. It needs resurfacing (Oct & Nov PC meetings).

1959 The CC offers to make good the whole of the road surface leading up to Upper House at the CC’s expense, but on the understanding that such approval does not include the provision of a footpath. The PC resolve to accept this. Mr T. Brain of the Post Office, Moddershall, puts in a tender to cut the Green grass for the sum of £14.10.0d three times a year – May, late June, Sept. It is accepted (Feb PC meeting). There are more complaints about horse riding over the Green. Cllr Dickson will write to the Ministry of Housing and Local Govt. for approval to the amendment of the Bye laws for the purpose of prohibiting horse riding on the Green. Cllr Brewer proposes concrete slabs should be provided for the three seats on the Green. Mr K Aynsley of Highfields complains about the notice board erected by the CC outside his residence. (but this had previously had approval by the CC and the PC). However it was agreed that the wording on the signs were misleading and gave rise to the Highfields being mistaken for the Upper House. The CC Surveyor be advised of the difficulty and the signs be amended to read “WARNING – BLIND PERSONS’’ (April PC meeting). Draft amendment to the Bye laws presented for consideration. Again the need for a public convenience in Barlaston is stressed (at a meeting of the school managers). Provision of the public convenience and its site are discussed. Resolved to look at the edge of the Green nr the Lodge, and to find whether this site can be drained (Nov PC meeting).

HISTORY OF 1960-1964
1960 RDC give their intention to erect public conveniences to be sited on the direction finger post on the Green (May PC meeting). JE Riley is still greenman for £2.10.0 per quarter. The CC won’t pipe in the ditch to the new public convenience so the RDC are to be asked to do so (July PC meeting). It is agreed to provide posts at kerbs to stop cars trespassing on the Green over the footpath leading from the main road to the telephone exchange (Sept PC meeting). Wooden posts have been erected at the kerbside on the Green (Oct PC meeting).
1961 Village green posts are to be set in concrete. A quote is present for the lamination of the Green notice boards. The lower green nr jct of Station Road has been flooded. There’s a need for a footpath between the telephone kiosk and Broughton Crescent jct with Station Rd; apparently the CC Surveyor has this under consideration. The PC to ask the RDC to press ahead with the public convenience without delay. Authority is granted to the CC to deposit soil on the upper green (for drainage?) (Feb PC meeting). The CC are asked to finance for the footpath between the School and Broughton Cres jct. – tarmaced 4 foot wide path is £140; untarmaced in red ash is £100; this is left in abeyance awaiting developments for the CC Highway Department. There were more threats of flooding on the Green in the area of Broughton Cres road jct (Oct PC meeting).
1962 RDC are considering an application for the erection of a bungalow on land fronting the Green and adjoining the property known as ‘Rosecroft’. Mr Johnson, the applicant, has not made an application to the PC for access. PC won’t look favourably or grant further access to build the property. The PC will not favour the granting of a further access/ nor access over the Green (Jan PC meeting). Mr Johnson seeks permission for wicket access to the Green from his proposed bungalow, recently received planning approval. The PC will not allow the transportation of building materials over the Green. The PC ask the RDC to tidy up the Green in the area around the public convenience without delay. Also the Clerk is instructed to get the necessary repairs required to the seats on the Green (March PC meeting). The CC accept that the representations at the access to the new school be made available through the Green. There is a proposal for a new footpath over the Green from the junction of Broughton Crescent to the Oaklands at the Rough Close side of the Green. Barlaston Horticultural Society seek permission to erect a marquee on the Green for use at the annual show to be held on the 8 Sept – granted (May PC meeting). The Clerk is asked to get the Green cut – he is instructed to approach Mr Buxton of Highfield Farm to invite him to do the work, as Mr Harrison, the previous contractor, had now left the district. In the event of Mr Buxton being unable to do the work, it is agreed to ask Mr Brain of Moddershall to tender. A tree belonging to Mrs Anstey of Weeford House is causing a nuisance on the Green – she should get the branches cut. The Chairman says that in his opinion the recently erected convenience had fitted in satisfactory with the Green, and when the shrubs and trees are properly established it will not be an eyesore to the area (May PC meeting). Wicket access to the Green is granted to Mr Johnson, on condition the access does not exceed 3 feet, and he pay an annual acknowledgement of one shilling for the right. West Midlands Gas Board apply for permission to lay a gas main through the Green to serve the Oaklands development – granted. Mr K Aynsley objects to the position of the sign to the public toilets; it is re-sited nearer the toilets. There’s a concrete post notice board displaying the bye-laws which as been damaged – it is by the bungalow occupied by Mrs Mould, and its been damaged. (Oct PC meeting)
1963 Mr Riley is still Greenman at £5 per quarter. Wayleave is paid to the PC by the GPO for 1 shilling. However the GPO (General Post Office) request that the annual payment of the one shilling be waived on the grounds of economy. Resolved (March PC meeting). Mr T. Brain of Moddershall to be contacted. who quotes the sum of £20 for mowing the Green. Also maintaining leveling and drainage were concerns to enable the green to be ‘gang’ mowed (to keep cost down?). Barlaston Horticultural Society seek to erect a marquee on the Green for 7 Sept for their annual show – granted. The locks on the Public convenience have been taken off and there should be consideration to the supply of toilet paper by the RDC (May PC meeting). Leveling investigated by means of sand and waste soil. – Messrs Tideswell Bros Ltd to be contacted for a quote. The School managers have applied for a traffic warden. The condition of the old school is discussed and its future use. The Director of Education had granted a right of way through the old school playground to the Green.
