06 December 2022 – Barlaston Parish Council Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr S Tudor, Cllr C Hurst, Cllr A Hemming, Cllr J Dando, Cllr V O’Dunne, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr Borasinski, Cllr Bentley 

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk), County Cllr I Parry, One member of the Public was in attendance.

Public Open Forum

  • 2 lampposts along Old Road which were removed several years ago need to be reinstated, the lack of lighting is deemed dangerous to residents living along Old Road.
  • The tree stump on the corner of Park Drive and Chapel Close is a trip hazard.
  • A request for the 101 bus to continue to Meaford Road, residents can no longer get to Stafford.

126       Apologies – Cllr Jones sent his apologies; it was resolved to accept these.

127       Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

128       Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.

129       Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 1 November 2022 – These were accepted as a true record.

130       Matters arising from the meeting of 1 November 2022 and not otherwise on the agenda

92         Highway issues update:

Fingerpost junction of Longton Road / Station Road

The Clerk received a report from a Highways Safety Officer that the fingerpost at the junction of Longton Road and Station Road was deemed safe. Cllr Parry advised officers no longer visit sites to determine risk, evaluations are undertaken using google maps which is not a true representation of the environment.  The Clerk submitted a photograph clearly showing the signs obscuring the visibility onto Station Road, Cllr Parry agreed this was still a risk. It appears this is down to cost and not safety, to adjust the post would cost in the region of £10-£15K the suggestion by Highways for the Parish Council (PC) to fund any changes was not acceptable and should come out of the Highways budget.  It was noted by the PC that a number of the signs were now redundant and could be removed. Cllr Parry will escalate this and update the PC accordingly.

Station Road

Cllr Parry advised it was not possible to install as Stop sign at the Junction of Station Road / Meaford Road due to the relevant legislation. Highways noted only 2 accidents had been reported at this junction, this is where emergency services were in attendance, as such the junction is not deemed dangerous.  Evidence provided by the PC showed that within a space of 4 days, a fire engine, an ambulance and air ambulance had been in attendance which clearly disputes the figures and questioned the accuracy of the data.

With regards to the request for a flashing sign by the crossing for the school, the PC were disappointed that nothing had moved on this, especially as the PC had previously agreed to fund the installation.  Cllr Parry has escalated this to the Corporate Director but nothing has been done which was unacceptable.

The Highways Safety Officer recommended the installation of two triangular warning signs depicting children crossing attached to existing lighting columns, these would cost in the region of £3-£4K, this should include Amey Design fees, traffic management costs etc.  The Clerk advised there was sufficient footfall from St John’s car park to Broughton Crescent by parents and children to warrant the County Council funding the Crossing Patrol Officer, therefore this should come under their remit. Cllr Parry agreed.

The cost of installing a zebra crossing would be anywhere from £50-£75k and would require a full investigation before they would consider the scheme.  Currently there is not enough evidence for Highways to consider installing one. The Clerk advised the speed watch data clearly indicates a number of vehicles travelling along Station Road during School times travelled at excessive speeds which was dangerous, and something needed to be done before there is an accident.

Speed Indicator Devices data

Mr Norman has advised after sharing the Device activity results for the last 2 years, he has decided to discontinue preparing these reports which was understandable.

A lot of effort goes into downloading the information and compiling the monthly report covering the 3 devices. The results are consistently shocking but, despite best efforts, we’ve been unable to secure the tangible commitment of Council or Police authorities to do anything about improving the dangerous speeds evident across our village.

Previous reports have highlighted the positive material impact that the devices have on the majority of drivers, especially those leaving the village via Meaford Road when the device is facing that way.

The devices will be maintained by the Speed Watch team, and the Speed Watch Volunteers will continue to gather the data.

The Clerk noted the trial currently being undertaken by Wandsworth Council where they are focusing on two roads and issuing lawbreakers with a £130 fine, halved if paid within 14 days. The council utilise civic enforcement by means of penalty notices, instead of the fixed penalty notices used by the Police, therefore no points are issued, however a fine would serve as a deterrent.  Cllr Parry suggested we change the 3 Speed Indicator Devices to devices which record registration details so these can be forwarded to the Police and letters issued, however it was noted this information is already collated by the Speed Watch team and submitted to the Police and has shown little or no evidence of improved driving behaviour in the village.  The issuing of fines was something to be investigated.

