April 2021 – Chairman’s Blog

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The latest information about the level of Covid cases locally is very encouraging.  In the Borough the level of cases is reported as 30 per 100,000 which is a huge improvement on the levels recently experienced.  However we are encouraged to keep vigilant so that we can pass successfully through the phases in seeking to re-establish normality.

Covid tests are available at the Village Hall throughout the month on a Sunday (excluding Easter) from 2 pm to 4 pm.  Please check the website for up to date information.

You can book a test by visiting https://staffordshire.zipporah.co.uk/TrackAndTrace/.  If you have symptoms of Covid-19 PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND.  You will need to book through the national portal at https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test or by calling 119.

Old Road

There has been a great deal of concern over the proposal to build 42 affordable homes in Old Road between Brookhouse Drive and Nursery Gardens.  The proposal will be considered by the Planning Committee of Stafford Borough Council, probably after the Easter holidays.

The proposal has been submitted on behalf of Stafford and Rural Homes. S&RH was part of a merger with two other housing associations in 2019.  It is highly unlikely that a planning application would have been submitted to the Borough Council by the previously independent Stafford and Rural Homes without extensive local consultation with the Parish Council.  In the consultation process the Parish Council has expressed its strong opposition to the planning application as have many individuals in the village.

The Village Green

The Parish Council has resolved to focus its attention in 2021 in improving the drainage on and around the Village Green and a remedial programme has been agreed and is gradually being implemented.  Villagers will know that the area of the Green is extremely wet and in its current state it would inhibit the enjoyment of the new facilities installed especially round the children’s play area.  The Stan Phillips memorial bench will shortly be sited in this area.

Parish Councillor

Mrs Irene Moran of Meadow Road has resigned from her position on the Parish Council.  During her time serving on the council Irene did an excellent job particularly in her liaison activity with the Brinsley Avenue Medical Practice and her work on the Village Voluntary Transport Scheme.  Her contribution to Council affairs will be greatly missed.

Anyone with an interest in joining the Parish Council to fill the vacancy is asked to contact Karen St. Leger, the Parish Clerk at barlastonparishclerk@gmail.com


Speeding through the Village continues to be a major concern particularly in Meaford Road where significant numbers of instances of high speed continue to be monitored in both directions.  It is good to report the traffic police have been seen in Ash Grove making their own recordings.  Perhaps their confirmation of the dangerous situation that exists will lead to better controls being installed.

Village Service

I am mindful of the many volunteers in the village that have continued to play a part in keeping Barlaston’s well known community spirit alive.  It would be nice to pay tribute to these friends, neighbours and groups of people in some way and a special church service where these good deeds can be celebrated is one idea being considered.  Of course it depends on the rules in force at the time but rest assured we will certainly be doing something!

Gareth Jones