1964 Cost of leveling will be approx £1000. The RDC may have some surplus soil to dispose of (April PC meeting). Grass seems to be being cut on an adhoc basis, for special occasions such as the BKV. The middle green needs draining. Permission granted to erect a marque on the green for the Church Fete on 27 June (May PC meeting). EJ Riley is still doing the Greenman job. Mr Seabridge has helped with work done on the Green. The question of unauthorised parking on the Green of a tracker is raised by Staffs Public Works Co Ltd. Barlaston Hockey Club request a marquee on the Green for their show in Sept, granted (Nov PC meeting).

HISTORY OF 1965-1969
1965 There is a need for parking facilities at the Green for cycles and motor cycles. Clerk to ask the CC if they can make any land available. The Green seats have been damaged recently, but will be repaired, and the byelaws notice board has been re-sited nr the War Memorial (May PC meeting). EJ Riley still greenman. getting £2.10.0 per quarter. Mr C Wright of The Cottage, The Green, & PC Evans complain about the use of part of the green for playing cricket. – played here because it is the only level part of the green. Balls seem to have smashed windows at The Cottage. – a Green sub-committee is set up to look into this consisting of Chairman, Dickson and the Clerk (Nov PC meeting).
1966 To level the top green the PC are given an estimate of £1,221.0.0; the Clerk to get another estimate for just leveling a smaller area of the top green (Jan PC meeting). More about the need for parking facilities on the Green. The CC have now considered the PC’s application but are unable to agree to their request for release of part of the land on the access road (to Upper House), but wonder if they would consider the provision of a car park on that part of the Green adjacent to the lodge at Upper House. The Welfare Services Committee will be prepared to discuss the sale or lease of the site of the lodge to the PC for the extension of parking facilities when the lodge becomes vacant. After consideration the Clerk is instructed to prepare a plan of the planned site available between the path leading to the public conveniences and the boundary hedge of the lodge to ascertain the extent of parking facilities and to report back (April PC meeting). Trentham Landscape Contractors have got the tender to level the top green at £197.12.0. The Welfare Services Committee have no objection to the PC, at their own expense, taking out the wicket gate by Upper House Lodge and replacing it with some other suitable means of access for pedestrians (perhaps a kissing gate) – to prevent horse riding (May PC meeting). Leveling has now been completed and the area has been reseeded. A small area appears to be subject to some waterlogging. The CC might be prepared to pay for and maintain a new path along the Green, but not prepared to maintain the existing path. Clerk to write to the County Surveyor. There’s a circular regarding the Commons Registration Act 1965 from the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources and from the W.I. drawing the PC’s attention to the need to register the village green. Application by West Midlands Gas Board apply to lay a gas service pipe to Rosecroft, it is approved subject to way leave payment (July PC meeting).
1967 The CC are prepared to build a new footpath from Broughton Cres up to the tele kiosk on the Green, if the PC can make available the necessary land. Due to vandalism it is decided that the public conveniences be closed to the public between October and March each year until further notice. Repairs have been made to the footpath on the Green (Jan PC meeting). EJ Riley is still greenman at £2.10.0 per quarter. The CC still plan a new footpath for the Green. There is still a need for additional drainage to the top green (between the Vicarage boundary and the seat). Miss Patsy Bentley of Whiteacre, Malthouse Lane, asks if children can have a maypole on the Green; Cllr Lindley says he will see Miss Walker, the Headmistress, to try and provide one (March PC meeting). The CC have now completed the new footpath for the Green. Further drainage and leveling is to take place; in addition the building Barlaston Park building contractors confirm they can deposit surplus soil on to the Green and level the soil without charge (May PC meeting). There is an urgent need for a hardstanding bus stop layby on the Green for school children. Cllr Dickson said in his opinion the additional parcel of land acquired by the PC shouldn’t be fenced, but ought to be leveled and tidied up and then be left as an open area – this relates to the Green? Post Office Telephone Manager applies to construct an underground telephone chamber on the edge of the Green near the jct of Broughton Crescent with Station Rd – approved. The Green concrete posts need to be painted white before the winter; also the 30 mph warning signs need to be repainted (Sept PC meeting).
