1 November 2022 – Barlaston Parish Council Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr S Tudor, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr A Hemming, Cllr J Dando, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr G Jones, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr Borasinski 

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)

There were no members of the public in attendance. 

111       Apologies – Cllr Bentley sent his apologies.

112       Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

113       Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.

114       Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 4 October 2022 – These were accepted as a true record.

115       Matters arising from the meeting of 4 October and not otherwise on the agenda

92         Updates on Highway issues in Barlaston including:

    • Longton Road – traffic calming measures / signage at junction of Longton Road and Station Road
    • Station Road – Flashing signage for crossing patrol area / access from Canal Side onto Station Road
    • Lakewood Drive
    • Stop sign at crossroads of Station Road / Longton Road / Meaford Road / Tittensor Road


The Clerk advised she had received information regarding a HS2 safety fund which was being facilitated by the County Council. She approached Cllr Parry to see if we could utilise the funding to implement one of the four proposals for Longton Road he mentioned at the Parish Council meeting in September.  He suggested we submit something for Longton Road or Meaford Road, however when the Clerk asked for the design plans these were not forthcoming due to the fact the residents in attendance at the September meeting did not seem keen.  This raised concerns that (a) the residents in attendance were not representative of the Longton Road area and (b) brought into question whether the design work mention had in fact been undertaken in the first place.

Cllr Parry suggested we apply for funding for a wider project to assess, consult and invest in a solution to fix the problem of safety for school children and other road users on Longton Road caused by:- Speeding; lack of adequate footways; parking and school/village hall and pub pedestrian movements. He has asked if we had capacity to put this together. The Clerk raised concerns we did not have the relevant expertise, experience, or time to do this.  She has gone back to Cllr Parry to ask for clarification. In the meantime, access to this particular fund has closed.


    • 20’s Plenty Initiative – A meeting virtual meeting was held on 25 October 2022 we await the minutes.
    • Speed Indicator Devices data – Mr Normal provided the latest statistical data (appendix A). It was noted excessive speeding is still evident – including 105mph on Meaford Road at lunchtime and 76mph on Station Road at school time – both in a 30mph zone.


95        Formation of a Parish Strategy, to include twinning with Fiskars, Finland – A meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 9 November at 7pm. Cllrs were asked to submit recommendations to Cllr Hemming prior to the meeting.  The Clerk to arrange refreshments.

131       Planning application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road – There has been no further movement on the re-submission of this application. It was resolved to remove this from the agenda.

160       Planting of trees in Barlaston initiative update

A meeting has been scheduled with Cllr Hurst, the Clerk with the Head Teacher next week to go through the various initiatives.  It is noted the Woodland Trust grant is still available, however without the school’s participation we will not qualify.

The Canal & River Trust have purchased shrubs for planting along the canal, we are still awaiting their risk assessment to enable the children to participate.

The Clerk has advised the Head Teacher of the offer of a free bug house for the Wild Play area, whereby a foraging event to fill the house by school children would be facilitated by the CEO of Wildlife and Birdcare Nature Recovery Project CIC. This will be addressed at the meeting with the Head Teacher.

The Parish Council have also received the offer of free volunteers from the Project to manage part of the wild green. Further investigation is required to address the liabilities and approval from the Insurance Company.

161       Wedgwood Memorial College update – We have received reports that the hedge along Station Road is dangerous, parents walking their children have limited access to the footpath due to encroaching hedge.  The Clerk has written to their PR representative who is liaising with the owners.

Arrangements were made by the Parish Council to cut the hedge on the roadside.

180       Community led shop on Barlaston Park update (planning application 18/18215/FUL) – There has been no movement on this application. The Clerk to raise this with the Homes Plus representative.  

195       Land at Meadow Road update

Cllr Jones highlighted the issue with the Head of Law and Administration at the Borough Council. It subsequently went to Cabinet in October, the result was as follows:

‘RESOLVED:- that the proposals of the Cabinet Member, Leisure Portfolio be approved as follows:- That:- (a) the play area off Meadow Road, Barlaston be leased to Barlaston Parish Council to enable the Parish Council to invest in and maintain the facility for the benefit of local residents; (b) the ‘disposal’ of this open space be advertised in accordance with Section 123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1973.’

The Parish Council thanked Cllr Jones for pursuing this with the Borough.

214       Renewal of the Cricket Club Lease – The Clerk had an informal meeting with the Cricket Club to discuss a way forward.  She issued a draft lease obtained from another Parish Council with a similar setup which may reduce legal costs. It was agreed the Cricket Club would review the document and feed back at the next Joint Playing Fields Committee meeting. The Land Registry would also need updating.

It was also noted the Cricket Club are in receipt of the replacement gate supplied by the County Council for the entrance at Malthouse Lane, they are awaiting a volunteer to fit it.

221       Neighbourhood Plan review update – The Clerk is working on the submission.  It may require assistance from Hannah the Planner, it was noted there was money in the budget set aside for this.

