Cllr P Fisher (Chairman)
Cllr E Philpott
Cllr S Hall
Cllr I Moran
Cllr D Bentley
Cllr G Jones, Borough Cllr
In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)
1 Apologies Cllr Macmillan sent his apologies, it was resolved to accept this.
2 Declarations of Interest No declarations of Interest were received.
3 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 There were no written applications for dispensation
4 Approve minutes from 7 January – These were accepted as a true record.
5 Planning Committee Recommendations
It was noted applicants do not appear to be aware of the Barlaston Neighbourhood Plan document, this is key with regards to the design element of applications. Clerk to liaise with Stafford Borough Planning Department.
- Planning Application 20/31736/HOU at Fern Hollow, Malthouse Lane, Barlaston – Demolition of the existing double garage and conservatory, construction of a new double garage with bedroom and en-suite above, construction of an oak framed post and beam orangery to the rear garden and conversion of the loft to form a new bedroom with en-suite with 3 No. dormer windows and render entire exterior of the building. There were no objections to this planning application, however concerns were raised with regards to the positioning of the dormer windows, the recommendation was to move these to the back of the property.
- Planning Application 20/31737/FUL at Land at Fernhollow Malthouse, Barlaston – Demolition of existing garage to give way for proposed dwelling house on land adjacent to Fern Hollow. There were no objections to this planning application.
- Planning Application 20/31781/HOU at Floreal Vicarage Land Barlaston, Proposed detached double garage. There were no objections to this planning application.
Date of next meeting 3 February 2020, Barlaston Methodist Church, Park Drive, Barlaston.