1968 EJ Riley is still greenman. Leveling and drainage is now complete. Cllr Dickson says the lower green ought to be grassed down – Mr Seabridge approached to do this. Precept for £350 to cover outgoings for work on the Green (March PC meeting). The tree on the upper green has been re-staked. In the event Mr Seabridge too busy to reseed the lower green, so Mr Baker of the Lea Farm has done it. The CC have provisionally registered the village green & the application no. being 111, dated 25 April. Concern about parking near the library which is near to the access to the School – considered a danger to children (May PC meeting). Parents doing the school run are parking cars on the road in front of the old school house on the Green – which is causing concern. The Green is provisionally registered in the registar of Town and Village Greens under register unit No VG 22 dated 28 June. Mr Baker has seeded both the lower and upper greens and has cut the grass for the purpose of the Church Fete activities. The PC seek help with grass cutting etc and feel they can’t rely solely on local help due to agricultural commitments (Nov PC meeting).
1969 Mr T Brain of Moddershall has been paid £18.0.0 for mowing six times during the period April to Sept. The ‘Ladies’ and “Gents’ sings on the public conveniences have been illegally removed by someone (Jan PC meeting). Mr Leese thinks the scrub screening around the public conveniences encourage acts of vandalism. The PC have in mind the site of the Upper House Lodge when it’s demolished by the CC for parking facilities for the Green. This demolition work has recently been carried out and the matter can be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. EJ Riley still greenman on £2.10.0 per quarter (July PC meeting). There’s a need for a white line or other suitable warning at the jct of Longton Rd and Hartwell Lane at the Green is needed, and the obstruction of the highway by one of the Blind Home Signs is raised. Cllr Boulton thinks there is a need for a vehicular access to the library and the school from the Green. Upper House Ldg site for use of car park is discussed again (Sept PC meeting). It’s agreed that part of the upper green could be used for a football pitch for children (since the closure of the WMC football pitch – Mr Barlow of Malthouse Lane brought this item to the PC’s attention (Dec PC meeting).
EJ Riley is green man. The PC accepts they are not liable to damage to contractors machinery when grass cutting the Green. Footpath by library on Green is flooded due to a blockage of surface water drains. caused by a broken land drain; this had been repaired by the May 1970 meeting (April PC meeting).

HISTORY 1970-74
1970 There’s a need for better drainage of the Green (March PC meeting). PC want the CC to include the former garden of the Upper House Lodge for parking facilities at the Green (May PC meeting). PC to provide goal posts on the upper green, and a subcommittee is formed consisting of Chairman, Cllrs Dando, Lowe and Webb-Bowen to investigate possibility of recruiting suitable adult supervisors during school holidays (July PC meeting). Litter is being deposited on the Green near the Tuck Shop – it is agreed to write to Mr Norbury the owner of the shop and to Miss Walker, headmistress. The CC regret they can not agree to release the garden of the former Upper House Ldg, for parking (Sept PC meeting). The timber for the new goal posts cost £4.13.0. It is agreed also to arrange for docks and nettle around the perimeter of the Green to be cut – and for Messrs Shenton Landscape Ltd of Newcastle to have the green grass cutting contract at £69.17.6 for 5 cuts per annum. The three byelaw notices for the village green need replacing. Telephone manager applies for permission to lay cables and provide junction boxes on the Green – approved (Nov PC meeting).
1971 Replacement byelaw notices are being made for the Green (March PC meeting). The village green parking facilities are still under review. The upper green is available for use as a boys football pitch – goal posts will be provided (March PC AGM). Mr K Aynsley of The Highfields wishes to register the Village Green under the Commons Registration Act 1965 as a common, and unless he withdraws this the matter will have to be referred to a Commons Commissioner for settlement.. The PC want to have it registered as a Village Green. The Clerk says he has advised Mr Aynsley that the PC has registered the Green as a Village Green & has consulted with the County Clerk’s Dept who confirmed Mr Aynsley has withdrawn his registration as a common and accepts the Parish Council’s application for registration as a Village Green, his common rights will still be preserved (May PC meeting). The Clerk has been in touch with the CC Clerk’s dept regarding the registration of the Village Green as a common – thus Mr Aynsley has agreed to withdraw his application. Mr Riley, greenman, commences to cut the grass edges (July PC meeting). The PC Chairman & Clerk meet the CC (the Chairman of the Welfare & Social Services Committee, Cllr Mrs Gardner, Mr Hudson, County Welfare Officer and others) at Barton Land Home for the Blind on Sept 22 to discuss the car park at the Green. The CC have reservations because of an anxiety over traffic problems and danger to residents of the Home. The Clerk says he presented a police report supporting the parish council for the need to provide adequate parking. Some doubt of the extent of the land owned by the CC is referred to. Vandals have caused extensive damage to the toilets on the Green over the past two years – and should the toilets be continued with; letter from the RDC asking for the PC’s views (Oct PC meeting).
