7 January 2020 Barlaston Parish Council Minutes

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Minutes of the Barlaston Parish Council Meeting Held on Tuesday 7 January 2020


Cllr G Jones
Cllr P Fisher
Cllr C Hurst
Cllr S Hall
Cllr E Philpott
Cllr D Bentley
Cllr D Norman
Cllr I Moran
Cllr V O’Dunne

In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

7:15 – 7:30 Public Open Forum – No public were in attendance

150 Apologies – Cllrs Macmillan and Tudor sent their apologies, it was resolved to accept these.

151 Declarations of Interest – Cllr Fisher declared he works with ADF Construction.

152 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 There were no written applications for dispensation

153 Council Meeting of 3 December 2019 – The minutes were accepted as a true record

154 Matters arising from the meeting of 3 December 2019 and not otherwise on the agenda

155 Finance Committee Meeting 6 January 2020.

A financial summary report was distributed, Cllr Norman gave an overview of the recommendations.

(a) Year-end provision March 2020 – It was resolved to accept the figures.

(b) 2020/21 budget recommendation(s) – It was resolved to accept these recommendations.

(c) Village Hall Tender

Out of 6 Companies who were invited to tender only Trenton and ADF Construction responded. However, ADF failed to respond to the submission within the required deadline.

Trenton submitted a quotation of circa £12,500. The figures are based on the visual survey undertaken; however, they don’t know what they may come across once the works have started. They could provide a fixed price contract however this would cover every eventuality and cost wise would not be in our favour. Based on their expertise, they recommend we include a contingency of £2k, this would still be within our budget of £15k. A formal document rather than a handwritten document to be requested from Trenton.
Once the purchase order is issued, they will work on a lead time of 2/3 weeks to commence works. Works themselves will take approx. 2/3 weeks, however this is weather dependant. They will work with the Village Hall to minimise disruption during this process. Cllr Fisher to project manage the works. Cllr Norman researched Trenton who were found to be a reputable Company.
It was resolved to approve works at a target cost of £12,500 plus £2k contingency, if issues are raised once works commence and are outside the contingency figure, the PC are to be informed.

(d) Precept 2020/21 – It was resolved to retain the precept as per 2019/2020, this will show a decrease of 0.4% within the Band D level.

(e) Grant application(s)

? Wedgwood Cricket Club @ £240 – It was resolved to accept this grant application.
? Coffee Morning @ £385 – Although this was an excellent initiative, concerns were raised with regards to this application, it was resolved that Cllrs Moran and O’Dunne will liaise with the Group to address these issues, following which, the grant to be re-submitted for consideration.

Key themes 2019/20

256 Environmental Committee update – The Play Fort is completed and are about to start on the rope bridge. Aggregate is still required for the stepping-stones area; a jig is required to retain this and is being looked at. The planting of the pear trees will be undertaken imminently. It was noted a path is being formed from people cutting across the green to the Downs.

Environmental Project Phase I

Re-planting of species Approved Budget £750.00 Net Balance £580.00
Replace 2 damaged panels Approved Budget £47.00 Net Balance £47.00
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust – Wildlife Planting Approved Budget £200.00 Net Balance  £0.00
Lighting of Car Park (works complete, awaiting invoice) Approved Budget £1500.00 Net Balance £1500.00

Environmental Project Phase II Approved Budget  £6000.00 Net Balance £58.00

20 Stepping logs @ £30 – total £600 (complete)
2 Balance Beams @ 150 – total £300 (complete)
Sleepers @ £297 (complete)
Pour crumb safety Matting @ £2233.00 (complete)
Play Fort @ £2150
Fix sleepers / infill holes with concrete @ £362 (complete)
3 x Planters £200.00 £0.00

9 Speed Watch campaign update

Due to a combination of the wet weather and Christmas/New Year Holidays there has understandably been little roadside presence from the team in the last 4 weeks. However, they will be back out next week.

In the meantime, the new Speed device has been very active!  After an initial 2 weeks on Meaford Road it was moved to Station Road for almost 3 weeks and is now on Old Road. Thanks go to Shane Brunt for his support on relocation/battery-charging.

