2 August 2021 – Planning Committee Meeting

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L01-20 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Parish Council Planning Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church, Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on Monday 2 August 2021 at 7:00 pm.  An agenda for the meeting is set out below.


Mrs K St Leger
27 July 2021


7:00 – 7:15  Public Open Forum (by prior appointment). Please contact the Clerk if you wish to participate in the Public element of the meeting. If no requests are received, the Parish Council Planning Meeting will commence at 7:00pm

1          Apologies

2          Declarations of Interest

3          Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

4          To approve minutes from 13 July 2021 planning meeting

5          To determine Planning application reference 21/34320/HOU at 5 Green Close Barlaston, described as proposed two-storey side extension and single storey rear extension.

6          To determine planning application reference 21/34091/HOU at 15 Whitethorn Avenue Barlaston ST12 9EF described as previous planning application amendment.

7          To determine planning application reference 20/33229/HOU at Holding 7B Barlaston Road Blurton described as Erection of conservatory onto rear extension.

8          Date of next Meeting – to be determined subject to receiving planning application(s)