1972 The area of the Green between the public convenience footpath & the boundary hedge adjoining the access road to the Upper House for the Green car park looked into. Grass cutting contract to go to Shentons Landscape Ltd, Newcastle at £78-75 for five cuts a year, one a month over the summer months (Jan PC meeting). The Clerk said the goal posts had been erected on the top green. The drainage near the posts is unsatisfactory and it is agreed to ask the PC to consider further drainage (March PC AGM). EJ Riley for maintenance of Green is paid – £10-50. The Clerk to prepare a scheme for providing a car park on the lower green and to seek approval from the Broughton Adderley estate for change of use of the Green. Drainage of the upper green scheme for improvement of football pitch proposed/ discussed (March PC meeting). Miss Walker, headmistress, requests a lay-by on the edge of the Green (for stopping cars?). CC area road surveyor says CC are unable to provide one at this present time, but are prepared to increase the length of the existing tarmac strip (June PC meeting). A subcommittee is formed to discuss tenders for drainage of the Green, comprising Chairman, Vice Chair and Clerk. The War Memorial has been damaged – an inspection to be made (Sept PC meeting). Trees to be planted on the upper green (Nov PC meeting).
1973 PC agree to participate in the Tree Planting Year 1973 scheme – for the Green, and the edge of the playing/ cricket field. War Memorial repair to be done by George O Bust of Newcastle for £88.25; however Bust can’t find the staff to do the job (Jan PC meeting). Goal posts for village green described as “junior style” have been provided for the upper green (March PC AGM). The Public loos have been damaged – the District Council suggest the PC might be able to assist in preventing improper use and vandalism to the conveniences. The PC ask the DC to lock up the loos for a trial period at night – the lock keeper might be a local resident, possibly Mr Riley (March PC meeting). Slow progress or no progress on Green drainage as shortage of land drain pipes. The tender for War Memorial repair goes to Mr W. Bust of Trentham, instead and costs £82.50. The W.I. wish to plant a tree on the Green (Sept PC meeting).
1974 Green drainage by Mr Heath has to wait until he has finished a drainage project at Hartwell (May PC meeting). It’s completed by July. NCB investigating the flooding of the footpath leading from Hartwell Lane across the Green to Vicarage Lane. Mr EJ Riley, greenman, paid at £2.50 per quarter. Complaints by local residents about disturbance caused by teenagers congregating around the telephone kiosk – the PC think this is a matter for the police. The CC consider the PC’s request for extension of car park facilities at the Green “being the site of the former Entrance Lodge” (July PC meeting). JW Heath, of Saverley Green, work of drainage to Upper Green £164-18 (Sept PC meeting).

HISTORY OF 1975-1979
1975 Circular wall round tree on the Green is in need of repair (Jan PC meeting), and will have repairs. Death of Mr EJ Riley, Greensman, reported – he has served the council over many years and the PC resolve to make a gratuity of £10 to his widow Mrs GR Riley (June PC meeting). E Jones of 18 Beechcroft Estate, is paid for duties as Greenman, Sept 1975, quarter £2.50 (or £10 per annum). Two ash trees on the lower green have died (Sept PC meeting).
1976 Three seats have been ordered for the village green £114.70 from Holton Builders Ltd, of Lincoln. Encroachment of the Green near Pear Tree Cottage, Vicarage Lane, cultivated as a vegetable plot – the person concerned has been told they are contravening the Byelaws (March PC meeting). Resolved to ask the BC to clean down or redecorate the toilet walls to remove graffiti at the same time as replacing the existing glazing (with polycarbonate sheet) (Sept PC meeting).
1977 Two lime trees have died and it is hoped they will be replaced. As yet the Commons Commissioners have not been informed as to the ownership of Barlaston Village Green, ie ownership has not be claimed – the Commons Registration Act, 1965, requires the ownership to be ascertained. The Clerk has contacted the Barlaston Settled Estate, through their Agents, Messrs E Heaton & Sons of Endon. Mr Morris acting for the Barlaston Settled Estate said he would consult with hsi client regarding possible claim of ownership and advise the PC. So, if Barlaston Settled Estate were not going claim ownership then the PC would. Their claim is lodged by March meeting 1977, and acknowledged by the Commissioners (Jan PC meeting). Horse riders through the village are causing damage to grass verges – there is a suggestion access be given for horse riding towards the Downs Banks from the Green. The PC to consider this (March PC meeting). Silver Jubilee Day in Barlaston, 6th June, is celebrated with a float procession across The Green. Some of the land for the extension to the Downs carpark adjoining that owned by the CC may be owned by Prof Rolo of The Lea, who is prepared to lease or sell it to the PC. The ownership can’t be established, and Prof Rolo suggests Messrs Wedgwood might be able to assist (Sept PC meeting).