Data Stats make interesting reading. On Meaford Road there were twice as many vehicles leaving Barlaston (19905) as entering (10292). Whilst the “averages” were “reasonably” low at 35/33mph there were maximum speeds recorded at 70-80mph (!!) and 12% of the overall volume exceeded 50mph – the biggest issue being those leaving Barlaston (210 vehicles).

On Station Road the volumes were, unsurprisingly, much lower and directional flows very similar – 9071 in/8737 out. “Averages” were the same at 31mph but maximum speeds of 50-60mph. In this location less than 2% of vehicle volume were over 40mph.
Whilst Meaford Road remains the village “hot-spot”, Station Road is also a dangerous area with a busy junction, dog-walkers and the school all in close proximity.

When the Old Road stats are available it is intended a report is shared with the local Police to support a more appropriate Camera Van presence. It’s also proposed that the Sign is reversed on the next relocations to visibly highlight warnings to drivers coming from the opposite direction – especially those leaving on Meaford Road.

193 Joint Playing Fields Committee meeting update – We are still awaiting an update to confirm the Cricket Club Solicitors are liaising with Dicksons Solicitors.

287 Stafford & Rural Homes Planning & Maintenance Issues – Covered under 158

456 Brinsley Avenue Practice Patient Group / Chemist – It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda as all outstanding issues have been resolved.

473 MUGA update – Cllr Bentley had a meeting with Mr Dodd to run through the weekly reporting requirements. Chris Roberts to undertake the welding required. A working party has been scheduled to clean the crumb matting.

507 Vehicle pollution initiative by Station Road crossing – We are still awaiting the new posters. Concerns were raised with regards to the turn your light off signs as this may result in police action. Clerk to check.

18 Office Accommodation equipment – To be deferred

38 Plume of Feathers annual party – It was resolved to defer this item.

53 Village Hall building works – It was noted a dehumidifier device was installed at the Village Hall, this was subsequently removed and stored in a cupboard. The device was returned to the hire Company.

The clearing out of the guttering is still outstanding.

89 Parish Council Complaints policy – A copy of the draft policy was distributed. The Code of Conduct which this refers to has been uploaded on the website. Cllr Jones deferred this item to undertake further investigation.

92 Stone Ramblers Footpaths update – Network Rail confirmed they are looking at this now. We are awaiting a further update with regards to when works will be scheduled.

94 Wedgwood Arboretum and Statues – An FOI request was raised with Stoke City Council, this has been acknowledged and we are awaiting their response, SOT85248 refers.

95 Village Show funds update – Accounts have now been completed.

113 Neighbourhood Plan training – A request has been made to Urban Vision to undertake a training course for end January / early February. We are awaiting confirmation of a date.

114 Wayleave agreements for wicket gates onto the green – The original agreements appear to start from the 1960’s. Correspondence requesting payment has been in the format of a letter. Clerk to action.

115 Entrance made on to Old Road by converted stables – Opposite Flax Croft Court

This work is permitted development and does not require planning permission. It is also noted that the visibility from the field to Old Road has been improved giving greater sight of on-coming traffic. Whilst the position of the field entrance is not ideal it is a historic access which therefore is immune from enforcement action. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

116 Adoption of Lakewood Drive update – Staffordshire County Council are still awaiting copies of the deeds and land ownership plans in relation to the private road conditions. It was noted the area of concern is the element of Wedgwood Drive and Wedgwood Lane which is used as a public highway.

117 Barlaston CE (VC) School drop off/pick up – The new portacabin has been delivered to the School. They are happy with the current position; they have been notified of impending works at the Village Hall and alternative provision for pick up/drop off will be required. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

125 Facilities on Barlaston Park – This item to be deferred.

135 Wedgwood Bowls update – There has still been no response from Wedgwood.

136 Barlaston to Longton – Cllr Moran gave an overview of two community transport proposal; (1) Barlaston Park to the Village and (2) Barlaston to Longton.

