5 May 2020 Barlaston Parish Council Meeting

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L01-20 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the online Zoom Parish Council Meeting on 5 May 2020 at 7:15 pm. An agenda for the meeting is set out below (this is an abridged agenda, items not included will be addressed following the removal of the lock down criteria)


Mrs K St Leger

29 April 2020


7:15 – 7:30    Public Open Forum (by prior appointment). Please contact the Clerk if you wish to participate in the Public element of the meeting. If no requests are received, the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7:15 pm

1          Apologies

2          Declarations of Interest

3          Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

4          To determine Co-option of a Councillor to represent Barlaston East Ward

5          To approve minutes of the full Council Meeting of 3 March 2020

6          To determine recommendations from the Finance Committee

(a) Budget adjustment 2020/2021

(b) Grant applications

    • Barlaston Strollers – Walking for Health equipment @ £100
    • Stone Ramblers – tooling @ £200

(c) Procurement

    • Village Hall Clock tower with vented louvres and clock
    • Demolition, removal and replacement of garages at the Village Hall
    • 4 No kissing gates
    • 2 No SID Devices
    • Zoom Professional Licence

(d) Lengthsman works

(d) Earmarked reserves

(e) Asset Register

(f) Risk Management

(g) PayPal Account

7          To determine recognition of community contribution during Covid-19 lockdown

8          To consider Wedgwood bowl recipient

9          To note financial matters:

            (a) to approve bank reconciliation reports

            (b) to receive schedule of payments report March / April 2020

NET VAT Cheque
Nigel Ferguson Inv 0330 Web Hosting / Support / SSL Costs 415.00 0.00 002587
Playsafe RoSPA Play Inspection Inv 47620 474.00 0.00 002588
Barlaston Methodist Church – Hire of Hall (Training) Inv 138 60.00 0.00 002589
Barlaston Methodist Church – 6 Month Room Hire Inv 139 650.00 0.00 002590
Stafford Borough Council – Bin emptying Inv 7070264200 351.00 0.00 002591
Canprint – Contribution to Parish Magazine Inv 30100 140.00 0.00 002592
HMRC PAYE / NI 267.21 0.00 002593
K St Leger Salary & Expenses 1053.12 0.00 002594
Staffordshire Pension Fund 2019/20 2870.52 0.00 002595
Mainwaring Roberts Inv 0419 – Ground works undertaken Feb 2019 166.00 0.00 002596
Ven-A-S Contractors Ltd – Annual Hedge cutting Inv 1640 85.00 17.00 002597
Buxus Green – Lengthsman Works Inv 04 777.40 0.00 002598
Ian Johnson – Emergency Roof works Village Hall Inv 1438 120.00 0.00 002599
Perennial Landscapes Inv 2719 Grass cutting 285.00 57.00 002600
Rialtas Business Solutions – Accounts Software Inv SM20271 121.00 24.20 002601
K St Leger Salary & Expenses 1063.98 0.00 002602
Staffordshire Pension Fund (Employer’s / Employees) 302.41 0.00 002603
Stafford Parish Association (NALC) Annual Subscription 443.00 0.00 002604
Stafford Borough Council – Election Fee Contribution 285.53 0.00 002605


10        To determine Risk Assessment Actions(a)    

  • Tree Works required on Village Green
  • RoSPA Report – Wild Play Area

11        To note Planning Committee Recommendations

12        To determine the timetable and publication of the Heron

13        To note date of next meeting

            2 June 2020

Karen St Leger, Barlaston Parish Clerk – email: barlastonparishclerk@gmail.com

Barlaston Parish Council Meeting

Time: May 5, 2020 07:15 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 780 6255 4901

Password: 3TdB2H