09 July 2024 – Minutes of Barlaston Parish Council

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Cllr S Tudor (Chairman), Cllr C Hurst, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr P Fisher, Cllr S Oakden, Cllr G Jones,Cllr D Borasinski

Also In attendance:

Parish Clerk: Ms Vivien O’Dunne

Mrs Louise Pickering, prospective Councillor

Mr Gary Lloyd, prospective Councillor

Cllr Alec Sandiford, Stafford Borough Council, Fulford ward

3 members of the public were in attendance

7:15 – 7:30    Public Open Forum 

A member of the public reported flooding from fields into her Mother’s garden at Beechcroft. This item to be added to the September Parish Council agenda.

  1. Co-option of Parish Councillors and ward representation

Mrs Pickering was appointed to represent Barlaston East Ward, she duly signed the acceptance of office and was welcomed to join the meeting.

Mr Lloyd was appointed to represent Barlaston West Ward, he duly signed the acceptance of office and was welcomed to join the meeting.

It was resolved that Cllr Mirceta would now represent Barlaston Park

The Clerk to inform the monitoring officer accordingly.

  1. Apologies: were received from Cllrs Mirceta and Dando. It was resolved to accept these.
  2. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.
  4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 11 June 2024 – These were accepted as a true representation and duly signed by the Chairman.
  5. Matters arising from the meeting of 11 June 2024 and not otherwise on the agenda: County
  6. Clerk’s Report – See appendix A

Councillor Ian Parry asked that the meeting be updated on ongoing highways issues:

The order for double yellow lines at the Park Drive/Tittensor Road junction are now scheduled and Cllr Parry will update us on progress.

Cllr Parry is to meet the owners of the Wedgwood Memorial College to get a progress update on its future and current security and maintenance arrangements.

Cllr Parry has ongoing concerns about the potholes on Lakewood Drive and was considering further steps to resolve the issue.

Cllr Parry has consulted highways officers about safety concerns regarding the Plume car park access; he will update us in due course.

  1. Updates and determine actions regarding the Parish Council’s Strategy (on hold).
  2. Appointment of Chairman for the following committees:
    • Finance Committee – Cllr Lloyd was duly appointed.
    • Planning & Development – Cllrs Borasinski and Fisher submitted their interest in undertaking the role, both candidates were seconded accordingly. The Chair asked each candidate to make representation with regards to their suitability.  The Clerk issued each Cllr a slip to record their preference; Cllr Borasinski was duly appointed.
  1. Cllrs training courses:
    • Due to the number of new Cllrs and a recommendation for existing Cllrs to refresh their knowledge, SLCC have advised they could facilitate a Cllr training course on 24 July @ £350 for a two-hour evening session. It was resolved to accept this recommendation. It was reiterated that all Councillors must complete this course so that they have the skills required to undertake their role.
  2. Clerk training course:
    • The Clerk has signed up for The Introduction to Local Council Administration (ILCA) course @ £120
  3. Financial matters:

            (a) Bank reconciliation reports were issued and accepted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.

            (b) Payments report for June 2024 was accepted as a true record.           

Expenditure – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
K St Leger – Salary / Expenses June 2024 460.86 0.00 460.86 BACS
Buxus Green – June Grass Cutting 1050.00 0.00 1050.00 SO
Clear Insurance – Parish Council Insurance 1234.52 0.00 1234.52 BACS
Viking O/N GB012815831W – Xerox toner head cassette 88.73 14.79 73.94 BACS
Grant – Voluntary car scheme 150.00 0.00 150.00 BACS
Buxus Green – Inv 202411 – Works on the MUGA 150.00 0.00 150.00 BACS
Canprint – Inv 34606 Design Guide print 155.00 0.00 155.00 BACS
Stafford Borough Council – Inv 7070294502 – Civic Amenity Visits 652.00 108.67 543.33 BACS
SPCA – Annual Renewal Inv SI-1416 456.00 0.00 456.00 BACS
BT – Inv– Broadband Inv MO57 FO 39.30 6.55 32.75 DD
Tesco Mobile – Inv 134212420093 15.10 0.00 15.10 DD
Pozitive Energy Gas inv 26181820245880683 134.04 6.38 127.66 DD
Pozitive Energy Electricity Inv 26181620245891452 114.89 5.47 109.42 DD
Income – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
Gate Licence Inv 650 25.00 0.00 25.00 BACS
Gate Licence Inv 643 25.00 0.00 25.00 BACS
Gate Licence Inv 646 25.00 0.00 25.00 BACS
Gate Licence Inv 645 25.00 0.00 25.00 BACS
Barlaston Allotment Quarterly Charge 300.00 0.00 300.00 BACS
Barlaston Village Hall – Amenity Costs 3032.54 0.00 3232.54 BACS
  1. Blue Bell Wood at Meaford update – Cllr Jones advised that the wood was outside our boundary and under the Stone Rural Parish Council.
  2. Training date regarding the implementation of Design Codes and Housing Needs Assessment in conjunction with the Neighbourhood Plan – Cllrs were issued with copies of the Housing Needs Assessment. Planning Training has been scheduled for Thursday 18 July 2024 from 10am to 12 noon at Barlaston Village Hall with Urban Vision. An invitation has been issued to other Stafford Borough representatives who may find this useful. The Chair reiterated Cllrs wishing to sit on the Planning Committee must have received up to date planning training to ensure recommendations are within Government guidelines.

Cllrs wished to thank Karen St Leger for all her work on the Housing Needs Assessment.

