Speedwatch update

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The Barlaston Speed Watch Team has remained active throughout 2018 and, after a short break over Christmas/New Year, they are now back out roadside again. The good news is that the “stats” show that they are making a real difference. i.e. the percentage of drivers speeding is reducing – but there is still some way to go in terms of getting the “speed is dangerous” message out to more drivers.

Since the team started back in May, around 900 cases of speeding beyond 35mph have been recorded, including 250 at 40mph or above – in a 30mph zone.

Some of you may have noticed that we now have new “yellow” signs on all the approaches to the village. These highlight that Barlaston is now formally designated as a “Community Speed Watch Area”. As a result, the team will no longer be required to put out the previous temporary notices for their sessions.

During the spring it is also envisaged that there will be illuminated Speed Indication Devices for use in the main hot-spots – which will, hopefully, further reinforce the personal safety education message. 

If anyone would like to get involved/know more about Speed watch please contact David Norman, Co-Ordinator and Parish Councillor.

(Tel: 07399 514688 Email: d.norman121@btinternet.com )