50         Contact for Homes Plus – The Clerk is now in contact with the Barlaston Homes Plus representative. Unfortunately, the meeting scheduled had to be cancelled.  A new date to be arranged.

52        Rainbows & Brownies update – It was noted there was still no update on why the Rainbows and Brownies did not use the hut on Station Road. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

67         Presentation of the Wedgwood Bowl to Mr Gordon Taylor – The presentation will take place on 20 November at 10:30 at St John’s Church facilitated by Rev Stewart Jones.  The service will last around an hour. The Parish Council resolved to fund refreshments.

80         Christmas Tree for Orchard Place – Cllr Hurst visited Pear Tree Close and noted there are a couple of trees on the green which would be suitable.  He has spoken to the electrician who has confirmed utilising a 12v battery could work, however the lights need to be compatible. Further investigations are required.

If this route is taken the Parish Council will need to take into account: (a) the cost of the lights; (b) the cost of the cherry picker; (c) the cost of two batteries as a resilient pair). The battery would need to be housed in a secure box to prevent loss or injury.  Cllr Hurst to investigate further.

The Parish Council requested quotations for a large tree to be planted at Orchard Place in readiness for future years.  Quotations to be submitted from Local Companies.

97         Civic Amenity Visits for 2023 – The Clerk has submitted an expression of interest for collections during 2023.

98         Adoption of the Civility and Respect Pledge – The Clerk distributed the latest SLCC update which contained a link to the pledge.  The Parish Council noted that it was not only the Parish Councillors who needed to respect each other and the Public, but the Public should also respect the Parish Councillors.  The Clerk to look at publishing guidance notes for the public gallery noting:

    • The terms of the pledge
    • Detailing standing orders i.e., how long a member of the public can speak in the open forum
    • Reminding the public that no resolutions can be made in the public forum, items will need to be added to the next agenda for consideration by the Parish Council.

101       Anti-social behaviour update on the Downs Car Park – Cllr Fisher and the Clerk met with a representative from WCCTV. The Downs Car Park, the MUGA and Meadow Road sites were surveyed.  The option to procure this model of camera system was based on it being transferrable.

WCCTV advised the Downs car park would benefit immediately and would reduce anti-social behaviour and fly tipping. The lamppost was an ideal location, the system is sophisticated enough to block out any residential properties in the vicinity to ensure we do not breach GDPR.

In the future, with the possibility of play equipment being installed at Meadow Road, this would require the existing light to be replaced with a more suitable one to enable the camera to be utilised there.

Regarding the MUGA, there is no suitable lighting available, a power source would need to be installed from the main road.

The Clerk has approached the Borough Council with regards to a phased approach with the initial installation taking place at the Downs Car Park.  Costs are awaited.

The quotation from WCCTV for the camera would be £5,500 including the post bracket. For a 5-year support package would be £5,000 which would be a 10gb fixed static private IP SIM; 4G network access. Total £10,500. If purchased before end December we would obtain a discount of £2,500, therefore hardware and support would cost £8,000 ex VAT.

Other costs to be considered would be appropriate signage and the installation of the camera, which needs to be undertaken by the Borough Council.  The Clerk has requested (a) permission to install the camera; (b) the relevant costings and (c) costings for the works at Meadow Road and the MUGA. A reply is still awaited.

In the meantime the Clerk has liaised with the owner of a property overlooking the car park who has agreed in principal to fund the installation of the camera and signage works subject to the price not being prohibitive.

The Clerk has informed the CCTV Company that the order will be placed once clarification has been received from the Borough Council and the owner of the property overlooking the car park.

102       Walking Bus Scheme update – Cllr Adams-Elsmore was not in attendance.

103       Hedge cutting on the Village Green – The Clerk has arranged a meeting with the local grounds maintenance Company to visit the village green and discuss the annual requirements. She will update the Parish Council at the next meeting.

116       Committee updates:

  • Environmental Committee 

a. wildflower bed update:

i. Cllr Hurst and Buxus Green have reduced the beds on Station Road by 1 meter and seeded with Yellow Rattle and RHS flowers which were kindly donated by Wildlife and Birdcare Nature Recovery Project CIC

ii. The Flower bed on Meaford will be done this week, taking grass off to expose the soil and seeds will be planted.

b. Play equipment for wild green – delays have been encountered due to the sourcing of the relevant material. It is envisaged this will be complete by end November.

c. Willow structure details – There is still no update on these items.

d. Signage for the Wild Green following installation of new items (deferred)

e. Works at the top of the green – these have been completed.

f. Engage with the school to undertake wildlife projects – Already covered.

