Neighbourhood Watch

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At this time of year there are a lot of parcel deliveries as people purchase goods on line. The police warn villagers to be wary of unexpected deliveries, especially where any kind of payment is a condition and not to accept … Continued

Churchyard Extension – Working Party

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Thank you to everyone who presented themselves at the Churchyard Extension on Thursday morning 15th November. A very effective and enthusiastic working party was soon assembled.  The weather was very good and under the supervision of Committee Chairman Mrs Sara … Continued

The Churchyard Extension

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Unfortunately it was too wet for the working party to work in the Churchyard Extension this morning. It is planned to meet now at 9.30am on Thursday 15th November. The time this morning was used to plan how the work … Continued


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The Parish Council have recently been very concerned about the poor condition of the gutters and gulleys at the roadsides in the Village. It is pleasing to report that following recent work undertaken by Staffordshire County Council Highways Depaartment and … Continued

Remembrance Day

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The Police did a magnificent job yesterday morning in controlling the traffic through the Village in the period up to and including the two minutes silence. The result was that the service on the Green could be conducted with due … Continued