1978 Cllr Mrs Ruth Dickson requests the PC consider the use of part of the Green as a lay-by. – she thinks there is an urgent need for one for parents collection children from school and visitors to the library – deferred (Feb PC meeting). Further extension to the present car park at the Green is being looked into – it is 313 sq yards and it is owned by Prof Rolo who is prepared to sell it to the PC, and in the meantime will temporarily lease the land off Prof Rolo. The PC hope that this addition area will be able for extra parking early in 1979 (March PC meeting). The Greenman, Mr E Jones, is prepared to take on some extra duties of litter removal from the two bus shelters and generally keeping tidy Orchard Pl-Peartree Close and Station Rd. P/t manual worker to keep tidy areas of Orchard Place, Peartree Close and Stn Rd – Mr E. Jones be accepted on £30 per annum to incl the £10 per annum for duties on the Green. The Clerk be authorised to purchase a wheel barrow, spade, brush and plastic sacks (May PC meeting). District Valuer negotiates for the acquisition of the land for the extension to Downs car park. New (Hartlid) manhole covers for the lower green await delivery. The court hearing about the PC’s claim to the Village Green (under the Commons Registration Act 1965) will be heard at the Crown Court, Town Hall, Albion Sq, Hanley on Jan 11 1979 at 10.30am before Mr LJ Morris Smith, Commons Commissioner. The clerk to be present. (Jan 1979 meeting we hear Stafford BC also make a claim to that bit of land on which the Public Conveniences are sited) (Dec PC meeting).
1979 Manholes on the lower green have been renewed and put in (March PC AGM). There’s been a recent accident on the Green arising from injury to a horse owned by Mr Bruce Chambers, the horse had tripped on a broken drain and injured its leg – it was not part of the subsoil drainage system controlled by the PC, but proved to be part of the foul drainage system which may or may not be in use. Circular brick wall round village green tree has been damaged and may possibly cause an injury to persons – the work had been carried out by J Deakin of Rough Cl costing £66.70. Mr E Jones wishes to retire as Greenman, when a replacement can be found (June PC meeting). The PC have sufficiently established possessory title of the Village Green, and the PC will be registered as owner of the land under section 8(2) of the Commons Registraction Act 1965 (July PC meeting). Still no replacement Greenman can be found, so Mr Jones will continue in post. (but infact there is Mr Horace Smith of 17 Brookhouse Drive, a recently retired gardener, who takes the job on at £500 per annum in Nov. And it is further resolved that the duties of this job of Greenman./ Handyman be accepted by the BC as items of concurrent functions.
Clerk’s salary to be increased to £1,000 per annum as from July 1 (Nov PC meeting).

HISTORY OF 1980-1989
1980 – History of drainage of the Village Green 1960-74 is discussed at a PC meeting, in May: For the UPPER GREEN – a) in 1960 drainage of an area parallel with Longton Rd nr the boundary hedge of the Vicarage to prevent flooding of the green; b) part leveling of an area to the rear of a), c) part drainage of an area used by the children for ball games, total coast £235.00. For the LOWER GREEN, nr toilet a) the whole of this green was covered with surplus excavated material from a building site to an average depth of three feet and leveled at no cost to the council, b) after a suitable period of settlement the green was drained and the perimeter ditch piped in one section, total cost £202.00, A suggestion to form a pool on the upper green was discussed – a hazard to children thought Cllr Plant; Cllr Russell thought the upper green could be improved by using material from Meaford Power Stn. Green car park extension purchased; work to commence on Sunday 18th May by the Community Service Centre to clear the undergrowth and trees to extend the car park (March & May PC meetings). PMT buses provided these evening services between Hanley and Barlaston. Hanley 20.05, and 22.35, arriving Barlaston Green at 20.42, and 23.12; and from Barlaston Green to Hanley Bus Stn 20.42, and 23.12, arriving respectively at 21.19, and 23.49 (July PC meeting). BKV Village Trophy Award Ceremony takes place on Saturday 20th Sept at 2.30pm on the Green (Sept PC meeting). Grass cutting for 1980 per quotation is £265.83 (Nov PC meeting).
1981 – The Tree on the Green is illuminated at a cost of £1 for the electricity (PC May 1981. Oct 1981).
