06 September 2022 – Barlaston Parish Council Meeting

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L01-20 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Parish Council Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church. Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on Tuesday 6 September 2022.  Meeting to commence at 5:30pm. An agenda for the meeting is set out below.


Mrs K St Leger
29 August 2022

5:30 – 5:45     Public Open Forum (by prior appointment). Please contact the Clerk if you wish to participate in the Public element of the meeting. If no requests are received, the Parish Council meeting will commence at 5 pm

70        Apologies

71        Declarations of Interest

72        Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

73        To discuss and determine actions regarding Highway issues in Barlaston including:

    • Position of road closure notice on Old Road
    • Longton Road – traffic calming measures / signage at junction of Longton Road and Station Road
    • Station Road – Flashing signage for crossing patrol area / access from Canal Side onto Station Road
    • Lakewood Drive
    • Measures to reduce accidents at crossroads of Station Road / Longton Road / Meaford Road / Tittensor Road
    • 20’s Plenty Initiative
    • Speed Indicator Devices data – Review latest data / determine if digital Speed Cameras can be procured/installed

74         To approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 5 July 2022

75        Matters arising from the meeting of 5 July 2022 and not otherwise on the agenda

95        To determine a date for the Parish Council to commence work on the formation of a Parish Strategy, to include twinning with Fiskars, Finland

 118       To receive update on Lakewood Drive (covered in 73)

131       To receive update on planning application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road

          160       To receive update on planting of trees in Barlaston initiative

    • Links with Barlaston First School
    • Links with The Canal & River Trust
    • Fiskars

161    To receive update regarding Wedgwood Memorial College Arboretum and determine protocols regarding the Lichfield Plan

180     To receive suggestions regarding a Community led shop on Barlaston Park (deferred – subject to commencement of planng application 18/18215/FUL)

195     To receive update regarding the land at Meadow Road

213     To receive update on Parish Council representation as a School of Governors

214      To receive update regarding the renewal of the Cricket Club Lease

221    To receive update on Neighbourhood Plan review

23. To receive update on the Jubilee Bench

24   To receive update on seating for the Village Green / Barlaston Park

48     To receive update regarding the failure of the railway barriers

49    To receive update on HGV’s coming through Barlaston

50   To receive update on Orchard Place

52   To receive update from Rainbows & Brownies regarding usage of hut on Station Road

67  To receive update on presentation of the Wedgwood Bowl to Mr Gordon Taylor

76         To receive updates and determine actions regarding the following Committees:

  1. Environmental Committee – 

a.To receive update on play equipment for wild green

b.To receive willow structure details

c. To receive update on barriers

d. Signage for the Wild Green following installation of new items (deferred)

e. To receive quotation for topsoil on the green

  1. Finance Committee
  2. HR Committee
  3. Entertainment Committee – to receive closure report 

77         To receive update on Highways Issues including (covered in 73)

78        To note financial matters:

            (a) to approve bank reconciliation reports

            (b) to receive schedule of payments report August / September payments 2022

(c) to receive update on conclusion of External Audit

(d) to determine inclusion in SAAA central external auditor appointment arrangements

Expenditure – Standard NET VAT Payment
K St Leger – July Salary / Expenses 980.26 0.00 BACS
Staffordshire County Pension 316.17 0.00
Noticeboards Online – Inv 5236 – Replacement locks for noticeboard Orchard Pl 69.50 13.90 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Inv 7070290790 – Civic Amenity Visits Aug / Oct 2022 243.33 48.67 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Village Hall Premise Licence 180.00 0.00 BACS
Information Commissioner annual Fee 35.00 0.00 DD
One Way Electrical – Inv 21189 – Village Hall Lighting upgrade 1586.04 317.21 BACS
Chairman’s Allowance 250.00 0.00
K St Leger – August Salary / Expenses 978.08 0.00 BACS
Staffordshire County Pension 316.17 0.00
Buxus Green – Grounds Maintenance 995.83 0.00
Zoom – Video Conferencing Inv 20000162221 11.99 2.40 DD
BT – Broadband 34.77 DD
Barlaston Voluntary Transport Group – Grant 250.00 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Land Lease – Inv 7070290585 10.00 BACS
D Norman – Replacement Clicker for Speed Watch 6.99 BACS
Staffordshire County Council – Inv 1000089547 – Allotment Lease 1776.98 BACS
Hosting Systems – Voice Over IP Inv 70802 10.00 2.00 DD
Mr J Arnold – Expenses re offloading of picnic tables 50.00 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Premises Licence Barlaston Village Hall – 413 180.00 BACS
Graham Burdett – Prepare ground and install 5 picnic benches 1000.00
Rotary Club of Stone – Grant towards the Jubilee Event 200.00 BACS
Barlaston Village Hall – Unfettered grant 2388.06 BACS
Barlaston Allotment Association Annual Fee 1776.98 BACS

79         To review and determine actions regarding the wildflower beds on the village greens.

80         To determine Christmas Lighting arrangements

81        To determine actions regarding the procurement / installation of gates at the Downs Car Park

81         To determine grass cutting at Nursery Gardens

82         To note Civic Amenity Visit dates and associated costs

83         To receive Risk Assessment updates and determine actions

  • Pavement on the green adjacent to the War Memorial
  • Rialtas Cloud – Training required to determine licence
  • Wildflower Planting obscuring traffic visibility

84         To receive updates on and determine grant application(s)

  • Afternoon WI Grant @ £250

85         To note Planning issue(s) and outcomes

86        To receive items for inclusion in next agenda

87        Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 4 October 2022
