Cllr G Jones (Chairman), Cllr P Fisher, Cllr I Moran, Cllr S Tudor, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr D Norman, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr V O’Dunne
In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)
7:15 – 7:30 Public Open Forum
A resident from Barlaston Park submitted a story board showing ideas for a sympathetic play area for the wildlife element of the Village Green based on natural play, utilising trees for seating, installation of bird feeders, bird boxes and bat boxes. Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, villagers and various community groups to be engaged with the process and upkeep to be undertaken by youth groups. Lantern making and bat walks across the green would deter people from using the car park in the evening.
The Parish Council (PC) noted any works undertaken will be in consultation with the residents and will reflect the majority view. Planning will be undertaken by the Environmental Committee, residents could be co-opted at various stages of planning and implementation. The PC are committed to maintaining the area and the car park, considerable work will be undertaken in 2019. An overview of works to be included in the Annual Parish Meeting.
A local history group has been formed, the first meeting will take place in March. A request has been made to install a notice board in the Ruth Dickson room for use by the group. Clerk to request details.
The open forum was closed. Before the commencement of the Parish Council meeting, a moment of silence was held to remember the four children who sadly lost their lives in Stafford and the bravery of the Fire Service in attendance.
450 Apologies Cllrs Hall & Macmillan sent their apologies, it was resolved to accept these.
451 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest
452 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 There were no written applications for dispensation.
453 Council meeting minutes of 8 January 2019 It was resolved to accept these as a true record.
454 Matters arising from the meeting of 8 January 2019 and not otherwise on the agenda
• On the approved environmental budget, £120 for the investigative works for the damp patch on the Village Green was missing and needs to be added to the finance figures. It was resolved to accept these.
• The bungalows at Nursery Gardens have not been adopted by Staffordshire County Council (SCC), Cllr Jones had investigated the issue, it was noted there was nothing the Parish Council could do as it is a dispute between SCC and the developers which has still ongoing.
Key themes 2018
574 Neighbourhood Plan update – The Plan is coming to a conclusion, it has been updated in line with the Independent Examiner’s recommendations and sent back to Stafford Borough Council (SBC) before their deadline date of 25 January. SBC are to include updated maps requested by the Examiner. We are therefore still in line for the Referendum to take place on 2nd May 2019.
It was noted we needed to recognise the work Neil Hemmings undertook as he was instrumental in the formation of the Plan. It was resolved to plant a pear tree in his name in the wildlife area.
256 Projects review and progress for future works
A tree surgeon has reviewed the trees at the entrance to the Upper House, he is due to quote for the removal of the branches which overhang the road and are deemed dangerous, they are also blocking light which will affect the growth of the pear trees. The timetable needs to take into account nesting birds.
It was noted the owner of the trees has no objections to the PC trimming back the branches, however as some of these are deemed dangerous it was resolved Cllr Hurst would approach him to determine how much he will contribute towards the cost.
The tree obscuring the light adjacent to the car park has been cut down, the Upper House confirmed the light does not belong to them. Clerk to establish who the light belongs to and see whether it could be turned around to illuminate the car par or an additional light added.
Correspondence was received regarding the car park advising hardcore is a temporary solution and will break up and whether a more permanent solution could be implemented. It was noted a resolution had already been made based on cost and material and the supplier had already been notified. However, following the removal of the trees additional ground works are required to get the ground works ready for works to commence, it was resolved to approve these works.
A number of asbestos panels have been uncovered in the shrubs, a quotation for removal has been requested. Street Scene will not collect this.
Damaged to the gate on the footpath by the Upper House has been reported to SCC. It was noted the gate was originally provided by SCC with installation via volunteers and is not on the PC’s asset register.
Two replacement panels by the bins are required, it was resolved to accept the cost of £47 for replacement.
