15 August – Emergency Parish Council Meeting Minutes

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Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr C Hurst, Cllr S Tudor, Cllr G Jones, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr D Borasinski

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk) 

  1. Apologies – Cllr’s Hemming and O’Dunne sent their apologies; it was resolved to accept these.
  2. Declarations of Interest – there were no declarations of interest.
  3. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.
  4. Village Hall Porch tender update

The Clerk issued a report containing 3 quotations for the Principal Designer role to ensure we meet Regulation 11 of CDM 2015, based on the tender value of £36k provided by Cllr Borasinski.

  • Company A – quoted £1,240.00, however it was noted a site meeting would cost an additional £150. A site audit and follow up report with action plan would cost an additional £240. Total £1,630 plus any additional meetings @ £150.
  • Company B – quoted £1,700.00 (excludes pre-construction pack @ £250 (if required). 2 inspection visits included. Further visits will be charged as follows:
    • £60 per hour for Principal Architect
    • £50 per hour for Senior Architect & Principal Designer
    • Mileage @ £0.50 per mile
  • Company C – advised their standard fee was £1,995, however as they have reduced this to £1,200.  Additional meetings would be £285. Minimum 2 meetings would be required @ £570. They would however cap the works @ £1,770.

It was resolved to appoint Company C, Rubix Safety Limited.  The Clerk to issue a purchase order detailing the fixed price of £1,770.

It was also noted in all cases that the Parish Council is responsible for:

  • Appointing a Principal Contractor via the tender process. JCT minor works are required.
  • Undertaking the Building Regulations process (£500)
  • Provide pre-construction information.
  • R&D Asbestos Survey – it was note that Rubix Safety Ltd have already undertaken an R&D Asbestos Survey on the Village Hall free of charge. The site survey has already taken place and the report is awaited.  This has no bearing on the award for the Principal Designer works.

Cllr Borasinski advised the tender document was not ready to be published. The architect agreed to a meeting to go through the details, a date/time to be arranged.  It was also noted that the lintel to the right window appeared shorter than the window to the left, which may require structural advice.

With regards to attracting suitable builders, it was suggested a requirement specification be included within the tender document specifying the level of qualify required and the relevant experience. The Clerk to approach other Clerks to see if they could make recommendations.

Cllr Borasinski agreed to mange the spend on the project including valuations.

It was noted the finite amount of funds available would not cover any contingency, it was resolved to approach the Village Hall Committee to assist funding.

The Clerk to order 6 No. A3 copies of the plans for reference.

  1. Date of next meeting(s) – 12 September 2023