1984 – Goal posts on the Green are erected at a cost of £15. Land is purchased from the CC for use as a car park at the Green – the CC are now prepared to sell to the PC, the land is 305 yards for the some of £750, plus admin charge of £75. Trees and scrubs adjoining the Green car park need to cut as diseased. Renewal of the bye-law notice board on the village green – one of them has been damaged beyond repair as a result of a car driven by Mr RR Ridge of Barlaston Park, who is to be charged for the cost of materials at £12.13p (Nov PC meeting). To celebrate winning the BKV the trophy sign is erected on the Green on Sept 21st, a bonfire lit at 7.00pm, 5th Nov.
1985 – Cllr Dando proposes that the Green carpark is purchased by the PC from the CC, but as yet no contract signed. Purchase complete by March 1985, completion day is March 1 1985, at £750 plus £75 admin charges, less £15 refund of rent for period 1/3/1985 to 31/ 5/ 1985, total £810.00 (PC Jan). Payment to H Smith, Greenman/ Handyman, for Feb 1985 is £50; for March 1985 is £50. His wages discussed at March 85 meeting; his wages to be increased to £800 pa with effect from Nov 1984. Mrs Sinfield reports that there’s a problem with motorcyclists and BMX bike-users riding over a strip of ground by the Green car park by the toilets footpath. Cllr Dando says this area could be designated a Youth Project Scheme together with the area around the tree in front of the library and the island site at the junction of Hartwell Lane and Longton Rd (March PC). PCC apply to use the Green for their fete, 8th June – granted. Mr Steve James is the contractor for cutting the Green grass and he’s damaged his mower – claims the PC is liable to pay for (£60) because of the uneven ground owing to horse riding – Cllr Barley is aware of one rider in particular who uses the Green for horse riding (May PC). Act of Remembrances on the Green by the War Memorial, following Service of Remembrance in the Church, begin, owing to closeness of the ‘new’ Church.
1986 – PCC apply for a church fete, July 19th, confined to the top green. Meanwhile, a car transporter has damaged the island on The Green, estimated damage being approx £20. The PC to pay a protective clothing allowance to Mr Horace Smith, the Greenman/ Handyman of £50 (March PC). Upper green can be used to have a bonfire on Nov 5th, and that the PCC can use it for a Church Fete on June 13 1987. Both granted (Sept PC).
1987 – PCC apply for a Church Fete, June 13 – granted (Sept PC 1986). The nine village green Byelaw notices costing £103.50 from JG Fenn Ltd are acquired. Five litres of motor oil for the mower (from Leeses of Barlaston) costs £8.61. Illegal parking of cars takes place (PC Sept). Metal tree guards (x3) are removed from trees on the green (PC Dec).
1988 – The PC erect three ‘No Horse Riding’ signs on the green (PC July 1988). In addition, local residents object to the ‘Subsidence’ sign on the Green fronting Hartwell Lane; the Area Surveyor be asked to removed that sign from below the “uneven Road’ sign. Tele kiosk is not to be included by British Heritage conservation list; Clerk had asks for its retention as long as is feasible by BT. There is concern it was due for replacement in 1989, due to it having started to lean. – resolved – BT to be written to to request the kiosk be retained (PC July). Mr & Mrs Schroder of the Bungalow, Vicarage Lane, Barlaston agree to the terms of the wayleave onto the Green and pay the first annual fee of £10. After discussion, the parish council resolve: That all Wayleaves relating to the access onto the Village Green be standardised at £10 as and when the current wayleaves come due for renewal and the various parties warned of the increase (PC Oct). Horace Smith greensman 1979-88, gives notice to quit on 30 Nov 1988.
1988-9 – Toilets at the Green (PC July 1987), are proving a problem (PC Oct 1988), ‘unsavoury activities’ in and about the toilets. In Sept 1989 the parish council resolve Supt. Nixon of Stone Police will look into it (PC Sept 1989). Mr Ron S Dandy of Beechcoft succeeds as greensman on a monthly wage of £66.66 and a monthly clothing allowance of £6.25 (PC Jan 1989).
1989 – A Mrs Hill believes she has a customary right to ride a horse on the Green; the PC disagree after consultation with the Home Office (PC Jan 1989).

HISTORY OF 1990-2008
1990 – A manned refuse vehicle and Bottle Banks are to be put at the Green car park (collection dates are 8 times a year) (PC Jan). Mr Danby resigns as greensman/ handyman (Map PC). Derek James (acting greensman) is asked to work in the cemetery and do hedge cutting, in addition to remove various trees that are dangerous on the path crossing the top of the Green (PC June 1989. May 1990. Nov 1990). Stafford BC are asked to removed the ‘toilet’ signposts (PC July 1990).
1991 – The hedge between Green car park and the Barton Land entrance is partly cut and there has been further work to complete the project to give (better?) vehicular access to Barton Land Home (PC July 1991). Mrs Turner of Greenways, The Green, sends £10 for wayleave, but withdraws her past work cutting part of the hedge along her frontage with the Green (PC March 1991).