  • Finance Committee

Date for budget setting meeting (deferred pending Strategy Meeting)

  • HR Committee – No update
  • Entertainment Committee

a. donation from the Village Show Committee – Cllr Jones believes the balance of the funding was donated to the Community Group. This is to be clarified.

b. Events and budget spend for 2023 need to be determined including the possible hosting of a Coronation Event, concerns were raised residents will watch this at home and may not wish to participate in a village event, and the procurement of play equipment for Meadow Road. Subject to budget setting and agreement at a strategy meeting.

117       To note financial matters:

            (a) Bank reconciliation reports – these were accepted as a true record.

            (b) schedule of payments report October 2022 – these payments were accepted.

(c) interim internal audit – The Clerk updated the Council that the interim internal audit had taken place. The official findings are awaited, however no concerns were raised.

Expenditure – Standard NET VAT Payment
K St Leger – July Salary / Expenses 1144.64 0.00 BACS
Staffordshire County Pension 387.95 0.00 BACS
Buxus Green – Inv 202211 – October Grass Cutting 1000.00 0.00 BACS
Zoom – Inv 168472324 – Video Conferencing 11.99 2.40 DD
BT – Inv M038 99 – Broadband 28.98 5.79 DD
Microsoft Annual Subscription 59.99 0.00 DD
Planning Fees – Village Hall Designs 266.20 0.00 BACS
Rural Services Network annual subscription – Inv RMTG/22/008 95.00 19.00 BACS
Pozitive Energy – Electricity Village Hall – inv 26181620222321710 133.89 6.69 DD
Community Link – Community coffee morning transport – Inv 7595 153.00 30.60 BACS
Churnet Woodland Crafts – Mushrooms / log stepping frame – Inv 20/22 1000.00 0.00 BACS
Barlaston Cricket Club – Fireworks Grant 1000.00 0.00 BACS
British Gas – Annual Maintenance Credit 105.60 0.00 BACS
HMRC VAT Reclaim 3229.25 0.00 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Precept / Concurrent / CGI 35,510.50 0.00 BACS

118       Monthly coffee morning support – To address social isolation, the Parish Council resolved to support the Coffee Morning with the provision of a community transport bus. The Clerk noted the monthly fee for transport is approx £153 + VAT (£918 for 6 months to cover the trial period).  Becky Wilshaw is looking at signage for the bus as it was underutilised at the last coffee morning. It was resolved to support the Market for the first six months with a budget of £1,000 to cover transport.  The usage to be monitored.

119       Replacement and location for new noticeboard on Barlaston Park – The Clerk noted the current noticeboard is damaged and too small.  This will be removed once the building of the bungalows commences.  Residents on Barlaston Park have requested a replacement which can be used to post activities, it was noted some residents did not have access to social media and the noticeboard is the primary way of sharing events data.

The location of the noticeboard was discussed, it was resolved the ideal location would be by the bus stop on Wedgwood Lane, permission would be required by Fiskars as the land in question was theirs.  Cllr Hemming would seek permission.

The Clerk to obtain quotations for the next meeting; to be a two-door single sided cabinet with locks.

120       Damaged caused a by fallen tree by the Downs Car Park – The owners of the tree arranged to remove the debris; it was noted they are looking to replace the pear tree which was damaged. Concerns were raised with regards to the other trees adjacent to the green, however the Parish Council has no powers to address this.

121       Risk Assessment updates

  • Pavement on the green adjacent to the War Memorial – The Clerk has written to the Communication Ombudsmen to see if we can get a resolution. We are awaiting a response.
  • Rialtas Cloud – Training required to determine licence – Pending. It is noted Rialtas has been sold to a Canadian Company.
  • Obsolete defib devices – A request has been made to AEDdonate to replace the two units which were deemed obsolete once their pads / batteries are up for renewal. The Clerk has written to the resident at the Beeches to determine if they would support the device at the entrance to their premises, a response is still awaited.
  • CCTV for the Methodist Church – quotation received as follows:
    • The cost of installing equipment at the Methodist Church which includes 2 cameras, bell system and monitor would be £520 plus VAT including installation. It was resolved to suspend financial regulations and approve the expenditure.
  • MUGA improvements – still awaiting the quotation for painting
  • Hedge on Station Road – Works are now complete.

122       Grant application(s)

It was resolved to grant the Royal British Legion £500 towards their poppy appeal.

123       Planning issue(s) and outcomes

  • Planning application 22/36239/HOU at 23 Old Road Barlaston described as single storey flat roof extension to provide kitchen/diner. There were no objections to this planning application.
  • Planning application 22/36330/FUL at Land South of Highfields House, The Green Barlaston described as formation of manage for personal use. There were no objections to this planning application.

124       Items for inclusion in next agenda  

  • To determine how / if we decorate the village with poppies / Tommy figures for 2023
  • Drainage issues on the greed adjacent to the war memorial
  • Grant application for the Cemetery grass cutting
  • Grant application for the Christmas Church publication
  • Reimbursement of the Order of Service for the Remembrance Sunday service.

125       Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 6 December 2022
