05 July 2022 – Minutes Barlaston Parish Council

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Cllr P Fisher (Chair), Cllr D Bentley (Vice Chairman), Cllr S Tudor, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr A Hemming, Cllr D Borasinski, Cllr G Jones 

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk) 

Public Open Forum

No members of the public were in attendance.

56        Apologies – Cllrs O’Dunne, Adams-Elsmore and Dando gave their apologies. It was resolved to accept these.

57        Declarations of Interest – Cllr Bentley declared an interest in item 118. Cllr Jones declared an interest in item 65

58        Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no applications for dispensation.

59        Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 14 June 2022 – These were approved as a true and accurate record.

60        Matters arising from the meeting of 14 June and not otherwise on the agenda

95        Parish Council Strategy – Cllr Hemming produced a draft strategy document which was distributed to Cllrs. It was resolved to defer this until after the summer giving Cllrs time to consider items for inclusion.

It was noted the Cllrs needed to work together to become a highly functioning Council. A workshop will be scheduled separate to the Parish Council meeting.  

118       Lakewood Drive Update – The Clerk had been in liaison with County Cllr Ian Parry, he reiterated that Lakewood Drive had not been transferred over with the housing Barlaston Park housing stock to the Local Authority and is therefore the responsibility of Wedgwood. The Clerk asked Cllr Hemming to investigate further.

Cllr Bentley advised the delay in resolving this issue has had a detrimental impact on a resident who was scheduled to move house. The mortgage provider of their prospective purchaser wanted this issue resolved before the move could take place and has asked for the background information.

Cllr Hemming would go back to Fiskars. It was believed the Drive was transferred to a third party and no longer their responsibility.

Cllr Bentley advised there is a third-party Company name assigned on Land Registry but they no longer exist, however a Company using the same registration number are still in operation but from a different address.

The collapsed drain at the entrance to Lakewood Drive is undermining a tree, its roots are now exposed and is in danger of falling over. Cllr Hemming advised they had no jurisdiction in this area. An application has been made to Land Registry to identify who owns the various plots of land in the area. It was noted the Borough can supply a boundary map if required.

131       Planning application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road – The recommendation was to review the Neighbourhood Plan, the Clerk to liaise with Urban Vision to start the process.

134       Twinning with Fiskars, Finland – To be reviewed in conjunction with the Parish Council Strategy.

          160       Planting of trees in Barlaston

Cllr Hurst advised we should be looking at hedges as well as trees.  He has been in liaison with one of the landowners who would welcome hedging plants along his boundary lines where there are gaps. Trees proved more problematic due to the maintenance.

It was noted we could plant a hedge along the fence between the Downs Car Park and the Upper House, one could also be planted at the back of the Church on the boundary between the car park and the farmland behind.

The Clerk will liaise with the Canal & River Trust to look at infilling areas along the adopted length of the towpath.

It was previously noted that Fiskars could accommodate around 150 trees. Cllr Hemming would provide the contact details for their grounds maintenance manager. It is not clear if we could obtain free trees for a commercial operation.

Cllr Hurst is scheduled to liaise with the School to ascertain if they would partner the Parish Council in this venture, this will enable us to receive sponsorship from the Woodland Trust.

Concerns were raised regarding the wild planting areas on Meaford Road and the Village Green.  Cllr Philpott had received multiple complaints from residents and noted the areas were a mess with weeds taking over the flowers and needed something doing with them. This item will be addressed at the September meeting.

161       Wedgwood Memorial College Arboretum Update – there is still no movement on the sale of the land.

180       Community led shop on Barlaston Park (deferred – subject to commencement of planning application 18/18215/FUL)

195       Land at Meadow Road – This item has been transferred to the August Cabinet Meeting.

213       Parish Council representation as a School of Governors – Cllr Adams-Elsmore has still not had formal confirmation from the School.

214       Joint Playing Field Committee actions – Staffordshire County Council have delivered a new gate to replace the decayed gate at the entrance of Malthouse Lane. We are still awaiting confirmation that the Cricket Club will install this, or whether the Parish Council will need to undertake the works.

Regarding the lease, the Clerk has issued a letter of intent for the 30 year least term. Myers have issued a list of criteria for the lease, there are a number of these which will need to be investigated as they do not reflect the old lease terms.

221       Planning Training – Training has been confirmed for 12 July at 18:30 hrs via Zoom.  Items to be included are temporary structures and solar farms.

    • Jubilee Bench Update – the bench will be delivered mid-September. The Clerk will arrange installation once the actual delivery date has been confirmed.
    • Seating for the Village Green – The Clerk supplied the Cllrs with quotation from three separate companies with the option of an oblong table or a round table with wheelchair / pushchair access.

The PC selected a heavy-duty, eight-seater circular picnic table from British Recycled Plastic, with the discounted offer of purchasing 4 get the 5th free which was the cheapest of the three options. Three benches to be located on the Wild Green, two benches to be located by the MUGA on Barlaston Park.