1992 – A Mr RB Fox crops up often as defacto village greensman and handyman; in March 1992 a Mr Barrie Scott gets the grass-cutting contract for 1992-93 (PC Jan 1992). Stafford BC own the village green toilets and there have been ‘problems’ with it. Mr Winnett advises that Stafford might consider providing new-style single occupant oval shaped toilet as provided in London and elsewhere (PC March 1992). The income from Wayleave from the MEB is £2.40 (PC May 1992). The Green carpark is resurfaced (again?) at a cost of £2,884.62 (by Brian Springett Ltd) (PC Oct 1992).
1992-93 – Some pear trees are removed from the Green by order of the PC (Barrie J Scott carried out the work) (PC Jan 1993).
1993 – There’s increasing tendency for cars to be parked illegally on the Green, which contravenes local bylaws (PC Jan 1993). Following a vehicle accident on the Green causing damage, bollards are provided in other areas of the Green as requested (PC March 1993). There are drainage problems and a sub-committed is formed of Cllrs Dickson, Russell, Lovatt to examine the problem (PC Oct 1993). The Home Office now advised that the existing byelaws be rescinded and suggest more appropriate ones – another sub-committee of cllrs is formed (Bell, Lovatt, and the Clerk) (PC Dec 1993).
1994 – The carpark toilets are now disused; the parish council feels they should remain so (PC July 1994). New village green sign erected.
1995 – Proposed/ amended new Byelaws are returned to the Home Office for their consideration (PC May 10 1995).
2000 – The Clerk ensures grass is cut prior to the Salvation Army playing on the Green on August 20th.
2001 There is mole damage to the Green (PC March 6 2001).
2005 – ‘Songs of Praise’ on the Green with Stone Town Band 4pm Sunday 4th Sept.
2007 – The Clerk contacts Mr. Parton who cut the hedges of the properties adjacent to the Green and explains the PC policy of keeping an area for wildlife. Mr. Parton will not be cutting the hedges again this year (Sept PC). Stafford BC ask permission to erect notices advertising the recycling facilities at the Green. The signs were deemed too big. Concrete posts in front of the library, unpainted, are a health and safety issue. Quotes for a bench from Broxap Street Furniture received; another memorial bench – for ‘Barlaston Bill’ ‘who loved to sit on the village green and paint’ – is considered for a site facing the library (Oct PC).
2008 – Solar lighting for the pathway is considered. Horse-riding prohibition sign is £321.42 (May PC). The long-running argument (and re-ignited in 2013) over whether the top/ east-most part of the Green should be less mowed and hedge-cut, allowing for wild flowers, and nesting birds etc, begins, led by Cllr Fisher in support of such a move; there are public consultations in the Heron newsletter and open forums – for time being resolved that the Green be cut with the exception of a metre wide strip around the perimeter. The PC’s grass cutting contractor is Andrew Scott (June- Sept PCs 2008, June 2009). The fairly new memorial bench to Cllr Jack Dando, is presumably not one of the benches in need of revarnishing. The base of the tree on the Green ought to be landscaped according to Cllr Russell (Nov PC; brickwork repaired in 2009 by F.M.F. Construction at a cost of £2012.50).

HISTORY OF 2009-2017
2009 – Tree trimming for Green trees is approved. Less or no grass cutting at the extreme east edge of the Green and near the old toilets – receives public criticism, owing to seeming to be untidy (Jan & May PCs). A balloon carrying passengers unexpectedly lands on the Green, at 8.45am on May 2nd, then another by the new church. Upper House driveway ownership and upkeep from the Green to the Upper House discussed. It was felt that there should be joint ownership of the land with shared responsibility for the upkeep. Estimates for repair and resurfacing of the drive are being sought by both the PC and Mrs. Williams, owner of Upper House. Cllrs agreed the Green looks much better since the recent cut and removal of long grass. Mr D Watts of The Vicarage plans to hold a vintage MG car rally fete on the Green, Oct 4th (May PC). A proposed sign for the Upper House to be sited on the Green is shown to the PC (Oct PC).
2010 – The Neighbourhood Community Teams will carry out a couple of days work doing tasks around the Green. Noted the PC don’t have ownership of any hedges on the Green with regard to their being cut (March PC). Greenfingers paid £470.00 for grass cutting (throughout the village for one month?) (June PC). The Green is one of the sites considered for a Play Area in Barlaston (Oct PC). Cllr Dodd tasked with getting a permanent set of lights for the tree on the Green – the cost is £234.09 (Nov PC). Cedar Point do a survey on the trees on PC land. Mr. J. Croskerry a resident whose property borders onto the eastern side of the Green wants the PC to manage of trees outside his property, posing a danger and causing loss of light – deemed unnecessary (Dec PC).