Cllr Parry suggested the village be ringfenced by a 20mph zone, this is different to the 20’s plenty scheme. This would involve introducing speed reduction obstacles and traffic calming measures, it would deter people using Barlaston as a cut through, however there is no funding to implement such a scheme.

A meeting with the Police Commissioner, Cllr Parry, Cllr Fisher and Highways representative to be arranged to discuss a way forward.

95        Parish Strategy – Cllr Hemming gave an overview of the recent strategy meeting and suggested a follow up session to include all Cllrs to agree the next steps.  As strategy underpins the finances, it was agreed to hold this before the next Parish Council meeting. Cllr Fisher thanked Cllr Hemming for the work he had put in to this.

160       Planting of trees in Barlaston initiative

Cllr Hurst and the Clerk attended a meeting with the Head of Barlaston County First School to discuss the tree / hedge planting initiative.

The Clerk provided the details for the Canal & River Trust volunteer coordinator to enable the shrub planting along the canal to be organised. It was noted the shrubs had already been purchased and the risk assessment provided.  There may be a requirement to provide toilet provision.

The Woodland Trust has various initiatives relevant to schools, the Clerk provided them with the details which are award based.  It was noted planting of shrubs and trees in Barlaston could contribute towards this.  The Upper House and the Wild Green would be ideal locations to get the children involved.

The Clerk has liaised with the Upper House and they are happy to get involved with the project and would welcome a wildlife corridor along their public footpath. This would prove more beneficial than tree planting. They have issued the map produced by the Forestry Commission to aid with the project.

The School are scheduled to have a meeting with the CEO of Wildlife & Birdcare Nature Recover Project regarding the provision of a free bug house, which would involve a foraging project for the children to fill it. We are awaiting an update.

Cllr Hurst advised he was happy to get involved with the projects and noted he is CRB checked.

The Clerk agreed to commence with the application for tree whips and hedge plants, however following a conversation with the Woodland Trust they advised the next scheduled delivery would be spring next year.

161       Wedgwood Memorial College update

The hedges were cut straight away following the request by the Parish Council, which was highly appreciated.  The Parish Council arranged for the hedge on Station Road to be cut the same week.

There has been no movement on the sale or development of the site.

180       Community led shop on Barlaston Park (deferred – subject to commencement of planning application 18/18215/FUL)

The Clerk has requested an update from Homes Plus, no response has been received to date.  She has informed them that there is a risk of rats being in residence in the old shop which is a concern of the residents.  They are arranging a vermin control officer to attend.

195       Land at Meadow Road – The Borough Council are looking at the relevant legislation to advertise the lease of the land to the Parish Council.

The Clerk has been working with a play park manufacturer to gauge the costs of developing the site.  This would need to go out to consultation and would also need to be taken into account when setting the budget.

214       Renewal of the Cricket Club Lease – The Cricket Club have drafted their initial response to the draft lease, this is now with the Parish Council to review.  Cllr Fisher recommended we propose a 40-year lease which would come into effect from 1 January 2023, it was resolved to accept this recommendation.  It was agreed to delay a meeting of the Joint Playing Fields until the details had been finalised.

221       Neighbourhood Plan review update

The Clerk attended the meeting with the Borough Planning Department on 8 November with regards to the overview of the consultation process.

It was noted there was no new development planned for Barlaston with a higher regard given to the protection of green belt land and designated green spaces.  The buffer between Barlaston and Trentham to be retained.

The Stafford Borough Preferred Options consultation advised the following:

    • Over 4,500 new homes are proposed across the borough, including 3,000 at a new “garden community” on agricultural land;
    • An application for 40 houses on agricultural land that’s close to Cannock Chase and outside the settlement boundary in Walton-on-the-Hill, Stafford.
    • Proposals to build a multi-warehousing site and up to 1000 houses on Green Belt farmland in Audley.

The CPRE are monitoring the position. 

50         Homes Plus contact update

The Clerk has asked for a new meeting date, this has not been forthcoming.  In the meantime, she has informed her of the following issues which need to be discussed, and their response:

      • The roof at the back of the Village Store, Orchard Place is leaking and needs addressing – this has been reported to the lease team to address.
      • Update on the proposed bungalow building on Barlaston Park – this is not her area and cannot comment further.
      • Rats occupying the vacant shop on Barlaston Park – A pest control Company has been asked to investigate and address any problems.
      • Façade of the shops on Orchard Place – The leasehold team have been asked to investigate and report back.
      • Improvements to the hedge at Orchard Place – The leasehold team have been asked to undertake improvements.

