Annual Audit of Accounts

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Local authorities spend public money. The money comes from national and local taxes as well as charges to service users. Local authorities must tell local residents and taxpayers how their money is spent. They do this by publishing yearly accounts and details of their spending.

If you are a local government elector for the area to which the accounts relate you can also:

• ask the auditor questions about the accounts; and

• object to them

When your council has finalised its accounts for the previous financial year it must advertise that they are available for people to inspect. Having given the council reasonable notice of your intentions, you then have 30 working days to look through the accounting statements in the Annual Return and any supporting documents. By arrangement,you will be able to inspect and make copies of the accounts and the relevant documents. You may have to pay a copying charge.

Your rights to inspect the accounts and related documents, ask questions or make objections can only be exercised from the 14th June – 23 July 2021.

Further information on the exercise of public rights for Barlaston Parish Council is available.