Cllr G Jones
P Fisher
Cllr I Moran
Cllr S Tudor
Cllr C Hurst
Cllr D Bentley
Cllr V O’Dunne
Cllr S Hall
In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)
7:15 – 7:30 Two members of the public were in attendance. Feedback was given with regards to the volunteering being undertaken in the village to support neighbours. Stafford Borough Council’s Health and Wellbeing Officer has contacted identified vulnerable people to see if they required additional support but have been advised their needs are being covered by their neighbours and volunteers. There is a great community spirit.
1 Apologies – there were no apologies.
2 Declarations of Interest – Cllr O’Dunne declared an interest in Item 7 as she is currently volunteering along with her relatives.
3 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – there were no written applications for dispensation.
4 Co-option of a Councillor to represent Barlaston East Ward – it was resolved to postpone this item to the next Parish Council meeting following the lifting of lock down restrictions.
5 Minutes of the full Council Meeting of 3 March 2020 – it was resolved to accept these as a true record.
6 Budget recommendations
(a) Budget adjustment 2020/2021
101 1000 (income – Agency Services), the reduced figure of £2350 reflects the possible loss in revenue from Staffordshire County Council
101 4002 (Pension), the payment made to Staffordshire Pension Services for 2019/20 was issued at the end of the financial year but will take effect in the 2020/21 budget.
101 4015 (Insurance) the figure in 2019/20 incudes the insurance payment for the Village Hall. This element will be recharged to the Village Hall and will be credited in 2020/21
101 4034 (Election) the payment to Stafford Borough for the non-contested election was made at the end of 2019/20 and will be reflected in 2020/21 budget.
102 4020 (Grants & Donations), this figure has been reduced from £12,000 to £6,000 (the balance moved to Earmarked Reserves – see item 2e).
(b) Grant applications
- Barlaston Strollers – Walking for Health equipment @ £100 – it was resolved to grant this application
- Stone Ramblers – tooling to undertake / maintain footpaths @ £200 – it was resolved to grant this application
(c) Procurement recommendations
103 4017 (Village Hall Repairs& Maintenance) increase budget from £15,000 to £25,000:
- Reinstate the Village Hall clock tower with vented louvres to aerate the roof reducing condensation and replace the old clock which is no longer fit for purpose. Increase budget by £1735. The cost of fitting is £400. Three quotations were provided, it was resolved to accept the quotation from As Time Goes by @ £1735.
- Demolition, removal and replacement of asbestos garages at the Village Hall in line with JCA recommendations @ £7,000 – separate quotations were requested to remove the asbestos garages and for replacement garages to be purchased. A single quotation was received for the garages to be removal @ £4,000. Only one Company responded with the option to remove the garages and replace the garages with concrete sectional garages to the same dimensions @ £7,000. The Parish Council suspended Standing Orders and resolved to accept the disposal and procurement option @ £7,000. This is subject to the Company carrying out a site survey to ensure the foundations are fit for purpose. The Clerk to liaise with the Company to undertake the survey.
- 101 4035 Capital Projects / New Assets – No adjustment of budget required
- 4 No kissing gates – 3 quotations received, it was resolved to accept the quotation from Centrewire @ £280 per gate, total £1120
- 2 No SID Devices. It was resolved to suspend Standing Orders and allocate a maximum budget of £5,000 to order the SID Devices from the same supplier previously used ensuring equipment is standardised. Mr Norman advised the 3 SID devices would not be installed at the same time, varying the times / locations in conjunction with the Speed Watch team being able to commence patrols. Clerk to liaise with Mr Norman to finalise the project.
It was noted the sign currently situated at Station Road was not showing the correct display when drivers were doing under 30 MPH. Mr Norman agreed to investigate.
- Zoom Professional Licence – It was resolved to suspend Standing Orders to approve the fee of £11.99 month to facilitate on-line meetings.
(d) 102 4000 Lengthsman works – It was resolved to increase the budget from £8,000 to £16,000 to accommodate gully clearing works. It was determined monthly quotations for works would be submitted to the Parish Council for approval before scheduling works.
It was resolved to approved the following works:
Clear 13 No. gullies on Tittensor Road @ £25 per gully + £50 for disposal of waste £375
Remove notice board at Orchard Place, sand down bench and varnish £180
To edge around the MUGA and surrounding outer area £90
Clear path on corner of Tittensor Road / Meaford Road £90
Lightly crown trees above the children’s play area and clear overgrowth £250
Approval in principal was given to scrape down and stain benches @ £75 each (minimum 4 benches per visit). The Clerk to submit a report to the next Parish Council meeting.
The quotations to spray the green with broad leaf chemical @ £160 and mow the green @ £240 were rejected.
Due to difficulties being encountered with the current grass cutting contract, it was resolved to approach the Lengthsman to submit a formal quotation for the works.