  1. Production of a Heron. The Clerk to investigate costings and report back to the September meeting.
  2. Report the hours and activities undertaken by the Assistant Clerk. The Clerk had not produced a report with regard to the Assistant Clerk’s hours as although the item was discussed at the June meeting, it was not on the agenda. The Clerk advised that the Assistant Clerk’s time sheets were produced at the monthly meetings and signed off by the relevant signatories.

Cllr Fisher asked that the following be documented. He reminded the Parish Council that the Assistant Parish Clerk had been retained on a zero hours contract to mentor the new Clerk and to continue works on the Neighbourhood Plan until its conclusion. He stated that the Assistant Clerk had undertaken the external audit, obtained grants for the Housing Needs Assessment and the Design Guide to be produced free of charge and continues to offer legal guidance to the Clerk.

Cllr Fisher reminded the meeting that the Clerk was currently working free of charge and that employing the Assistant Clerk was actually a cost saving. Cllr Fisher further noted his thanks to the Assistant Clerk for stepping in when the previous Clerk resigned after just a few weeks in post.

  1. Procurement of additional remembrance figures Clerk to report back costings for additional Tommy figures at the September meeting.
  2. Actions regarding the dead cherry tree on Meaford Road Clerk to take photographs and issue to Cllr Parry for action.
  3. Relocation of the waste bin adjacent to the bridge on Station Road Clerk to liaise with SBC and report back at the September meeting
  4. Path clearance on Old Road – The Clerk advised Buxus Green are in the process of undertaking path clearance works around the village over the next few weeks.
  5. Risk Assessment updates and determine actions:
    • Biennial tree survey recommended works / costings –Cllrs Fisher and Hurst have done the tree training and are willing to meet with N&J again.
    • Tree in the grounds of the Village Hall car park omitted from the Survey – N&J have confirmed the cost of surveying the tree would be £200, it was resolved to accept this recommendation.
    • To mitigate risk regarding PC data – Clerk has moved folders off OneDrive onto Dropbox, a separate encrypted hard drive will be purchased for off site back up data.
  6. Weekly play reports / recommendations from appointed Cllrs – Cllr Hurst submitted the play report for the wild play area. Cllr Mirceta was not in attendance.
  7. Correspondence from residents – Cllrs were informed of correspondence received regarding the overgrown hedges at the Wedgwood Memorial College.
  8. Grant application(s) – There were no grant applications received.
  9. Planning decisions – There were no planning applications
  10. Items for inclusion in next agenda

Activity at the Downs carpark

Litter and mess left by boats along the canal tow path

Overgrown hedges around the village

Flooding from fields at Beechcroft

Committee Membership for new Councillors

  1. Date of next meeting(s) – 10th September 2024


Appendix A

Clerk’s Report June 2024

 92        Highway updates / Applying the Highways Act 1980 Legislation

Cllr Parry has asked for photographic evidence regarding the branches left on the green at Meaford Road, he was disappointed these had not been removed and would investigate accordingly.

161      Wedgwood Memorial College – There is still no movement on any planning applications.

221      Neighbourhood Plan review – It is noted the Housing Needs Assessment report is now available.  The Planning Training will encompass the HNA / Design Guide / Neighbourhood Plan. The assistant Clerk is in the process of drafting the updated Neighbourhood Plan.

7         Banking Arrangements – Cllr Tudor to be added to the banking system.

21        Crossing Patrol Officer – The understanding is that a Crossing Patrol Officer has been appointed, the Head Teacher has been approached to clarify the position but has yet to respond.

228      Drainage issues on the Village Green (below the War Memorial) – It is noted the tickertape has been removed, however it is not clear if works are complete. The bench ends need to be removed. 

282      Risk assessment updates – Tree survey. The Clerk has requested N&J Tree Services Ltd to visit the Village Green to re-quote for the trees which are under the ownership of the Parish Council, this has yet to happen.  We need to clarify who is to meet with N&J.

55        Village Hall Governance – The deeds have been delivered to Wooliscroft’s to enable them to review the legal status with regards to the management of the Village Hall in line with the Charity Commission guidelines.

56        Meadow Road Lease – The Borough Council have been informed that the 30 year lease is acceptable.  Wooliscroft’s are in receipt of the draft documents for comment.  These are awaited.

57        Cricket Club Lease – Myatt’s have been advised that Wooliscroft’s are no longer drafting the lease and they are instructed to undertake the works; Wooliscroft’s will review the draft lease when in receipt.

58        Bus Shelter Repairs – We are awaiting a date with regards to works being undertaken.

59        Barlaston Park Building Works – No update has been received with regards to a start date. It is noted the Clerk is being bypassed in communication with Homes Plus.

61        Upper House Noticeboard The Upper House thanked the Parish Council and will now commence with the procurement of the board; they will be in touch to gain approval for the siting of the board.

63        Planning application validation guidance letter issued to Stafford Borough Council – A formal FOI request has been submitted as the initial response has not been dealt with. This has now been directed to the relevant department and we await their response.  It is critical that the Borough Council observe the Neighbourhood Plan Protocols alongside the new Housing Needs Assessment and Design Guide document.

  • Damage to the noticeboard at Orchard Place – Cllr Hurst was issued with a replacement lock, it is unclear as to whether the repair has been completed.

73        Installation of a carving on County Council land – Cllr Oakden has been requested to update the residents requesting the carving that this can be located at the Wild Play Area, as we own the land, however this must conform to RoSPA requirements.

74        Entrance to the play fort – Clarification with regards to the date the works are due to start is still required, hopefully works will be completed by mid/end July.