23 March 2021 – Minutes of the Barlaston Parish Council Planning Committee

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Cllr P Fisher (Chair)
Cllr E Philpott
Cllr D Bentley
Cllr C Hurst
Cllr A Hemming
Cllr J Dando 

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

2 residents were in attendance

1  Apologies – Cllr’s Tudor and O’Dunne sent their apologies, along with Borough Cllr G Jones.

2  Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

3  Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – there were no written applications for dispensation.

4  Minutes from 3 March 2021 were accepted as a true record.

5  Planning Application Reference 21/33736/FUL at Middleton Livery Yard and Riding Tuition Old Road Barlaston described as Erection of equine workers dwelling. It was noted a further meeting was not called due to Cllr Jones calling this application in.  However, Cllr Fisher advised the wording of the ‘call in’ was as follows “To allow the Planning Committee to assess the impact of this development on the Green Belt” and did not appear to address the concerns raised at the meeting of 3 March. It was resolved the Clerk would submit the concerns raised at the meeting being: ‘

(a) this development is in the green belt.

(b) if approved it could encourage ribbon development.

(c) no reference had been made to the Barlaston Neighbourhood Plan, which should be considered in line with the Stafford Plan parts 1 & 2.

Cllr Fisher also noted the ‘call in’ information for the planning application 21/33687/FUL – Field adjacent to Brookhouse Drive which noted “To gain an appreciation of what the demand is for 42 affordable homes at this site. Further to understand why the approved application for affordable homes on Barlaston Park has not been progressed”. This does not address the issues of building in the green belt and shows the dangers of relying on the ‘call in’ process to fight planning applications. In this instance the Planning Committee were right to reject the request to use the ‘call in’ process and we need to be mindful of using this process moving forwards.

6  Planning Application Reference 21/33681/HOU at Holding 10 Barlaston Road described as Extension and alteration to the existing property and new double garage proposal.  There were no objections to this planning application.

7  Planning Application Reference 21/34007/HOU at 2 Diamond Ridge Barlaston described as proposed alterations and demolition of existing single storey rear extension and construction of new single storey rear extension.  There were no objections to this planning application.

8   Planning Application Reference 21/33669/HOU at The Dairy Barlaston Road Cocknage described as Aluminium framed open sided veranda with glazed roof on rear (west) elevation of existing dwelling. There were no objections to this planning application, however it was resolved to add a clause restricting further development to this area.

9   Date of next Meeting 30 March 2021.