Accident in Tittensor Road

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Following the recent accident in Tittensor Road I wrote the the County Council Highways Department asking for some consideration to be paid to reducing the risk to pedestrians from passing traffic with particular reference to speeding.


I set out an extract from the reply received:-

I am sure that you will appreciate that every year we receive many requests from local communities to investigate issues and implement changes and improvements in their areas. Under the heading of the local Divisional Highway Programme, such issues are considered and prioritised through discussions with the locally elected County Councillor. This process ensures that the limited resources that we have available to us can be focused on the effective delivery of local issues.

With reference to heavy traffic using Tittensor Road ‘previous enforcement of the area wide environmental weight restriction has shown that there is a high compliance with restrictions. I have also carried out observations and surveys through Barlaston and have identified only very low numbers of vehicles which may be above the weight restriction. We must however be mindful that access is permitted for heavier vehicles and given the size of the area covered and the commercial and agricultural businesses that operate within the restriction, many vehicles will have a legitimate reason to pass through Barlaston.’

I believe that we should take action to gain our own evidence that Barlaston is a more dangerous place to live than it should be.

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