80      Christmas Tree for Orchard Place update – Cllr Hurst has spoken to WT Lighting, they themselves couldn’t help but spoke to one of their suppliers who undertakes illuminations at Blackpool, they have advised you cannot obtain a proper display using batteries.  Our local electrician advised this could prove very difficult and was reluctant to get involved.

It was resolved to suspend financial regulations and purchase a 50m length of lighting with 50 bulbs for installation along the shops at Orchard Place.  The PC would pay for the electricity.  Cllr Hurst will liaise with the shops.

A sub committee will investigate the type of tree to be planted at Orchard Place Chaired by Cllr Hemming. A date is to be agreed.

97      Civic Amenity Visits for 2023 update

The Clerk requested two further visits for this financial year plus a further three visits for 2023 as it appears the Borough are quoting in calendar years and not financial years.  The proposed dates area as follows:

Site:        Ivyhouse Drive, Barlaston
Dates:     28 January, 25 March, 27 May, 26 August, 25 November
Times:     10.00-12.00
Cost:       5 visits @ £153.00 = £765.00

It was resolved to accept these dates / costings.

98      Civility and Respect Pledge – The Clerk supplied draft copies of the Public Participation Policy and Civility and Respect Pledge – Appendix A. It was resolved to accept these.

101    Downs Car Park update – The Borough Council has confirmed the price to provide and install the socked would be £397.45 (+VAT). The resident from the area has kindly confirmed he would pay for the works undertaken by the Borough, which will enable the project to commence.  WCCTV have advised the electricians contacted them requesting the provision of a cherry picker so they can undertake the works, which was not costed. Cllr Hurst will cost the hire of a platform lift but would need to know if the electrician is happy to work with this, the Clerk to approach the Borough Council for clarification.  The Clerk is looking into CCTV notices and the relevant GDPR policy.

102    Walking Bus Scheme update – As there had been no activity on this item, it was resolved to remove this from the agenda.

103    Annual Hedge cutting on the Village Green – It was resolved for the Clerk to obtain quotations from Companies who understand and conform to the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 for next year’s works.

119    Procurement of a replacement noticeboard on Barlaston Park

The Clerk presented quotations / designs for consideration.  It was resolved to order the board from Noticeboards Online @ £2,495 ex VAT, as they had supplied the board at Orchard Place and was of good quality and comes with a 15-year guarantee. Arrangements will be made for Mr Burdett to install the board, once confirmation has been received from Fiskars with regards to planning permission.

120    Fallen tree by the Downs Car Park – Cllr Hurst is liaising with the resident with regards to the replacement of the pear tree.

131       Committees updates:

  • Environmental Committee

a. Wildflower bed update – they have all been sown with the exception of the Wild Green adjacent to the boulders, due to excessive leaves and the fallen tree. This will be undertaken in the spring. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

b. Play equipment for wild green

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the balance of the items will not be installed until next year. The PC were happy to wait.

c. Willow structure details – quotations / images were provided. These will be considered at a future meeting. It was noted annual maintenance was required; however this was a simple trimming with shears.

d. Signage for the Wild Green following installation of new items (deferred)

e. Works at the top of the green – These are now complete. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

f. Engage with the school to undertake wildlife projects – Covered in 160

  • Finance Committee 

It was resolved to hold the Finance meeting before the Parish Council meeting on 10 January 2023 following the Strategy Meeting. The meeting will commence at 6pm, refreshments will be provided. 

  • HR Committee no updates 
  • Entertainment Committee
    1. Donation from the Village Show Committee Clarification is still required regarding balance of the VSC funds
    2. It was resolved not to hold a King’s Coronation fete in 2023 as this was going to be a scaled down event. As this was being televised it was deemed the attendance would be small. Items celebrating the event to be investigated including a bench and possible posts on the green by the war memorial.

132       To note financial matters:

            (a) bank reconciliation reports – The Clerk issued the reports which were duly accepted.

            (b) schedule of payments report November 2022 – It was resolved to approve these.