Project schedule as follows:
Environmental Project
• Car Park Resurfacing Approved Budget £3350.00 Balance £3350.00 Scheduled start date TBC
• Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Works Approve Budget £ 250.00 Balance £250.00 Scheduled 22 February 2019
• Tree removal works Approved budget £250.00 Balance £0.00
Works Complete
• Re-planting of species Approved budget £750.00 Balance £750.00 Date for purchase / installation TBC
• Village Green damp patch investigations Approved Budget £120.00 Balance £120.00 Date for works TBC
• Canal Resurfacing works Approved Budget N/A Balance N/A Scheduled end April / Early May
• Replace 2 damaged panels Approved Budget £47.00 Balance £47.00
• Undertake ground works pre-car park TBC
Rights of Way / Footpath adoptions – Upper house gate to be addressed by SCC.
Campaigns 2018
9 Speed Watch campaign
Since the team started back in May until end of December, around 900 cases of speeding beyond 35mph have been recorded, including 250 at 40mph or above – in a 30mph zone.
Despite the cold weather, the team have generally maintained 2 sessions per week during January. Still busy in terms of volume and speed although sessions held during lunchtime.
Permanent Community Speed Watch Area signs now in place on all approaches to the village. No adverse reaction yet to lack of previous temporary signs.
Met with Staffs CC Monday 4th February to confirm 3 proposed sites for new Speed Illuminated Device which will alternate between Meaford Road, Old Road & Station Road via permanent ground-screws. Visiting Seighford this week to review their equipment. Installation to then progress over next 2-3 months.
Speed Watch Updates have gone on Parish Council website as well as PC & Community Group Facebook pages. Article also in latest Parish Magazine.
At their request, Dave Norman has also shared our Barlaston Speed Watch experience at recent Trentham South Residents Association Meeting. Much appreciated. They have safety issues with speed and lorries along Barlaston Old Road.
It was noted the signs for the back of the speed gates are still on order.
It was noted the 30mph speed sign has been knocked down and hidden in the hedge. Clerk to inform SCC Highways.
485 Dog Foul Campaign update
The campaign has now finished and are dropping into a monitoring situation. Complaints have been received regarding fouling at Park Drive, posters will be put up along the road.
The two dispensers at the Cricket Club and Barlaston Park are now in operation. We are still awaiting survey information from the Canal & River Trust regarding the installation of the third dispenser.
Information regarding the campaign has been added to the Community pages and the Parish Magazine.
It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
182 MUGA The survey has taken place, report noted:
• Surface is not compliant with the requirements of the relevant standards – Medium risk
• Fixtures loose or missing – tighten / replace – Medium risk
• Note – low panel to left of high section at far end goal and low panel to the left of high section at road end.
• Equipment is dirty or algae covered – Medium risk (to be cleaned)
• Paintwork in poor condition – Risk very low
• Warning notices to be fitted to all sports related equipment ‘do not climb on the framework or nets’ / ‘do not hang on the ring’ / ‘do not wear rings or other jewellery as these can get caught and cause injury’
Quotations are required with regards to the works identified. Consultation is required with the residents with regards to the future of the MUGA.
Clerk to distribute a copy of the survey, look at the signage and obtain quotations for works.
193 Joint Playing Field update – No update from Dicksons has been received, the Clerk has sent the lease details over with the PC’s requirements, a quotation is still awaited.
Date for the next meeting to be confirmed.
195 WWI Commemorative poppy stickers – These have been received.
287 County Council member for the area update
2. Stafford & Rural Homes Planning Application Barlaston Park update – SRH are not undertaking a consultation, SBC are prepared to accept evidence from SRH about the need for affordable houses. They are still working on the basis of receiving planning approval in March.
6. (Item 216) Library update We are awaiting the new timetable for the library bus.
349 Cocknage sign update – the sign has been installed. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
351 Wayleave Agreement Upper House – The details have been sent to Dicksons Solicitors to quote, now we are no longer considering the usage of the lighting, this needs to be amended. Clerk to address.
357 Orchard Place car park – SRH have been chased for an update on the car park and the hedge, no response received to date.