It was also resolved the benches would be seated on bed of concrete with earth anchors. It was also resolved to suspend financial regulations and approve the additional cost associated to appoint our Grounds Maintenance man to undertake the works.  A path would be required to connect the areas to make accessibility easier.

47         Canal Side onto Station Road Access Update – The Clerk logged the issue with County Council Highways to request signage on both sides of the canal bridge to warn drivers of the blind access.

48         Failure of the railway barriers – The Clerk issued the photographs and video to Network Rail. They have asked for the metadata off the original photographs to date and time stamp the incident. This is still awaited.

49         HGVs coming through Old Road / Meaford Road from Strongford Site – The Clerk has written to the Site Manager highlighting the issues and to reiterate the speed limits and routes to their contractors.

It was noted the position of the Road Closure notice at the entrance of Old Road was dangerous. The Clerk will inform Highways accordingly.

50        Orchard Place Update – The Clerk contacted Homes Plus (Formerly Stafford & Rural Homes). They sent contractors out to address the posts which were causing a hazard, works now complete.

There has been no feedback regarding the appearance of the frontages.

The Clerk was asked to approach Homes Plus to see if a replacement hedge could be installed, possibly with English Heritage species such as hazel and hawthorn.

51        Allotment Lease renewal – The Clerk forwarded the new lease to the Allotment Association; they are happy with the terms and have accepted the new rates associated.

52        Guides update – The Clerk liaised with the local Brownies organiser, they confirmed they currently have 20 Brownies and between 6-8 Guides. Their Brownies will proceed onto the Guides. They are a healthy group and don’t understand the concerns raised, however they do not however use the facilities on Station Road.  The Clerk was asked to approach them to see why the site on Station Road was not suitable.

The Guides and Scouts had commenced a PR campaign to generate interest.

61         Committee updates:

  1. Environmental Committee

a.The Clerk has issued a purchase order for the play equipment on the wild green.

i.To supply and install a sweet chestnut picket gate and matching gate posts would cost £440 including labour / materials. It was resolve to suspend financial regulations and accept this cost.

ii. We are awaiting designs and prices for the willow structures, however it is noted you cannot plant willow structures until between November and March. An enquiry was made with regards to the willow structures at Wedgwood and whether these could be made available for the wild green, Cllr Hemming would investigate.

b. The Clerk has obtained a quotation for 35 water barriers @ £175. These are usually around £24 each (£840 + VAT). These would prove useful to close off the car park and stop cars parking on the green when events or works are taking place. It was resolved to accept these costs.

c. Signage for the Wild Green following installation of new items. The Clerk has been in contact with Sara Morris who has previously submitted designed ideas for the village green, she is happy to look at producing suitable signage once the items are installed. She will also work with the Parish Council to determine the most suitable locations for these items. She noted she works with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and the Brownies to encourage children to actively work with open spaces and encouraging wildlife, something we could look at on the green.

Cllr Hurst recommended the topsoil at the top of the green where previous works had been undertaken be topped up as this has sunken. He will obtain prices.

  1. Finance Committee – Covered under item 63
  2. HR Committee – deferred.
  3. Entertainment Committee – the following invoices have now been received. No other invoices are awaited. The report can now be concluded.
    1. The Community Transport have submitted their invoice @ £164.00.
    2. Face Painting @ £180
    3. Morris Men @ £150

 62         Highways Issue Update:

  • Speed Watch – Mr Norman has submitted the latest figures which were distributed, these include a speed of 108mph coming into Barlaston via Station Road and speeds of 111mph into and 102mph out of Barlaston on Meaford Road. Old Road included 69mph/59mph maximums. All these speeds have been undertaken in 30mph zones.  Mr Norman has again escalated these details to request the camera van be relocated on Meaford Road and enhanced signage.
  • It also raises concerns regarding the crossing patrol on Station Road – these figures have been forwarded to County Cllr Ian Parry to escalate the request for a flashing speed sign.
  • 20’s Plenty for Staffordshire – Further meetings are scheduled.

63        To note financial matters:

            (a) Bank reconciliation reports – The Clerk submitted the latest reports. These were accepted as a true record.

            (b) Schedule of payments report July payments 2022 – The payment schedule was accepted.