(e) Earmarked reserves
It was resolved to retain the earmarked reserved as follows:
Village Hall @ £10,000
HMRC @ £36,000
Election @ £7000
It was also resolved to add an Earmarked Fund towards building a budget for play equipment at Barlaston Park and Meadow Road, the initial investment is £6,000
(f) Asset Register – It was resolved to accept the Asset Register for 31 March 2020 @ £64,667.
(g) Risk Management – It was resolved to accept the Risk Assessment for 2020/2021. The Clerk noted the financial risk of holding in excess of £85K in the bank, it was resolved for the Clerk to look at a separate banking group to move the Earmarked Reserves into.
(h) PayPal Account – It was resolved to approve the set-up of a Parish Council PayPal Account, two signatures would be required prior to the Clerk using the account to purchase items in line with Financial Regulations.
It was noted the meeting was interrupted at 19:53 with the loss of Zoom. The meeting reconvened with all attendees at 19:55
7 Community contribution recognition during Covid-19 lockdown – various options were considered; consultation would be required with the Church and Community Group to identify an appropriate methodology to recognise the contribution of all the volunteers.
It was resolved to dedicate the new clock tower on the Village Hall in recognition. The presentation methodology to be determined.
8 Wedgwood bowl recipient – It was resolved the bowl would not be issued to an individual this year, but a methodology would be required to recognise the contribution of all the volunteers in the Village. Further consideration to be given.
9 To note financial matters:
(a) Bank reconciliation reports – the Clerk submitted the reports for March and April 2020, it was resolved to accept these.
(b) Schedule of payments report March / April 2020 – it was resolved to accept these.
NET | VAT | Cheque | |
Nigel Ferguson Inv 0330 Web Hosting / Support / SSL Costs | 415.00 | 0.00 | 002587 |
Playsafe RoSPA Play Inspection Inv 47620 | 474.00 | 0.00 | 002588 |
Barlaston Methodist Church – Hire of Hall (Training) Inv 138 | 60.00 | 0.00 | 002589 |
Barlaston Methodist Church – 6 Month Room Hire Inv 139 | 650.00 | 0.00 | 002590 |
Stafford Borough Council – Bin emptying Inv 7070264200 | 351.00 | 0.00 | 002591 |
Canprint – Contribution to Parish Magazine Inv 30100 | 140.00 | 0.00 | 002592 |
HMRC PAYE / NI | 267.21 | 0.00 | 002593 |
K St Leger Salary & Expenses | 1053.12 | 0.00 | 002594 |
Staffordshire Pension Fund 2019/20 | 2870.52 | 0.00 | 002595 |
Mainwaring Roberts Inv 0419 – Ground works undertaken Feb 2019 | 166.00 | 0.00 | 002596 |
Ven-A-S Contractors Ltd – Annual Hedge cutting Inv 1640 | 85.00 | 17.00 | 002597 |
Buxus Green – Lengthsman Works Inv 04 | 777.40 | 0.00 | 002598 |
Ian Johnson – Emergency Roof works Village Hall Inv 1438 | 120.00 | 0.00 | 002599 |
Perennial Landscapes Inv 2719 Grass cutting | 285.00 | 57.00 | 002600 |
Rialtas Business Solutions – Accounts Software Inv SM20271 | 121.00 | 24.20 | 002601 |
K St Leger Salary & Expenses | 1063.98 | 0.00 | 002602 |
Staffordshire Pension Fund (Employer’s / Employees) | 302.41 | 0.00 | 002603 |
Stafford Parish Association (NALC) Annual Subscription | 443.00 | 0.00 | 002604 |
Stafford Borough Council – Election Fee Contribution | 285.53 | 0.00 | 002605 |
10 Risk Assessment Actions
- Tree Works required on Village Green – This was resolved under 6(d)
- RoSPA Report – Wild Play Area. Clerk to distribute the report. The supplier is scheduled to visit to sand off the rough edges of the timbers to address a recommendation. There was an issue with the rope methodology used on the bridge, this was raised as a risk, however the supplier had used a system previously deemed acceptable. Questions were raised with regards to the person undertaking the assessment and whether they were used to assessing this type of play area. The area is still closed at the moment. New signage will be required and the social distancing policy lifted before we can consider opening the area.
11 Planning Committee Recommendations
Planning application 20/32202/HOU at 4 Adderley Place Barlaston described as single storey rear extension. There were no objections to this application.
Planning application 20/32012/HOU at The Spinney 29 Longton Road Barlaston described as construction of proposed part two storey, part single storey side extension to existing property to provide kitchen/dining/living space and en-suite and dressing room over, proposed demolition of existing outbuilding/garage and construction of new larger outbuilding to form garage, home office and guest bedroom. There were no objections to this application.
Planning application 20/32219/FUL at Development Land at Rock House Drive Barlaston described as variation of condition 2 (materials) on application 18/28264/FUL. There were no objections to this application.
12 Publication of the Heron – It was resolved to produce a publication in conjunction with the Church and Community Group for distribution throughout Barlaston. This was to include some good news articles and updated information on COVID-19.
13 Date of next meeting – 2 June 2020