Concerns were raised that the PC could not subsidise transport out of the village at the expense of village shops. The feasibility works for transport from Barlaston to Longton was to replace the bus which was withdrawn; it was noted that the bus was only withdrawn as it was not used.

Further feasibility works highlighting demand is required before an informed decision could be made.

Following the Wedgwood build, David Wilson homes contributed £150k towards transport costs, it is believed this has gone to Newstead and Blurton. Clerk to investigate.

138 Play Equipment for back of Meadow Road update – A meeting was held with Playsmart in December, the design requested was not adhered to. Further work is required with regards to a feasibility study. It was recommended visits to other Parishes who have installed play equipment be undertaken.

156 Support Staffordshire update – It was resolved to pay the £25 subscription fee.

157 To note financial matters:

(a) The bank reconciliation report was submitted and approved.

(b) The schedule of payments report – December 2019 was approved.

K St Leger Salary & Expenses NET 1,028.44
HMRC NET 171.19
J Poultney – Set up / deliver new planter Cocknage  NET 22.00
Stafford BC Inv SD00401189 Empty Litter Bins Oct/Dec 2019 NET 292.50 VAT 58.50
WT Lighting Inv WE101222 Spare Bulbs NET 10.42  VAT 2.08
WT Lighting Inv WE101221 50m Lighting NET 443.33 VAT 88.67
Electro Supplies Inv 78596 – Lighting Village Hall NET 927.32  VAT 185.46
Toplis Associates Ltd Inv 1105 – Audit Village Hall NET 142.00 VAT 28.40
Daniel James, Tree works Village Green NET 200.00 VAT 40.00

158 Ground maintenance issues update

Lengthsman works – Old Road – Paul Goodall will undertake the Lengthsman works to clear the footpath from Nursery Gardens on Old Road @ £50, this will be undertaken this week. It was resolved for Cllrs to submit areas of concern to the Clerk for inclusion in a programme of works. It was noted he is licenced to undertake weed spraying and has the relevant PLI.

Flooding in Meadow Road, Brookhouse Drive, Old Road – SARH have checked the deeds but can find no mention of the drain/gulley. However, looking at plans from other sources it does appear that there is a culverted drain arcing from 40 Old Road into the garage site and across to Orchard Place. Some of this is within SARH ownership, some in private ownership.

SARH have asked for a copy of the Severn Trent plans. In the meantime, they have asked for the drain located on the garage site to be cleared and should have been completed before end December.

With regard to clearing the whole run, this is clearly more difficult to sort. They will need to consider investigative work and may need to have some dialogue with Severn Trent and private residents

159 Dates for 2020 meetings – A schedule of dates was submitted and confirmed as follows:

4 February 2020
3 March 2020
14 April 2020
28th April – Annual Parish Meeting
19 May 2020 Annual Meeting (AGM)
2 June 2020
7 July 2020
August – No meeting
1 September 2020
6 October 2020
3 November 2020
1 December 2020
5 January 2021
2 February 2021
2 March 2021

160 Borough Council member for the area report – No report was submitted

161 County Council member for the area – No report was submitted. It was noted Cllr Parry has not been in attendance at a Parish Council meeting for over 3 years.

162 Planning Committee Recommendations

Planning Application 19/31633/HOU at Red Roof 4 Old Road Barlaston, described as rear single-storey garden room extension and first floor extension over previous rear extension. There were no objections to this application.

Planning Application 19/31637 at Newpool Bedcroft Barlaston, described as Proposed extensions to front, sides and rear together with external and internal alterations to existing access and boundary wall with gates. There were no objections to this application.

163 Risk Assessment action(s) – It was noted the annual tree survey will be undertaken this week.

164 Asset Management works – Clerk to update the asset register noting works to be undertaken.

165 Correspondence and circulars

Stone Area Parish Liaison Group are holding a meeting on 15 January 2020, the Clerk will be in attendance.

A thank you letter was received from the Wassail for the grant provision.

166 Questions from Councillors for inclusion on next month’s agenda – No items raised

167 To note date of Next Meeting:

4 February 2020