01 February 2022 – Minutes of the Sole Trustee Meeting

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Cllr P Fisher (Chair)

Cllr D Bentley

Cllr S Tudor

Cllr C Hurst

Cllr J Dando

Cllr A Hemming

Cllr V O’Dunne

Cllr E Philpott

Cllr D Borasinski

Also In attendance:

Village Hall Committee

Mrs M Black

Mrs K Ridler

Mrs G Brearley

Mrs S Buxton

Mrs H Tunstall

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

1          Apologies – Cllr’s Jones, Hemming and Adams-Elsmore sent their apologies, it was resolved to accept these.

2          Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

3          Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation

4          Chairman of the Sole Trustee position – The Clerk clarified that under the Charity Commission Constitution for Barlaston Village Hall, it is noted the Chairman of the Parish Council shall be the Chairman of the Sole Trustee. This has been verified by Alan Topliss the external auditor. If this is to be changed, a formal request has to be made to the Charity Commission.

It was resolved the Chair of the Parish Council shall remain the Chair of the Sole Trustee.

5          Village Hall Committee Structure

  • Chairman of Village Hall Committee (VHC) – it was resolved the VHC remains autonomous in electing its Chair.
  • Liaison link between VHC and Sole Trustee – It was noted there had been a breakdown in communication between the VHC and the Sole Trustee. Since the departure of the Clerk as Secretary, no minutes of the VHC had been submitted to the Sole Trustee, the VHC commenced sending these through to the Clerk end 2021. To ensure there is no conflict of interest between the Chair of the VHC and the Sole Trustee, it was resolved to have an independent liaison representative position to be appointed by the Sole Trustee. Cllr Borasinski was selected to undertake the liaison role and project management role.  Cllr Bentley will be asked to attend meetings should Cllr Borasinski be unable to attend.
  • Secretary – to be determined by the VHC. Mrs Tunstall will be undertaking this role.
  • Treasurer – to be determined by the VHC. Mrs Buxton will continue in this role.

6          Works undertaken between 2017-2022

As a matter of record, under the tenure of Cllr Fisher as Chair of the Sole Trustee during 2017-2022, the following works have been undertaken:

  • The structural survey by JCA to identify areas of works required
  • Roof repair works
  • Reinstatement of the clock tower with vents to aerate the roof
  • Drainage works to mitigate flooding
  • Procurement and installation of 2 garages
  • Installation of gates
  • Installation of Heat4 management system
  • Facilitated the replacement of the suspended ceiling following water damage

During this period several problems were encountered: –

  • Obtaining 3 quotations. We had to suspend standing orders and choose suppliers based on single quotations received. This caused time delays and proved costly.
  • COVID-19 – suppliers were not operating
  • Village Hall Committee not sanctioning / approving works

7          Works to be undertaken between 2022/2023

  • Porch / Structural Works – Cllr Borasinski advised he had received an options appraisal from an Architect however there were no working drawings submitted to date. He worked with this Architect on a regular basis.  The Clerk declared an interest as she personally knew the Architect.  Cllr Fisher had issued drawings from an Architect however there were no costings associated.  A costing schedule to be submitted.  It was resolved Cllr Borasinski will request working drawings and obtain a third options appraisal from an alternative architect.  The main issue to be addressed was the natural daylight coming in from the existing porch and whether the porch would be in keeping with neighbouring properties or a modern addition be added.  Following a walk around the hall, it was determined that a change of tubes in the existing ceiling lights would address the light issue.
  • The existing air conditioning unit was not working, a quotation of around £1k had been submitted to repair the unit, however there were no guarantees this would resolve the issue. The age of the machine meant it was no longer fit for purpose and a new device was required. The Clerk had contacted the existing supplier and a quotation of £7k had been received.  Alternative quotations would be required to meet financial regulations. It was noted the Heat4 system which linked into the Air Conditioning system was not operational due to the unit not working. Cllr Borasinski would provide contact details for additional quotations.

8          Financial Audit summary for 2020/2021

Mrs Buxton produced the financial figures for year ending 2020/2021 which have been signed off by the Auditor without issue. The Clerk has uploaded the figures to the Charity Commission website.

Opening Balance as at 1 April 2020       £25,870.06

Total receipts                                          £13,198.06

Total Payments                                       £18,853.51

Surplus / Loss on year                          -£5,655.45

Closing Balance                                    £20214.61

This includes a grant of £10k to cover the COVID-19 period.

The Chair thanked Mrs Buxton for all her work in undertaking this role.

9          Charity Commission Constitution regarding the Village Hall Committee and Sole Trustee management

This item was addressed under 4.

10        VHC liaison methodology with the Sole Trustee

  • The VHC to continue issuing copies of minutes from the VHC meetings to the Clerk of the Parish Council, items requiring attention will be added to the next Sole Trustee Meeting agenda.
  • Cllr Borasinski to escalate any issues raised by the VHC and respond on behalf of the Sole Trustee to the VHC.

11        VHC meeting 20 January 2022 – Items covered in meeting.

12        Items to be added to the next agenda

  • To review and update the operational procedures recommended by Internal Audit

13        Date of next meeting: 1 March 2022