Expenditure – Standard NET VAT Payment
K St Leger – Salary / Expenses 1564.35 0.00 BACS
Staffordshire County Pension 600.12 0.00 BACS
Buxus Green – Inv 202213 – November Grass Cutting 1000.00 0.00 BACS
Zoom INV177379628– Video Conferencing 11.99 2.40 DD
BT – Inv M039 DW– Broadband 28.98 5.79 DD
Buxus Green – Inv 202211 – Village Green Works 225.00 0.00 BACS
Royal British Legion – Poppy Appeal Grant 500.00 0.00 002851
Vision CCTV Ltd – Installation of CCTV equipment Barlaston Methodist Church 520.00 104.00 BACS
Mrs Honeyman’s Afternoon Teas – Catering for Strategy Event 87.00 0.00 BACS
Chairman’s Allowance 250.00 0.00 BACS
Toplis Associates Ltd – Village Hall Audit Inv 1,264 153.82 30.76 BACS
Pozitive Energy Gas inv 2618182022228878 64.28 3.21 DD
Pozitive Energy Electricity Inv 26181620222437422 131.04 6.55 DD
Joe Poultney – Update winter planters inc. 120 boxes of bedding plants 200.00 0.00 002852
Stinkyink.com – Inv H92951 Drum unit for Xerox 3335 printer 37.83 7.57 PAYPAL
St John’s Church – provision of buffet for Bowl Presentation 375.00 0.00 BACS
Stafford Borough Council –  Inv (TBC) Provision of wiring for CCTV 397.45 79.49 BACS
WCCTV – Inv (TBC) CCTV equipment for Downs Car Park inc. 5-year support / Service level agreement 8000.00 1,679.49 BACS
Staffordshire County Council – Inv 1000095922 – Quarterly Allotment Lease 25/12/2022 – 24/03/2023 300.00 0.00 BACS
Ven-A-S Contractors Ltd – Inv 2662 – Hedge Cutting Station Road 120.00 24.00 BACS
ElanCity – SID Battery – INV CLAIM-UK/00556-2022 145.67 29.13 BACS
Barlaston Village Hall – Inv 010847 – unfettered grant (utility bills / assets) 4586.57 0.00 BACS
Allotment Association quarterly lease fees 300.00 0.00 BACS
Planning Application refund Stafford Borough Council 117.00 0.00 BACS

133       Installation of electric charge points in the village – The Downs Car Park seemed the ideal location for a charge point as this would be covered by the CCTV camera. Cllr Borasinski advised he knows a contractor who installs these and will investigate further.

134       Bus stop shelter outside Orchard Place – The Clerk is aware of a fabricator in Macclesfield who has installed shelters for the Town Council and will liaise with them accordingly, this was the company who installed the gates at the Village Hall.

135       Drainage issues on the green (below the war memorial) – It was resolved for Mr Chris Roberts to rod the drain.

  • Purchase of Tommy Figures / Poppies for next year’s Remembrance Service – It was resolved to suspend financial regulations to enable the Clerk to purchase 2 figures directly from the Charity Royal British Legion Industries @ £350 for a pair, one male one female.

137       Risk Assessment updates

  • Pavement on the green adjacent to the War Memorial. The Ombudsman Services have confirmed they do not represent issues with Companies only individuals. There appears to be no legal recourse for getting this resolved without the Parish Council taking on the liability. It was resolved the Clerk would investigate getting the whole pavement recovered rather than digging up the existing tarmac.  Effects of water run off would need to be considered.
  • Rialtas Cloud – Training to be arranged.
  • Obsolete defib devices. As instructed AEDdonate will replace the two obsolete devices when the pads / batteries require upgrading. With regards to the device housed outside 76a Longton Road, the residents have not responded to the letters asking if they were happy to support the device. The battery is now dead and needs replacing. The residents from 74 Longton Road have offered to power the device moving forwards, it will require the installation of several meters of armoured cable, AEDdonate also recommend we replace the cabinet with a lit one as the area is dark. Costs associated:
    • To run a new armoured cable from a fused spur mounted on the gate at number 74 and make electrically safe no 76a at a cost of £200
    • A new battery costs £216 as the ipad was flat

It was resolved to accept these costings.

  • We are awaiting costs for the ‘lit cabinet’
  • CCTV for the Methodist Church – this has now been installed. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
  • MUGA improvements – We are still awaiting a quotation.
  • Hedge on Station Road – This has been dealt with. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
  • The metal restraint on the rope bridge at the Wild Play Area has come away. This will need to be re-fixed. In the meantime, the area has been cordoned off. It was resolved to approach Mr Burdett to undertake the repair.