Expenditure – Jubilee Event NET VAT Payment
Community Transport – Inv 7561 – Jubilee transport for Jubilee Event 164.00 32.80 002841
Expenditure – Standard NET VAT Payment
D Norman – Batteries for SID Device 8.99 0.00 BACS
Collecteco Charity – Barrier 175.00 35.00 BACS
Hosting Systems – Inv 69086 – Voice over IP 10.00 2.00 DD
Stafford Borough Council – Inv 7070290406 – Bin emptying April – June 2022 329.00 65.80 002842
HMRC – PAYE / NI 528.68 0.00 002843
K St Leger – Salary & Expenses inc. Jubilee Management 1,554.65 0.00 BACS
Smiths of Leek inv 999 – Trophies for scarecrow comp. 69.00 0.00
Argos – Lighting for toilets 42.00 0.00
Stafford Borough Council – TENS Licence 21.00 0.00
Booker Ltd – Inv 0167038 – Refreshments / Tablecloths / bin bags Jubilee 106.04 21.21
Staffordshire County Pension Fund 571.54 0.00 002844
Zoom – video conferencing Inv INV154806129 11.99 2.40 DD
BT – Broadband Inv GB22301935 M034 US 26.66 5.33 DD
Buxus Green – Grounds Maintenance – Inv 202207 995.83 0.00 002845
Buxus Green – Moss clearance Barlaston Park – Inv 202207/2 300.00 0.00 002846
Income NET VAT Cheque
Grant Donation by A Gardiner – Refreshments for Jubilee Event 36.03 0.00 BACS

The Clerk noted the following other invoices / credits had been received:

  • Morris Dancers @ £150.00
  • Face Painting @ £180
  • J Poultney – Flowers @ £375.00. The Parish Council wished to thank Mr Poultney for the spectacular floral displays.
  • Credit for toilet hire @ £400

64         Risk Assessment updates and determine actions

  • Pavement on the green adjacent to the War Memorial – Openreach have opened a case file, we have supplied photographs and the location information. We await their findings.
  • Rialtas Cloud – A quotation of £29.75 per month invoiced annually. It was resolved to accept this recommendation. It was also resolved to add a second licence to enable Cllr O’Dunne to access the software at an additional cost of £10.75. Total £40.50 per month. The Clerk advised the Voice Over IP Solution was unused @ £10 per month. It was resolved to terminate this solution which will offset some of the costs.
  • Parish Council Data / document retention policy – Cllrs were reminded to delete all information from their personal computers which was not required.

 New Risks Highlighted

 A request was received to trim back the thistles on the wildflower beds around the Downs / Longton Road / Station Road junctions, the height is restricting vehicle visibility.

  • The signage at the junction of Longton Road / Station Road needs to be addressed as there are too many signs and too low. Visibility onto Station Road is restricted. The Clerk reported she has again logged this with Highways.

The trees on Pear Tree Drive need to be cut back as vehicles are coming into contact with the lower branches. The Clerk has logged this with Highways.

65        Grant application(s)

  • DocBike Staffordshire – to pay for insurance for the ex-First Responder Vehicle@ £1,045. It was resolved to accept this application as a one off to offset some of the high costs incurred in getting the vehicle back on the road. DocBike would add a ‘Sponsored by Staffordshire Parish Council’ decal on the car and an invitation would be issued to the PC when the vehicle was ready for handover.
  • Barlaston Voluntary Car Scheme @ £250. It was resolved to accept this application.
  • Request for funding for Barlaston Resident attending Royal Ballet School It is noted the Parish Council cannot fund an individual. Cllr Hurst was looking at possible funding through Stone Rotary. A local dance school could also offer sponsorship with regards to clothing.

 New Grant

  •  Afternoon WI @ £250 to pay for rent to enable member to run a weekly craft workshop. It was resolved the Clerk would liaise with the Village Hall to see if they could use the Ruth Dixon room free.
  • Staffordshire Air Ambulance were looking for funding for their new helicopter. They were inviting Parish Councils to attend a presentation at the Moat House on 20 July. Cllr Hurst to provide further information.

66         Planning issue(s) and outcomes following Planning Meeting

  • Planning Application Ref: 22/35919/HOU at 14 Diamond Ridge described as Single-storey side/rear extension. There were no objections to this application.
  • Planning Application Ref: 21/35155/FUL at Coton Rise House, Coton Rise, Barlaston described as Timber field stable. There were no objections to this application, however restrictions would be applied for further development of the site.
  • Planning Application Ref: 21/35155/FUL at Daisy Bank, Blurton Road, Barlaston described as removal of condition 10 and 11 on 06/06732/FUL. It was resolved to reject this application.
  • Planning Application Ref: 22/35698/HOU at The Cottage, The Green, Barlaston described as 2 storey side extension. It was resolved to reject this application.

67        Departure of the Crossing Patrol Officer – It was with great sadness that the PC had received notification of the resignation of Mr Gordon Taylor.  Mr Taylor was held in such high regard by the parents and children of the village; the Parish Council were also grateful for his assistance at the Jubilee event. It was resolved to present the Wedgwood Jubilee Bowl to Mr Thomas. An event will be arranged later in the year.

68        To receive items for inclusion in next agenda

  • Flowers on the Village Green
  • Christmas Tree Lights
  • Grass cutting at Nursery Gardens

69        Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 6 September 2022