Station Car Park – The entrance to the car park is breaking up and needs addressing. A sign highlighting the availability of the car park is required. Clerk to liaise with Network Rail.
371 Hedge works on Station Road – No update received. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
373 Drainage issues on Old Road – No update received.
387 Christmas Lighting Charges Cllr Jones has sent a card and a cheque as agreed. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
413 Sunken grid adjacent to Country Cabin – Call ref 4138927 No update received.
435 Village Show – Having spoken to Lynne Coates, she is happy for the PC to use the Marquee to stage a musical event, however the Village Hall Committee do not want to organise this.
436 HS2’s consultation update – Documentation for Barlaston is housed in the Library at Stone. Update has been posted on the Parish Council website.
437/438 Stafford & Rural Homes Wellbeing and Social Connector schemes – A training request for the Volunteer Transport Scheme has been requested. Social Connector element is addressed under 456.
448 Civic Amenity update – Four dates have been submitted to SBC, we are awaiting their confirmation of acceptance:
Saturday 20 April / 20 July / 19 October 2019
Saturday 18 Jan 2020
455 Canal bridges 99, 100 and 101 – The Canal & River Trust visited Barlaston and will report the maintenance issues.
It was noted the resurfacing works which have recently been undertaken at Stone is required in Barlaston to address the problematic areas. Clerk to liaise with the Canal & River Trust to see if this is feasible.
456 Brindsley Avenue Practice Patient Group representative – It was resolved Cllr Moran would be the PC representative. It was noted some complaints had been received with regards to difficulties booking appointments, it appears this is due to people booking on line. It was also noted there are a number of GP’s away at the moment and the Practice is having difficulty recruiting locums.
457 Death of a Royal Protocol – SBC will not be distributing pages from their book of condolence. Books will be available in Stone and Stafford, links on their website for electronic signing will be made available.
The Clerk liaised with the Vicar, they don’t have a protocol in place and would like to join the PC in making a Barlaston book available. It was resolved to purchase a condolence book on behalf of the Parish with a budged of £20.
458 Sunday League Football on the Village Green – It was resolved to deny the request as the field is not deemed suitable.
459 Cemetery grounds maintenance – A grant application has been received for 50% of the ground maintenance costs for 2019/2020 @ £1320. It was resolved to accept this request.
460 Grant application from Fulford & District Community First Responders – A request was received for £200 from parishes adjacent to Fulford on the basis that they have responded to calls within Barlaston. As Fulford does not fall within the Parish, it was problematic to issue funds. It was also noted the Barlaston First Responders also covered Fulford when on call. It was therefore resolved not to grant the application.
461 Grant application from Barlaston & District Community First Responders – A request was received for between £500 to £800 to cover the vehicle insurance / maintenance costs. The PC were fully supportive of the First Responders, however before a figure was agreed, Cllr O’Dunne would liaise with the group to discuss their schedules and requirements.
462 Clothes bins on behalf of Scope and Children’s Air Ambulance – It was resolved to permit both charities to place a repository bin in the car park at the designated area.
It was noted the current recycling bins were in poor conditions and need to be replaced. Clerk to liaise with SBC.
463 Financial matters:
Bank reconciliation details, cash flow / budget comparison information – these were submitted, and it was resolved to accept these.
Schedule of payments – February 2019. It was resolved to accept these.
NET VAT Cheque
Jacksons Marquee NET 1176.00 VAT 235.20 Cheque 002447
G Burdett – Install Dog Dispensers / Cocknage Sign NET 141.28 VAT 0.00 Cheque 002448
Cllr Moran – Expenses NET 17.98 VAT 0.00 Cheque 002449
K St Leger Salary / Expenses NET 1022.34 VAT 0.00 Cheque 002450
ROSPA Play Safe – MUGA Inspection NET 232.00 VAT 46.40 Cheque 002451
464 Barlaston Park – No report was submitted.
465 Wedgwood Report – A meeting is scheduled for 7 February, feedback will be submitted at the next PC meeting.
466 Public Forum – A meeting of the Environmental Committee to be arranged, residents who have an interest in developing the wildlife area to be invited. Ideas could be highlighted at the Annual Parish Meeting,
467 Borough Council member for the area –
• There is some movement on the sale of the Wedgwood Memorial College. An approach was made to the Cllr for Trentham and Hanford to clarify the position, he advised an announcement would be made in the next two weeks. Stoke City Council property division were asked for clarification but would not comment.
