Cllr D Bentley (Chair), Cllr E Philpott, Cllr D Bentley, Cllr S Tudor, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr D Borasinski, Cllr G Jones, Cllr E Adams-Elsmore
Also In attendance:
Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)
Apologies – Cllr’s Fisher, O’Dunne, Dando and Hemming sent their apologies. It was resolved to accept these.
2 Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of Interest.
3 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.
4 Approval of Minutes dated 5 July 2022 – it was resolved to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record.
5 Planning Application Ref 22/36121/FUL at Stoke on Trent Rugby Union Football Club Hartwell Lane, Hartwell. Proposed development is described as single storey side extension to provide new referee changing area and internal refurbishment. There were no objections to this application.
6 Date of next Meeting – to be determined subject to receiving planning application(s)