Subject Access Request Form – 7 February 2023

Under the Data Protection Act you have a statutory right to request confirmation that the council is processing your data and to request to see information held on you by that organisation.

You also have the right to be told:

  • the purposes of and legal basis for the processing;
  • the categories of personal data concerned;
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been disclosed;
  • the period for which the personal data is to be held;
  • that you have rights to rectification and erasure of personal data where, for example, factual information has been recorded incorrectly;
  • that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office and the contact details of the Commissioner;
  • any information about the origin of the personal data concerned.

This information is likely to be available in general terms within our privacy notices, however you can request it in addition to any request to see your records.

To request to see your records, please complete this form, read and sign the declaration and then send the completed form to Barlaston Parish Council.

To ensure proper security, the parish council must be sure of your identity before complying with a subject access request. To confirm your identity, we need to see an official document with a photograph, such as a driving licence or a passport.

If you are making the request on behalf of another individual to access their information, we will need written consent from the individual to whom the data relates as well as your proof of identity.

If you have legal authorisation to act on behalf of an individual, such as if you act with power of attorney or as a litigation friend, you will need to provide a copy of that authorisation to evidence it.

We can refuse your request if it is manifestly unfounded or excessive, such as if it is repetitive. We will explain why we consider your request to be manifestly unfounded or excessive if we do refuse it.

 1.    Details of the person making the request

First name(s):  
Any other names that you have been known by  
Date of Birth:  
Daytime tel no:  
Email Address:  

2.    Are you requesting information about yourself?

If Yes Please go to section 4
If No If you are making the request on behalf of another person you must enclose with the request a signed authority from them to do so. If you are making the application because the data subject lacks capacity to make the application in their own right please outline your authority to make the application in their stead (for example, Power of Attorney). You should enclose a copy of any evidence that you may have of that authority. The Council will contact you if further evidence is required. (please complete section 3)

3.    Details of the Data Subject (if requesting information on behalf of someone else)

First name(s):  
Date of Birth:  
Daytime tel no:  
Email Address:  
Relationship to Data Subject  


4.    Describe the information you are requesting.
If you are only seeking certain records, it would be helpful for us to know which types of record you are seeking, any time period to cover, and if you would like to see only specific document(s). Please describe these below with as much detail as you can.




I certify that the information given on this form is true and correct.



Signed:                                                                                                   Date:


Return Address

Barlaston Parish Council

Barlaston Methodist Church

Park Drive

Barlaston ST12 9DP

If as a result of the response to your request you are dissatisfied with the way we are using your personal information you should raise the matter with the Data Protection Officer who can be contacted via the address above. We will do everything we can to put the matter right if the council has not processed your data correctly. You also have a right to make a complaint about our handling of your personal data to the Information Commissioner’s Office, whose web site is

We only use the information that you provide for us to process your request. We may need to share that you have made a request with other organisations if we hold information about you that they have supplied and we need to consult with those organisations regarding release of the information to you. Records of requests will be kept for 6 years after the closure of the request for operational, statistical and audit purposes.