It’s 30 for a reason!

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The local Speedwatch Group of 10 volunteers has been maintaining two roadside sessions per week during the summer.

The latest Stats to 18th September show 572 vehicles reported (at 35mph+) since the Group started in early May – an average of 15 per session, but sometimes twice that number! This represents 7% of the overall traffic flow, down from the early 8-10% figure and it was only 6% in the last month so it feels like some progress is being made. 

28% of the reported drivers were recorded at 40 mph or more including 4 at 50mph+. Unfortunately, the motorbike travelling at 82mph on Wedgwood Drive was simply too fast for his registration number to be obtained!

37 drivers have now had a 2nd letter and 4 have had a 3rd – resulting in a Police visit.

Postcode analysis shows 20% are Barlaston residents from ST12 with another 38% split fairly evenly between the adjoining ST3/ST4/ST15 areas.

A Grant Application has been submitted to support the acquisition of permanent “Community Speedwatch Area” Signs at all entrances to the village. It is also envisaged that early next year there will be some illuminated Speed Indication Devices for use in the main hot-spots – which will hopefully reinforce the personal safety education message.