2011 – Eight trees at the top of the Green need managing – work done by Cedar Point at £495 (Feb PC). Nuisance caused by Village Hall visitors parking on the Green verges causing traffic congestion on Longton Road, when they should use the Green carpark (Sept PC). Cllrs Jones and Russell to look into the cost of Ecogrid on the Green to provide additional parking including the likely cost and whether planning permission is needed (Dec PC).
2012 – Methodist and C. of E. Churches to hold an open air service on the Green to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, Sun, 3rd June 10.30am but inclement weather forbids it. Ecogrid thought too expensive and ineffectual (Jan PC). Time capsule planted on the Green.
2013 – The Green carpark considered for over-flow parking from the Village Hall (Jan PC). Workmen for nearby residents said to be causing damage to the Green; hedge cutting restricted between March 1 and July 1 (March PC). To place planters and posts on the Green triangle requires a Highway authority license. PC feel that the Green periphery should be left a wildlife area; Mrs Michala Black and some local residents, however, thought the ‘naturalised area’ at the east/ top part had got out of hand and needed better management (ie brambles and thicket cut back) – Cllr Fisher and Mrs Fisher bid to differ (May PC). A bench is repaired at cost of £70. The PC would like better management of the east/ top part as Mrs Black suggests. A Special PC/ parish meeting to discuss this occurs on June 19th. It decides to clear from the Autumn the east/ top part in readiness for re-seeding with wild flowers etc; also to re-plant the circular base round the tree on the Green; also to allow the Green adjacent to the Car Park to continue growing wild; also to make more of a feature of the ‘triangle’ by building a rock feature to be planted up in 2014. And to get quotes from the contractor PJS Landscapes, who regularly mow (June PCs). Mrs Black feels there is too much litter on the Green. Dog-waste litter bins on the Green to be moved away from the benches/ seats. A Mrs Liz Hill gives professional advice on the ‘environment and ecological diversity‘ intentions for the Green, drafted up in a paper called ‘The Management of the Village Green’, envisaged to cost £6,000 (July & Sept PCs). A joy rider causes some damage to the grass (Oct PC). Remembrance Day Service is brightened with knitted tributes by Sara Morris and others. Countryside Volunteers offer to plant sapling trees on the ‘wet area’ of the Green – accepted (Dec PC).
2014 – Plans to have a Village Show with fete on the Green, pending public liability insurance and it not being waterlogged (April PC). PJS Landscapes complete the seed-planting of a variety of wild flowers (weed killing had gone on; brambles cleared). But drainage, weeds etc at the top of the Green are reasons for failure of germination of the wild flowers. A white poplar tree bordering Spokane House is in ‘excellent condition’; TPOs on a number of trees should be got. The PC have employed Greenfingers to cut grass throughout Barlaston (incl. Village Green) 14 times each year on a fortnightly basis from April to Oct for many years. Again the Green car park is discussed and dismissed as an overflow for the Village Hall car park (May & June & July PCs). (Afternoon) W.I. whitebeam tree is planted by Dando’s memorial bench; Herons W.I. to tidy and plant some bulbs and plants (Sept & Oct PCs).
2015 – New verge edging posts/ bollards bought & Green ‘triangle’ area to have its wooden posts painted white – work done by BKV working party (Jan PC). Ven Argricultural contractors, Grindley Lane, too-prematurely cut hedges (in May but should have waited to July) (June PC). Residents at top of the Green (the Blacks, Green House, and the Wilshaws, Oaklands) express disquiet over the Green’s visual appeal at the July and Sept PC meetings; they have canvassed other residents, and found a wish to see ‘a neat orderly and tidy Green that was managed’. Meanwhile, two picnic benches have been put on top green (July PC). £6,250 spent on the biodiversity project since 2013. Sadly, no volunteer can help, for insurance reasons, keeping costs down. Two areas deliberately unmowed since 2014 to encourage wild flowers/ wild life (seeded by PJS Landscapes), are generally deemed unsuccessful by the autumn, with poor germination owing to various factors. East/ top of the Green to be cleared and brambles removed. Green ‘triangle’ area could be a wild flower area (June, July & Oct PCs). Agreed to budget for a 60sq metre strip of wild flowers could be £1,500, as outlined by Cllr Robinson. Joy rider nuisance reported (Dec PC).
2016 – Wagon damage by Upper House jct; some boulders moved (Jan PC). Anti-social behaviour blights the carpark and nothing can be done as the Green (or its carpark area) ownership is in dispute (April PC). Prolonged action running into 2017 to get four trees by Spokane House cut back (July PC). The mauve triangular Upper House advertisement sign on the Green does not meet planning permission conditions (Dec PC).
2017 – Perennial Landscapes are the new mowing contractors (April PC). A wayleave agreement of £25 pa is discussed to allow Upper House to retain their advert sign (June PC). The Lime tree is in good order (Sept PC).