• A concerned resident from Flaxman Close has requested clarification regarding the use of glyphosate in the area following damage to trees and shrubs. It was resolved this will be dealt with by the Environmental Committee.
• A letter and supporting report were received requesting a winter programme of works be implemented to remove ivy from trees in Barlaston. This to be undertaken between September and February. Protected trees with TPO’s and within conservation areas are not an issue as this is deemed routine management and therefore does not require consent. An area of the village to be allocated each year for works to be scheduled. Cllr Jones will respond positively to the resident. The Environmental Committee to arrange a programme of works, volunteers will be asked to assist.
• Stone Leisure Centre is near completion, people can now register.
• Concerns have been raised regarding a large pile of soil deposited at the back of Lakeside, this is being monitored by Stafford Enforcement.
468 County Council member for the area – Cllr Parry was not in attendance. It was noted Highways are awarding £20k for Cllrs to use on highway projects. Cllr Parry was interested in match funding to undertake chevron parking on Ivy House Drive if planning permission was granted.
469 Planning Committee Recommendations
• 18/29447/FUL – Land at Penfold Farm. The condition of the original barn is of no concern with regards to this planning application. The conversion of the barn to a house was rejected based on this being a development within the green belt.
• 19/29898/FUL – Highfields Farm, The Green, Barlaston. There were concerns raised given the various planning applications submitted for this. SBC appear to be considering the original application in conjunction with a Certificate of Lawful Development which the PC were in favour of. This is development within the green belt. The PC requires further clarification with regards to this application. A request was made for the Borough Council to clarify the position.
470 Weekly play equipment report – Awaiting report from Tony Dodd
471 Risk Assessment actions – Covered under the MUGA. No other actions raised.
472 Asset List Repairs / Replacement –
473 Correspondence and circulars
• Water on Hartwell Lane – An email was received concerning surface water, this has been logged with SCC’s highways but no resolution yet.
• Issues on Canal Side
Following the removal of the ivy from the light, this has caused damage to the hedge. A request has been made to plant shrubs to fill the gap. It was noted the hedge did not belong to the PC and this will be reported to the Canal & River Trust.
There is a tree which needs pruning. This has been reported to the Canal & River Trust and will be added to their programme of works with volunteers.
• 30mph Road Sign on Tittensor Road has been knocked down and hidden in the hedge. It was noted this was an old sign. Clerk to report to SCC Highways.
First Group have responded with a call reference number regarding the request to divert busses from Newstead to encompass Barlaston. Reference CC/18/152996 refers.
474 Questions from Councillors for inclusion on next month’s agenda
Cllr Norman offered his apologies for the next Parish Council meeting.
Stone Rotary invited the PC to attend their meeting on 18 February 2019. They would like to form a close working relationship with Barlaston.
Paint a pebble for polio is taking place on 19 February 2019 hosted by the Community Group in the Village Hall.
Open Gardens are looking to the Parish Council for a grant for 2019.
475 Exclusion of the press and public under S2 and S3 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 during consideration of item 476 below because of the confidential nature of the items for discussion. It was resolved to exclude members of the press and public.
476 Finance Committee recommendations. Following an overview from the Finance Chairman it was resolved to accept the recommendations. It was agreed that Cllr Fisher would act as a consultant to the Village Hall Committee whilst works are planned and undertaken.
Date of Next Meetings – 5 March 2019 at Barlaston Methodist Church