138       Grant application(s)

  • Request from the Community group for £100 towards the provision of a Christmas display at Barlaston Park. It was resolved to accept this.
  • Request from the Community to continue with Silver Surfer Computer Courses @ £250. It was resolved to accept this
  • Request from the Community Group to pay £125 (plus VAT) towards the provision of a community transport bus to collect residents to attend the Golden Ages Christmas Party, It was resolved to accept this
  • St John’s Church request for funding to print 200 A5 booklets for the Remembrance Sunday Service @ £150.50. It was resolved to accept this
  • St John’s Church request for 50% of the grass cutting fee towards the upkeep of the cemetery @ £1427. It was resolved to accept this
  • St John’s Church request £500 towards the cost of printing the Christmas Parish Gazette. It was resolved to accept this
  • CPRE are asking for donations for their Christmas appeal to protect rural Staffordshire. It was resolved to grant £50.

139       Planning Outcomes

  • Planning application reference 22/36138/HOU at Barlaston Hall, Queen Mary’s Drive, Barlaston, there were no objections to this planning application.
  • Planning application reference 22/36203/HOU at The Grange, Malthouse Lane, Barlaston. There were no objections to this planning application.
  • Planning application reference 22/36037/HOU at Hall Farm, Queen Mary’s Drive, Barlaston. There were no objections to this planning application.

140       Items for inclusion in next month’s agenda

141       Date of next meeting – It was resolved to move the January meeting date to the 10th.


Barlaston Parish Council encourages public participation at its meetings.

However, the Council recognises that rules must control the manner of participation in order that the Council meeting operates effectively.

Public participation is an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions, not to make statements.

Accordingly, the following must be observed for public participation at meetings of Barlaston Parish Council: –

  1. Public participation will take place at every Full Council meeting subject to the Chair’s permission.
  1. Public participation is an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and not an opportunity to make statements. A question shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate on the question. The Chairman of the meeting may direct that a written or oral response be given.
  1. The period of time designated for a member of the public to speak is 5 minutes. The Chair may determine this be reduced dependant upon the number of people wishing to speak.
  1. The Chair will determine in what order members of the public will be allowed to speak and ask questions having regard to who has previously asked questions at that meeting and previous meetings, and whether questions to be asked are the same or similar to other questions already asked.

In allowing public participation the Council is aware that this forms only one means of consultation with the public.

In answer to questions about services, the Council will endeavour to provide answers, where possible, at the meeting. If this is not possible, a written response will be given to the question, by the Clerk, as soon as possible after the meeting


Barlaston Parish Council is putting civility and respect at the top of its agenda and is committed to treating Councillors, Officers, employees, members of the public, representatives of partner organisations, and volunteers, with civility and respect in their roles.

At the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6 December 2022, Barlaston Parish Council signed up to the Civility and Respect Pledge set out by The National Association of Local Councils, the Society of Local Council Clerks and One Voice Wales.

Barlaston Parish Council has registered and agreed to the following statements:

  • Barlaston Parish Council has agreed that it will treat all councillors, the Clerk and all employees, members of the public, representatives of partner organisations, and volunteers, with civility and respect in their role.
  • We vow to respect all points of view and will strive to provide a reasonable opportunity for all to express their views openly. We agree to keep our discussions focused on the business issues at hand, as well as on the ideas and desired outcomes.
  • Barlaston Parish Council has committed to training Councillors and staff.
  • Barlaston Parish Council has signed up to Code of Conduct for Councillors.
  • Barlaston Parish Council has good governance arrangements in place including, staff contracts, and dignity at work policy.
  • Barlaston Parish Council will commit to seeking professional help in the early stages should civility and respect issues arise.
  • Barlaston Parish Council will commit to calling out bullying and harassment if, or when, it happens.
  • Barlaston Parish Council will continue to learn from best practice in the sector.
  • Barlaston Parish Council supports the continued lobbying for the change in legislation to support the Civility and Respect Pledge, including sanctions for elected members where appropriate.

We believe these commitments to civility, as well as engaged and informed residents, are a vital part of our shared goal of being a vibrant, thriving community

For more information from the National Association of Local Councils please visit https://www.nalc.gov.uk/our-work/civility-and-respect-project